Ključna beseda Argentina
Skrivnost njihovih oči 2009
Pravkar upokojeni sodni preiskovalec Benjamín Esposito se odloči napisati roman o nerazrešenem zločinu, brutalnem posilstvu in umoru mladega dekleta, ki ga še vedno preganja, pa čeprav je od zločina preteklo že petindvajset let. Gre za zgodbo o umoru, ki se je leta 1973 zgodil v Buenos Airesu, in raziskavi, s katero so poskušali najti storilca. Svojo namero razkrije nekdanji šefinji Irene, v katero je bil dolga leta skrivaj zaljubljen. Vendar ko Benjamín enkrat odpre vrata v preteklost, odkrije, da jih ne bo lahko zapreti. Burna Argentina iz tedanjih časov se namreč znova vplete v življenje njegovih junakov, s sabo pa prinese tudi nasilje in smrt. Medtem ko se skozi spomine preteklosti razgrne potek nekdanje preiskave, se Benjamín v iskanju resnice in konca svoje zgodbe ponovno znajde na sledi morilcu.
Aterrados 2018
春光乍洩 1997
Gilda 1946
Misijon 1986
Zgodovinski ep o jezuitih v Južni Ameriki v obdobju kolonializma ob spremljavi mogočne glasbe Ennia Morriconeja. Južna Amerika v 18. stoletju. Dve veliki kolonialni sili tekmujeta za prevzgojo avtohtonih prebivalcev. Bivši trgovec s sužnji Rodrigo Mendoza (De Niro) se v iskanju odrešitve po uboju brata pridruži jezuitski skupini, ki jo vodi oče Gabriel (Irons). Mendoza in Gabriel se znajdeta na različnih bregovih glede vprašanja, kako ubraniti misijo: prvi je za oborožen boj proti kolonialistom, drugi verjame v moč molitve in pasivnega odpora.
Un rubio 2019
El clan 2015
Evita 1996
Operacija Finale 2018
Leta 1960 je ekipa izraelskih tajnih agentov napotena, da najde Adolfa Eichmanna, zloglasnega nacističnega arhitekta holokavsta, ki naj bi bil skrit v Argentini in ga pripeljejo v Izrael, da mu sodijo.
Božja jeza 2022
Luciana, mlada ženska, izgubljena v krogu skrivnostnih smrti sorodnikov in vse večjega suma, da je za to odgovorna oseba pisatelj, njen nekdanji šef. Prepričana, da je tragično smrt njenih najdražjih organiziral slavni romanopisec, se Luciana obrne na novinarja, da bi razkrila svojo resnico.
Kmalu bo tema 2010
Stephanie in Ellie, mladi Američanki, se odločita zadnjo noč v Argentini preživeti v majhnem hotelu. Po večernem popivanju v lokalnem baru, kjer sta spoznali nekaj domačinov, zamudita avtobus, ki naj bi ju odpeljal na cilj. Ker vozi avtobus samo enkrat dnevno, se odločita najprej oditi k reki, da bi se sprostili in uživali v prostem dnevu. Potovanje pa gre po zlu, ko se spreta in ločita, Ellie pa ugrabijo. Stephanie išče svojo prijateljico z Američanom Michaelom, ki trdi, da išče svoje dekle, ki je izginila pred nekaj meseci. Jima bo pomagal še kdo? Bosta našla Ellie?
Messi 2014
Železna lady 2011
El Ángel 2018
Argentina, 1985 2022
V bitki »Davida proti Goljatu« in pod pritiskom stalne grožnje so si v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja Julio Strassera, Luis Moreno Ocampo in njihova mlada odvetniška ekipa malih junakov drznili sprožiti pravni spopad proti argentinski vojaški hunti, da bi zagotovili pravico žrtvam vojaške diktature.
Mi mejor amigo 2018
Turno nocturno 2023
Abzurdah 2015
Los Únicos 2011
Los únicos is an Argentine superhero live-action television series aired by El Trece in the prime time. The "uniques" are a superhero team working as a covert operation unit.
Violetta 2012
A musically talented teenager returns to her native Buenos Aires with her father, Herman, after living in Europe for several years, navigating the trials and tribulations of growing up.
Traveler 2019
Two men go backpacking to Cuba, the country full of their unique charms. For two weeks, they enjoy Che Guevara’s revolution of freedom, the exciting melody of Buena Vista Social Club, splendid old cars, and refreshment from Mojito. They find lodging by walking around, think about places to eat, sleep, and what to wear. Bargaining happens everywhere. They throw themselves into the unpredictable moments. Here are the two confused tourists with a backpack. Their travel starts now.
Millennials 2018
Centered around 3 couples lives in Argentina as they deal with life, personal problems, and each other. Three boys work in the same office and each of their girlfriends end up becoming friends. Lies and drama build up and tie all of their lives together in a way.
Apache: The Life of Carlos Tevez 2019
This gritty dramatization of the life of Carlos Tevez shows his rise to soccer stardom amid the harrowing conditions in Argentina's Fuerte Apache.
Letter to Eva 2013
Juana Doña, a communist woman; Carmen Polo, dictator Franco's wife; and Eva Duarte, President Perón's wife, the first lady of Argentina, the idolized Evita, crisscross their lives during Evita's official visit to Spain, an autarchic country isolated from the world, in June 1947. Behind the pomp of reception there is a pharaonic preparation, hidden businesses, battles in the Caudillo's court and the possibility of saving a human life.
Be Eternal: Champions of America 2022
This series takes an unprecedented closeup look at Lionel Messi and the Argentine team's battle to break a 28-year title drought in 2021's Copa América.
A Rooster for Esculapio 2017
A young working-class man comes from Misiones (an Argentinian province) to Buenos Aires, with a fighting rooster, looking for his brother, and gets involved with low life characters, who introduce him to a world of crime.
El Tigre Veron 2019
Miguel "The Tiger" Verón, a union leader from meat sector, has to risk everything against his employers and enemies from justice.
Puerta 7 2020
A determined woman works to rid an Argentine soccer club of the violent crime and corruption surrounding its intense fanbase.
Germán, últimas viñeta 2025
German Oesterheld who wrote The Eternauta goes to apply a new job in the most prolific argentine publisher on those days. The comics of this publisher are simple and plain in style with a constant particular feature; the bad boys are always the indians, the cubans or the aliens. When German arrives a revolution between publishers writers and comic driver is begun because they feel attracted am jealous for the teachers arrival. The military dictatorship government rules the streets and everywhere even in the publisher building the things and relationships begun to change and German has to be hidden to be able to let know his toughts.
Joel & Nish Vs The World 2017
Best friends Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel to locations across the globe to immerse themselves in the lives of the toughest, strongest, fittest people in the world.
Catfight 2003
Tells the story of four prostitutes and their madama (pimp). Each with a different story.
Carinhoso 1973
Cecília is in love with Eduardo, a millionaire who doesn't care about their relationship. Ready for a new direction in life, she ends the relationship and goes to work as a flight attendant in New York. Later, she returns to win back her love, but things are not the same anymore.
Cybersix 1999
In the dark megalopolis of Méridiana, the silhouette of a mysterious character named Cybersix emerges, having escaped her creator, Doctor Von Reichter. By day, Cybersix, who adopted the male identity of Adrian Seidelman, is a literature teacher in a local high school and, by night, she 'transforms' back into Cybersix to fight Von Reichter's abominable creations and foil his plans. Soon, she's aided by her surviving brother, now named Data 7, a black bioroid panther.
El pulpo negro 1985
Tincho Fierro 2022
Tincho is a teen vlogger who dreams of becoming Argentinian rock's next big star in this adaptation of "The Gaucho Martín Fierro" by José Hernández.