Kdo je Bourne?

Kdo je Bourne? 2002


Zakaj ga zasledujejo najeti morilci? Kdaj se je izuril v borilnih veščinah in kako je mogoče, da tekoče govori več jezikov? Odgovori na ta vprašanja vam ne bodo dali miru in vas bodo osupnili v sijajnih akcijskih prizorih na čudovitih evropskih prizoriščih. Njegova edina sled o lastni identiteti je bančni račun na kapsuli, vsajeni pod kožo. V sefu banke sredi Zuricha najde denar, orožje in osebne dokumente. Potem ko ga na ameriškem konzulatu preganjajo varnostniki, Bourne ugotovi, da ne more zaupati nikomur. Nemški ciganki po imenu Marie (Franka Potente) ponudi 10 000 dolarjev za prevoz do Pariza. Na poti sreča še več poklicnih morilcev, ki mu strežejo po življenju, medtem pa se prepriča o lastni spretnosti v borilnih veščinah, bojevanju in znanju jezikov – priročne veščine, ki kažejo na njegovo vohunsko preteklost in morilsko izurjenost – ampak za koga je delal? Z Mariejino neprostovoljno pomočjo se Bourne dokoplje bližje resnici, ki jo skušajo agenti CIE za vsako ceno utišati.


Tekma s časom

Tekma s časom 2017


Adrián je mlad in uspešen poslovnež, ki se nekega jutra zbudi v hotelski sobi poleg trupla svoje ljubimke. Oblasti ga obtožijo umora, zato najame Virginijo, zvezdniško odvetnico. Pripravljata obrambo, ki bi ga rešila pripora. Med obnavljanjem dogodkov usodne noči izvesta, da je tožilec našel pričo, ki lahko postavi celotno njuno zgodbo na laž …


Vse o moji materi

Vse o moji materi 1999


Manuela se po smrti 17-letnega sina Estebana, ki ga je od rojstva vzgajala kot samohranilka, preseli v Barcelono, kjer namerava poiskati sinovega odtujenega očeta. Ta se je vmes preimenoval v Lolo in je zdaj ženska. Manuela v novem mestu spozna pisano družbo novih prijateljic, ki so si v oporo v težkih časih. Spoprijatelji se s staro znanko, transspolno prostitutko Agrado, z redovnico Roso, ki nosi Lolinega otroka in je HIV-pozitivna, z gledališko divo Humo Rojo, ki igra Blanche Dubois v predstavi Tramvaj poželenje, in z zasvojenko Nino Cruz, Humino soigralko in ljubimko. Manuela se noče posloviti od materinske vloge in posvoji Rosinega otroka.



Hache 2019


As Helena gains the trust and love of a dangerous heroin cartel leader in Barcelona, she develops the skills she needs to eventually seize his empire.



Merlí 2015


He’s surly, unorthodox, unapologetically blunt, and he’s about to change your life. Meet the new philosophy teacher, Merlí, who will help his students view the world in a whole new light, both in and out of the classroom.



Cites 2015


Looking for love, sex, or just someone to move away from the loneliness, the characters in " Cites " meet face to face, after meeting online, laden with uncertainties and hopes. Based on the original format of the British series " Dates " Brian Elsley . Each episode of the series , located in Barcelona , focuses on two of these quotations , which come into play fears , secrets and expectations of its protagonists. A staff relations existing partner network around a character that cross each other and that we will find again throughout the series look.


Night and Day

Night and Day 2016


Working on a series of harrowing cases, forensic pathologist, Sara Grau, finds the key to a case in which she has unwittingly become a prime target. Sophisticated Spanish crime thriller.


Merlí. Sapere Aude

Merlí. Sapere Aude 2019


In this drama set at a university, a wayward philosophy student navigate life on campus while seeking guidance from an intriguing new professor.


Cathedral of the Sea

Cathedral of the Sea 2018


In the 14th century, Barcelona is experiencing one of its most prosperous moments. The city has grown to La Ribera, a fishing district in which the largest Marian temple ever known is built: Santa María del Mar. But the construction runs parallel to Arnau Estanyol, a serf of the land who, fleeing the abuses of The feudal lords of the countryside take refuge in Barcelona.


Heirs to the Land

Heirs to the Land 2022


Resourceful young Hugo Llor works to make a name for himself in 14th-century Barcelona while keeping a vow he made to the Estanyol family.


You Would Do It Too

You Would Do It Too 2023


A bus is hijacked by three robbers—who end up dead before they can get away. Every passenger's story is the same: A hooded man saved the day. As the case unfolds, the line between hero and criminal begins to blur.


The Diplomat

The Diplomat 2023


The six-part series follows Laura Simmonds and her Barcelona Consul colleague and friend Alba Ortiz as they fight to protect British nationals who find themselves in trouble in the Catalan city.


What the Future Holds

What the Future Holds 2018


In 1966, Justo Gil arrives in Barcelona as a migrant with the purpose of gaining enough money to give his sick mother the best care. His great charisma allows him to socialize with the youngsters of the upper-class, until an unexpected turn of events makes him become an informer of the political police, in order to pursue communist cells.


Megamix brutal

Megamix brutal 2024


The story of how two friends, Ricardo Campoy and Miguel Degà, created a record empire in Barcelona in the eighties and how the wild rivalries in the Spanish dance music industry led them both to disaster.


Alexia: Labor Omnia Vincit

Alexia: Labor Omnia Vincit 2022


Documentary series on Alexia Putellas, captain of the Barcelona women's football team and player for Spain's national football team who has become an icon of women's football.