Sovražnik pred vrati 2013
Jason Statham in James Franco v akcijskem kriminalnem trilerju o nekdanjem agentu, ki se s hčerko preseli v mirno mestece, kjer se zaplete z lokalnim proizvajalcem metamfetaminov.
Jason Statham in James Franco v akcijskem kriminalnem trilerju o nekdanjem agentu, ki se s hčerko preseli v mirno mestece, kjer se zaplete z lokalnim proizvajalcem metamfetaminov.
Po nepozabni fantovščini v Las Vegasu se divjim prijateljem Philu, Stuju, Alenu in Dougu obeta nov kaos prekrokane noči. Med čakanjem na Stujevo poroko skušajo na Tajskem doživeti vse, kar jim pade na pamet, toda njihova lahkomiselnost jih hitro spravi v številne zelo boleče težave, pravo paniko pa povzroči skrivnostno izginotje nevestinega brata. Ob odkrivanju dogodkov pozabljene noči se morajo soočiti s številnimi neprijetnimi posledicami svojih nepremišljenih dejanj.
Napet triler o dveh policistih, ujetih v številne prevare in dvojne igre med zakonom in kriminalom, ki je Martinu Scorseseju končno prinesel zasluženega oskarja. Film se odvija v južnem Bostonu, kjer je državna policija napovedala odločno vojno organiziranemu kriminalu. Znebiti se hočejo vplivnega mafijskega šefa Franka Costella, in to od znotraj. Mladi novinec, Billy Costigan, ki je odraščal v južnem Bostonu, dobi nalogo, da se vtihotapi v mafijske kroge, ki jih vodi Costello. Medtem ko se Billy trudi pridobiti Costellovo zaupanje, se še en mlad policist, ki prihaja z bostonskih ulic, Collin Sullivan, hitro vzpenja po policijski lestvici. Dobil je svoje mesto v posebni preiskovalni enoti, ki ima nalogo zrušiti Costella. Toda njegovi nadrejeni ne vedo, da Colin pravzaprav dela za Costella, zaradi česar je mafijski šef vedno en korak pred policijo.
Mlada policista Schmidt in Jenko se pridružita enoti Jump Street ter gresta na nalogo pod krinko v srednjo šolo. Pištoli in znački zamenjata za nahrbtnika, da bi razkrila nevarno združbo prekupčevalcev mamil.
Po tem, ko se prebijeta skozi srednjo šolo (dvakrat), policista pod krinko čaka še več izzivov: zaupajo jima posebno nalogo med študenti, da bi v univerzitetnem naselju našla spretnega prekupčevalca z mamili.
Detektivi skušajo uničiti kriminalno združbo, zato pod krinko začno delati v restavraciji z ocvrtimi piščanci.
Tom Ludlow je policijski veteran in vdovec, ki je bil na ulicah Los Angelesa priča že marsikateremu zločinu. Ko v akciji umre njegov sodelavec, nadrejeni pa sumijo, da je za umor kriv prav on, je Tom odločen oprati svoje ime. Medtem Tomu na vsakem koraku sledi preiskovalec Biggs, odločen, da bo prišel zadevi do dna.
Akcijska komedija je ameriška različica istoimenske francoske uspešnice. Tokrat bo za volan taksija sedla Queen Latifah. Belle Williams se ukvarja z dostavo pic. Nekega dne se odloči, da bo svoje vozniške sposobnosti unovčila še kot taksistka. Kmalu nato se z nesposobnim policistom Andyjem znajde v lovu na skupino prelepih bančnih ropark, katerih vodja je hladnokrvna in preračunljiva Vanessa. Ker je Andy slab voznik, Belle dobi dovoljenje, da lahko vozi, kolikor je mogoče hitro, pri tem pa se ne zmeni za prometne predpise. Ker je punca prava divjakinja na cesti, se obeta divja vožnja, zato si pripnite varnostne pasove!
Zgodba se dogaja v zgodnjih sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ko se Ron kot prvi afroameriški detektiv pridruži policijskim vrstam na policijski postaji v mestu Colorado Springs. Poln zagona, volje in želje po priznanju se pogumno odpravi na nevarno misijo - vtihotapi se v takrat že prepovedano rasistično združbo Ku Klux Klan. Mladi detektiv v svojo tajno operacijo kmalu rekrutira starejšega kolega Flipa Zimmermana in skupaj začneta neusmiljen boj proti ekstremistični sovražni skupini.
Ko nov primer razkrije travme preteklosti, ki so bile opravljene v tajnosti, se mora losangeleški policijski detektiv soočiti z njenimi osebnimi in poklicnimi demoni.
Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and cheat, Martin becomes the perfect liar. That skill, and also the hatred of the 'underworld' makes him the perfect match for a dangerous mission - to infiltrate the crime organisation of a rich and powerful businessman. While infiltrating and living in fear of being uncovered, Martin falls in love with the most inappropriate woman - Djaro's girlfriend, Suni. Just when he gains the trust of the mobsters, it appears that the real enemy is in the police. Martin is alone against all, facing difficult decisions.
Chief inspector of Hong Kong’s Criminal Intelligence Bureau, Cheuk Hoi, is suspicious of his close colleague’s mysterious death. Adding to the enigma, he discovers that the five undercover agents who were in constant contact with his dead friend have all vanished.
Undercover agents infiltrate a drug kingpin's operation by posing as a couple at the campground where he spends his weekends. Inspired by real events.
Yeung Pik Sum suffers from Schizophrenia and her illness causes her son, Yip King Fung, to suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder. King Fung’s split personality, Chu Kei, becomes a handwriting expert and criminal profiler, who helps King-fung, an undercover agent, to uproot a criminal organization. However, a series of strange cases makes King Fung a murder suspect and his younger sister to be traumatized. Feeling guilty about abandoning her children, Pik Sum becomes a mental hospital assistant to protect her daughter, but she is unable to reconcile with King Fung... Superintendent Lip Shan invites King Fung to join the Special Crime Unit. Together with psychiatrist Wai Yui Kit, bomb disposal expert Yau Ngan Sing, forensic anthropologist Fong Yuen Chin, they deal with criminals with abnormal psychological conditions and solve complicated cases.
Elijah Kane leads a hardcore undercover team of Seattle based cops who take on the local criminal element with a high-octane style of enforcement.
A detective who's also a public security agent and a member of a shadowy organization juggles his triple identities.
Kong Tai-wai is an idealistic college student who decides to join the police force, and later becomes an undercover detective disguising himself as a chief assistant of a major drug trafficker.
New York City policewoman Casey Jones' assignment to fight crime often entails her going undercover in some of the seediest and most dangerous parts of the city. Decoy is a groundbreaking American crime drama television series created for syndication and initially broadcast from October 14, 1957, to July 7, 1958, with thirty-nine 30-minute black-and-white episodes. It was the first American police series with a female protagonist. Many Decoy episodes are in the public domain.
As a child, Fa Ping was teased for her ugliness. After an accident that required her to have plastic surgery, she firmly believes that beauty can change lives. Even after she enters the police force, she still cares about beauty more than anything. When a prostitution case reveals that a loan-shark company is operating inside a public housing community, Fa Ping and fellow CID officer Law Dai-Shu are sent to act like a couple in order to obtain information from the housewives. They meet the "Housewives Trio" of Hung Dan-Dan, So Fung-Nei, and Lau Lin-Heung. To investigate the case, Fa Ping is forced to give up her fancy wardrobe and cater to the housewives.
Leung Siu-Tong is an experienced undercover agent who returns from a long-term assignment in Mainland China to teach new undercover recruits at Hong Kong Police's Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB). During this time, he befriends triad member Michael So, who only agrees to the relationship because he sees it as a stepping stone to the role of gang leader. Meanwhile, conflict at the CIB department ensues when Siu-Tong forms a tentative romantic relationship with his supervisor Jodie Chow.
An absurdist, retro-futuristic 80s cop extravaganza. The series follows undercover detective Dazzle Novak, a handsome idiot who commits more crimes than most criminals. His tyrannical chief, Pizzaz Miller, won't get off his back, and hotshot rookie Rad Cunningham is dying to see him fail. With the world against him, Dazzle is thrust into a living nightmare: having to do actual police work.
Unorthodox but effective FBI veteran agent Charles Barker takes on a rookie partner, Ellis Dove. Barker trains Dove in a hard-edged, psychologically driven approach towards undercover work, where a moment's hesitation can lead to death. As the job takes its toll on Dove, an Internal Affairs team tries to enlist the rookie as a double-agent in the bureau's investigation of his partner.
An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Police. Through testimonies and reconstructions, 'Under the Radar' also takes a closer look at a number of striking operations from the past.
An ex-terrorist, Madina Taburova, who was presumed dead, turns up in Helsinki seeking political asylum. Using a fake identity, the Intelligence Agency officer Mari Saari has to befriend this ex-terrorist to find out why she’s here. In order to uncover the mystery, Mari Saari has to form an unlikely partnership with an older streetwise narcotics cop. But everything is not as it seems.
Adventures of sexy & sassy black undercover cop Christie Love.
Family. It can be the most important thing in the world. And it can also be a massive pain in the arse. Undercover is a high stakes action comedy about Chris, a lonely, over analysing neurotic traffic police officer who finds himself hopelessly out of his depth when he infiltrates an Armenian crime family.