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Čudo 2017
August Pullman se je rodil s hudo deformacijo obraza. Do desetega leta ni hodil v šolo, ampak je imel zaradi številnih zahtevnih operacij in dolgotrajnih okrevanj pouk doma. Z vstopom v peti razred osnovne šole je zdaj njegova edina želja, da bi ga sošolci imeli za navadnega. Toda novi sošolci ne morejo prezreti njegovega nenavadnega obraza. Poleg Augusta, ki izredno duhovito pripoveduje o sebi, svoji družini in svetu, ki ga obdaja, svoja razmišljanja o tem nadarjenem fantu razkrijejo še sestra Via, njen fant Justin, novi sošolec Jack, prijateljica Summer in Viina prijateljica Miranda. Vsi njihovi pogledi se združujejo v boju za sočutje, empatijo in sprejemanje drugačnosti. Ta nepozabna zgodba v naša življenja prinaša srčnost in upanje.
Little Children 2006
The Searchers 1956
Prevzetnost in pristranost in zombiji 2016
V borilnih veščinah izurjene sestre Bennett se morajo v Angliji v 19. stoletju braniti pred naraščajočo grožnjo zombijev, najti ustrezne može zase, se otepati neprimernih snubcev in rešiti deželo, preden bo prepozno.
Ime mi je Khan 2010
Muslimanski priseljenec z Aspergerjevim sindromom iz San Francisca se zaljubi v hindujsko priseljenko in skupaj imata družino. Po dogodkih 11. septembra se znajdejo v središču nasilja, uperjenem zoper muslimane. Rizvan Khan je musliman iz Indije, ki se priseli v San Francisco k bratu in svakinji. Možakar z Aspergerjevim sindromom (vrsta avtizma) se zaljubi v Mandiro. Kljub negodovanju njegove družine se poročita in skupaj začneta z manjšim poslom. Srečna sta do 11. septembra 2001, ko se odnos javnosti do muslimanov radikalno spremeni. Ko udari tragedija, je Mandira skrušena in par se loči. Rizvan je zmeden in vznemirjen, da ga je zapustila ljubljena ženska. Da bi jo vnovič pridobil, se poda na ganljivo in navdihujoče potovanje čez državo. Film prinaša zmagoslavno zgodbo o nenavadnem junaku, ki premaga vse težave, da bi dobil nazaj ljubezen svojega življenja. PRIPOROČAMO
Avstralija 2008
Tik pred eksplozivnim začetkom 2. svetovne vojne v surovo avstralsko divjino prispe angleška aristokratinja lady Sarah Ashley, ki je podedovala velikansko posestvo. Ker ji zaradi neizkušenosti grozi sovražni prevzem dvoličnega veleposestnika, se za pomoč obrne na robatega kavboja Droverja. Med vodenjem velikanske črede govedi po avstralskih planjavah se počasi zbližata, toda njuno romanco na preizkušnjo postavi brutalnost začetka vojne. S pomočjo ljubezenskih čustev se pogumno zoperstavita nepredvidljivemu kolesju usode.
Ernest et Célestine 2012
Benvenuti al sud 2010
Sahara 2017
आवारा 1951
Edmond 2005
Yanks 1979
Running for Grace 2018
Un Día Sin Mexicanos 2004
The Incident 1967
Miss Representation 2011
Angelitos Negros 1948
No Matter What 2020
A family drama around a flower shop filled with beautiful flowers 365 days in a year, that depicts the story of children who experienced parental divorce and remarriage, and grew up fighting in a world of prejudice and fiercely overcoming difficulties from work and love.
Record of Youth 2020
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
Side by Side 2012
Winner of the International Emmy Award for Best Telenovela, "Side by Side" focuses on two women of different origins and social classes. The brave Isabel, daughter of a former slave and in love with the capoeira player Zé Maria; and Laura, descendant from a wealthy family and destined to an undesired marriage to Edgar. In addition to an unshakable friendship, the two share the same purpose in life: the conquest of freedom in the conservative society of Rio de Janeiro of the early 20th century.
Tears in Heaven 2021
Reporter Du Xiao Su falls in love with Shao Zhen Rong who is a respectable doctor. One day, he meets an accident where he was killed in a mudslide leaving Xiao Su in grief. She works herself to the point of exhaustion and eventually hospitalized. All her suffering was witnessed by Lei Yu Zheng who silently helps her. This sparks envy and hatred from the second female lead. Several schemes cause the downfall of Yu Zheng's company. Xiao Su helps Yu zheng to make a comeback
Smile 2009
Smile is a Japanese television drama series, shown on TBS started last April 17, 2009. Jun Matsumoto plays the lead role of Vito, a half-Filipino, half-Japanese man who always smiles despite all of the problems and difficulties he faces. The series focus on foreigners and mixed-race children who suffered from racism
Mama Flora's Family 1998
A black matriarch in the early 20th century is determined to free her children from the bonds of prejudice.
Countrymen 2021
Four men with dubious plans move to a farm in the countryside. More or less against their will, they end up as the founders of Norway's first halal dairy farm.
The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell 2018
Wickedly talented baker and artist Christine McConnell fills her home with haunting confections, creepy crafts -- and wildly inappropriate creatures.
Kipatla 2012
Vérités et conséquences avec Louis T 2016
Louis T combs through the news and tackles today’s political, economic, environmental, and social issues with a healthy dose of laughter.
Ça ne se demande pas 2019
The Cause with the Jews 2021
In recent years, resentments and hatred towards Jews have become increasingly aggressive, louder and more brutal. What is at the roots of this development? Statistics show an extreme rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Germany but also worldwide. Berlin, for example, has become the city with the highest number of such attacks in Europe. Whether it’s from the left or the right, among Muslims or simply in normal everyday life - Jews and Jewish institutions are increasingly being threatened and violently assaulted in this country. In this series by Richard C. Schneider, experts and scientists, as well as those affected, attempt to explain the intentional or unintentional mechanisms of anti-Jewish hostility on the basis of historical, social and ideological developments.