Medvedek Paddington v džungli

Medvedek Paddington v džungli 2024


Ko Paddington izve, da je njegova draga teta Lucy izginila iz Doma za upokojene medvede, se z družino Brown odpravi v divjine Peruja, da bi jo poiskal. Vse, po čemer se lahko ravna pri svojem podvigu, je označena točka na skrivnostnem zemljevidu. Odločen, da reši uganko, se Paddington poda na vznemirljivo odpravo skozi amazonski pragozd, da bi našel teto – in morda celo odkril enega izmed najbolj legendarnih svetovnih zakladov.


Hobit: Smaugova pušča

Hobit: Smaugova pušča 2013


V drugem delu nadaljujemo popotovanje druščine škratov in hobita Bilba, ki se morajo na poti proti Samotni gori prebiti preko temačnega gozda Mrkolesja, polnega smrtonosnih velikanskih pajkov in neprijaznih gozdnih vilincev. Številne drzne avanture in divji spopadi jih vodijo vedno bliže k največjemu preizkusu njihovih spretnosti in poguma - soočenju z neusmiljenim zmajem Smaugom. Medtem vešč Gandalf raziskuje skrivnost nepričakovanega vstajenja temačnih sil iz preteklosti, ki želijo znova preplaviti svet in si ga pokoriti.



Plen 2022


Najnovejši film v Predator franšizi, ki je presegel vsa pričakovanja in avditorij pustil brez besed. Zgodba je postavljena v leto 1719 med ameriške indijance iz plemena Komanči. Glavna junakinja je Naru, mlada zdravilka, ki si najbolj na svetu želi postati lovka. Njen vzornik je starejši brat Taabe, lovec izrednih veščin, ki velja za najboljšega v plemenu. Njihovo življenje pa na glavo postavi prihod zgodnje verzije predatorja, ki za lasten užitek ubija vse po vrsti...



Povratnik 2015


Film, posnet po resničnih dogodkih osvajanja ameriške divjine, prikazuje skupino trdoživih lovcev pod vodstvom izkušenega Hugha, ki se znajdejo na begu pred divjim indijanskim plemenom. Na poti preko neizprosne divjine Hugha napade in težko poškoduje medvedka, nato pa doživi še izdajstvo preračunljivega pomočnika Johna, ki umori njegovega sina, Hugha pa pusti umreti v mrazu. Toda odločni gorjan se zoperstavi smrtonosni naravi in okrutnim zasledovalcem ter se sam odpravi do postojanke, pri življenju pa ga ohranjata neomajno kljubovanje smrti in goreča želja po maščevanju.



Pogum 2012


Pogum prikazuje junaško dogodivščino princese Meride, izurjene lokostrelke in trmaste hčere kralja Fergusa in kraljice Elinor. Merida je odločena, da se bo podala na svojo pot v življenju in se tako upre starodavnemu običaju, ki je svet za neposlušne in uporniške lorde: mogočnega lorda MacGuffina, čemernega lorda Macintosha ter nergavega lorda Dingwalla. Meridina nepremišljena dejanja povzročijo v kraljestvu zmešnjavo in sprožijo val besa. Ko se po pomoč obrne na čudaško čarovnico, ji je izpolnjena usodna želja. Zaradi nevarnosti, ki sledi, mora Merida uporabiti vse svoje sposobnosti in spretnosti (pri tem ji pomagajo tudi njeni prebrisani in nagajivi bratje trojčki), da pravočasno izniči vražje prekletstvo in odkrije pomen pravega poguma.


Medvedja brata

Medvedja brata 2003


Življenje malega Inuita Kenaia se nepričakovano zasuka, ko ga Veliki duh spremeni v medveda: žival, ki jo najbolj sovraži. Skozi oči svojega plena se mora Kenai naučiti resnice o naravi in življenju. V veličastni divjini ameriškega severozahoda zgodba spremlja mladega Inuita Kenaia, katerega življenje se nepričakovano zasuka, ko ga Veliki duh spremeni v medveda: žival, ki jo najbolj sovraži. V spremstvu novega prijatelja, medvedjega mladiča Kode, se odpravi na pot, da bi vnovič dobil človeško podobo; medtem ga z maščevalnimi nameni zasleduje njegov brat, ki ne ve, da je mlajši Kenai zdaj medved. V sijajni animaciji, ganljivi čustveni podobi in z duhovitim humorjem prinaša zgodba izjemno glasovno zasedbo in nepozabno pripoved o junaštvu, časti in odkrivanju samega sebe.


Knjiga o džungli

Knjiga o džungli 2016


Priljubljena pravljična zgodba o izgubljenem džungelskem dečku nas v osupljivi igrani različici popelje na nove pustolovščine neustrašnega Mavglija in njegovih živalskih prijateljev. Čeprav ga je kot dojenčka posvojil trop volkov in je odraščal po zakonih džungle, se zlobni tiger Šir Kan nikakor ne more sprijazniti s človeškim prišlekom. Da bi ušel njegovim maščevalnim krempljem, mora Mavgli zapustiti svoj dom, na nepozabni dogodivščini pa ga spremljata zvesta prijatelja - premeteni panter Bagira in dobrodušni medved Balu.


Medvedja brata 2

Medvedja brata 2 2006


Kenai, v medveda preobraženi človek, se vrača sredi tihomorskega severozahoda v času ledene dobe. Med pustolovščinami ga preganjajo sanje o prejšnjem življenju ter vizije Nite, dekleta, ki ga je spoznal kot človeški otrok. Kenai se odpravi na razburljivo pustolovščino, o kateri ni niti sanjal, preden so ga mistični duhovi prednikov spremenili v medveda. Med pustolovščinami sredi tihomorskega severozahoda v času ledene dobe ga preganjajo sanje o prejšnjem življenju. Kot človeški otrok je spoznal deklico Nito, hčer plemenskega starešine. Zdaj se odrasla Nita sooča z lastnimi izzivi in pomaga ji lahko samo Kenai. Nenavadni par se odpravi na potovanje, da bi odkril, kaj ju je prignalo skupaj v otroštvu in kaj je pravi pomen njune odrasle zveze.


Masha and the Bear

Masha and the Bear 2009


Masha is an energetic three-year-old who can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble. Bear is a warm, fatherly figure that does his best to guide his friend and keep her from harm, often ending up the unintended victim of her misadventures.


We Bare Bears

We Bare Bears 2015


Three brother bears awkwardly attempt to find their place in civilized society, whether they're looking for food, trying to make human friends, or scheming to become famous on the internet. Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear stack atop one another when they leave their cave and explore the hipster environs of the San Francisco Bay Area, and it's clear the siblings have a lot to learn about a technologically driven world. By their side on many adventures are best friend Chloe (the only human character in the cast), fame-obsessed panda Nom Nom, and Charlie, aka Bigfoot.


Grizzy & the Lemmings

Grizzy & the Lemmings 2016


The forest ranger's house is the only area of human civilization in the middle of untamed wilderness in a vast natural reserve in Canada. When the ranger is away, a bear named Grizzy feels that the ranger's house is his territory, given that bears sit at the top of the food chain. After making his way inside the home, Grizzy takes advantage of all the modern conveniences there, including a comfortable sofa, air conditioning and fully equipped kitchen. He's not alone, though, because a group of small creatures called lemmings also populate the ranger's house when he is away. Because Grizzy and the lemmings are not civilized enough to live together in peace, it becomes an atmosphere of madness when the two sides try to outdo each other with tricks.


Bossy Bear

Bossy Bear 2023


In the Korean town-inspired city of Pleasantburg live Bossy Bear and Turtle - a pair of besties who are total opposites. While Bossy is loud, energetic, and super committed to his wild ideas, Turtle is calm, thoughtful, and always there to be his voice of reason. Despite their differences, this duo is inseparable, emotionally in sync, and always ready to navigate through hilarious and wacky adventures together.


We Baby Bears

We Baby Bears 2022


Follow Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear – as their younger baby selves – traveling in a magical box to fantastic new worlds searching for a place to call home. Along the way, they meet new friends, learn a few lessons and discover that “home” can mean wherever they are, as long as they’re together.


The Yogi Bear Show

The Yogi Bear Show 1961


From his home in Jellystone Park, Yogi Bear dreams of nothing more in life than to outwit as many unsuspecting tourists as he can and grab their prized picnic baskets all while staying one step ahead of the ever-exasperated Ranger Smith. Yogi's little buddy, Boo-Boo, tries to keep Yogi out of trouble but rarely succeeds. That's okay because not even Ranger Smith can stay mad for long at the lovable, irresistible Yogi Bear.


Gentle Ben

Gentle Ben 1967


Gentle Ben is an American family series that aired on CBS from September 10, 1967 to April 27, 1969. The series follows the adventures, in the Florida Everglades, of a game warden, Tom Wedloe, his wife Ellen, his son Mark and Ben the grizzly bear.


Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics

Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics 1987


Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics is a Japanese animated anthology series by Nippon Animation. The episodes are adaptations of a variety of folk and fairy tales, and not limited to Grimm's Fairy Tales.


The Adventures of Paddington

The Adventures of Paddington 2019


Journey to London for heart-warming adventures with beloved British bear Paddington in this CG-animated series, which centres on a younger Paddington as he writes letters to Aunt Lucy celebrating the new things he has discovered through the day’s exciting activities.


Yurikuma Arashi

Yurikuma Arashi 2015


Humans have created a Wall of Severance to separate themselves from the bears, who grew violent and attacked humans after a far-off planet known as Kumalia exploded many years ago, turning into a meteor shower that fell upon earth. Two bears, Ginko Yurishiro and Lulu Yurigasaki, sneak through the Wall of Severance and disguise themselves as humans, enrolling in Arashigaoka Academy and taking an interest in Kureha Tsubaki, a human girl who despises bears.


Rilakkuma and Kaoru

Rilakkuma and Kaoru 2019


Kaoru's unexpected new roommate is Rilakkuma, a bear with a zipper on its back that spends each day just lazing around -- but is impossible to hate.


Spirit Rangers

Spirit Rangers 2022


Native American siblings Kodi, Summer and Eddy have a secret: They’re "Spirit Rangers" who help protect the national park they call home!


Evil Con Carne

Evil Con Carne 2003


After a failed attempt at world domination, a rich playboy/evil genius is resurrected and resumes his quest for power -- along with a search for his other body parts.


Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-lot

Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-lot 2007


Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-lot is an animated television series by SD Entertainment, Cookie Jar Entertainment and Shari Lewis Enterprises that premiered on CBS's KEWLopolis line-up from September 15, 2007 to December 6, 2008, and is designed to be an immediate follow up to the movie Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!. It was the third Care Bears television series made and was produced by Sabella Dern Entertainment, the same company that made Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!. It features songs with music by Andy Street and lyrics by Judy Rothman. Along with the other shows in the KEWLopolis block, this series fulfills the federal "E/I" requirements.


Playdate with Winnie the Pooh

Playdate with Winnie the Pooh 2023


Follow a young Pooh Bear as he enjoys playdates with his friends. Set in the exciting outdoors of the Hundred Acre Wood, these musical shorts emphasize collaborative play and the joy of spending time with others.


Grizzly Adams

Grizzly Adams 1977


An innocent fugitive from the law lives in the wilderness with a grizzly bear companion and helps passers-by in the forest.


Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot

Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot 2012


The Care Bears try to help kids and have fun in Care-a-Lot, but must contend with the antics of the mischievous Beastly and the young Beasties.


The Berenstain Bears

The Berenstain Bears 2003


We follow a family of bears, known as the Berenstain Bears, as they figure out life together. With friendly neighbors and close friends, the journey is never boring. Inspired by the book series written by Stan and Jan Berenstain.