Pijevo življenje

Pijevo življenje 2012


Režiser oskarjevskih filmov Prežeči tiger, skriti zmaj in Gora Brokeback predstavlja priredbo priljubljenega romana Yanna Martela, v katerem spoznamo 16-letnega mladeniča Pija Patela. Po brodolomu tovorne ladje se Pi znajde sam sredi oceana, družbo v čolnih pa mu delajo tiger, orangutan, hijena in ranjena zebra. Pi skuša preživeti neizprosne zakone narave, ki jih narekujejo živali, od tem pa se spominja svoje mladosti. Toda njegovo dojemanje resničnosti z vsakim dnem osame postaja bolj in bolj prepleteno s prividi in domišljijo.


Prenašalec 2

Prenašalec 2 2005


Frank Martin je najboljši v svojem poslu. Nekdanji specialec dela kot prenašalec. Prevaža to, kar od njega zahteva naloga, naj gre za predmete ali ljudi. Ob tem nikoli ne postavlja vprašanj o ničemer. On samo dostavi, kar mu je naročeno. Frank se je iz Francije preselil v Miami, kjer prijatelju na uslugo prevaža premožno Audrey Billings in njenega sina Jacka. Frank ni pričakoval, da se bo navezal na malega Jacka, ki ga vozi v šolo in iz nje. Ko nekega dne Jacka ugrabijo, mora Frank uporabiti vse svoje veščine, da bi dečka našel in ga živega pripeljal v mamin objem. Istočasno mora ugrabiteljem preprečiti njihov načrt s smrtonosnim virusom.



Palmer 2021


Nekdanji obsojenec sklene prijateljstvo s fantom iz problematičnega doma.



Samaritanec 2022


Skrivnostni in samotarski gospod Smith je sosed 13-letnemu Samu Clearyju. Deček Sam je prepričan, da gospod Smith ni to za kar se izdaja, ampak legendarni junak, ki je izginil pred 25. leti in se sedaj skriva vsem na očeh. Z naraščajočim kriminalom in mestom na robu kaosa si Sam zada nalogo, da svojega soseda prepriča v to, da preneha s skrivanjem in da reši mesto pred propadom.


Očka po sili

Očka po sili 1999


Sonny Koufax se vztrajno izogiba odgovornostim odraslega življenja. O karieri in zakonu ne razmišlja, zato ga punca Vanessa postavi na čevelj. Sonny ji hoče dokazati, da je pripravljen na odgovorno življenje, zato pod pretvezo, da je fantičev biološki oče, posvoji petletnega Juliana. A Vanessa še vedno noče imeti nobenega opravka z njim. Sonny poskuša Juliana vrniti socialni službi, kjer bodo dečka dali v dom. Zato Sonny pristane, da bo skrbel za Juliana, dokler mu ne najdejo primernih krušnih staršev. Medtem socialna služba izve, da ni Julianov pravi oče. Sonnyju zdaj grozi, da bo dečka, ki ga je tako zelo vzljubil, za vedno izgubil.



Eli 2019




Duma 2005




Clarence 2014


In a world of noise, Clarence is a jar of sunshine, pure and simple. He sees the world only in his favorite colors: goofy grape and neon green. Clarence values his friends Jeff and Sumo and his mother Mary more than gold. No matter what happens, good or bad, nothing brings Clarence down.


My Daemon

My Daemon 2023


To save his mother, a kind-hearted boy and his tiny daemon friend set out on a journey across post-apocalyptic Japan as dark forces close in.


Transformers: EarthSpark

Transformers: EarthSpark 2022


The Malto Family’s world turns upside down when the Terrans, the first Earthborn Transformers robots, spark to life. The Terrans will forge an alliance between the human Malto family and the legendary Autobots, uniting them in a shared mission.



Dodo 2021


Follow the misadventures of 11-year-old Joe Connolly and his three best friends in their first year at O’Malley Middle School.


Almost Home

Almost Home 1993


Having a hard time making ends meet after her divorce, Millicent Torkelson moves her three children to Seattle, where she becomes the nanny to the spoiled Morgan children.


Super Giant Robot Brothers!

Super Giant Robot Brothers! 2022


Two squabbling robot brothers battle bloodthirsty kaijus, supernatural disasters and mundane personal issues as they adapt to the trials of growing up.


Feather Boy

Feather Boy 2004


Robert Nobel is the butt of classroom jokes and a victim of Niker the classroom bully. He is haunted by dreams that seem to tell the future as well as the past. His life changes when a storyteller invites some of his class to Mayfield House, a place Robert has already dreamed about. There he meets a spiky old lady called Edith Sorrel who chooses him as her partner. He embarks on a series of events that will change their lives forever.


Bailey Kipper's P.O.V.

Bailey Kipper's P.O.V. 1996


Bailey Kipper's P.O.V. is a US children's television series that aired in 1996 on CBS Saturday Mornings, starring Michael Galeota, John Achorn and Meg Wittner. It lasted for only 13 episodes of 30 mins length each and received airings on the BBC's CBBC programming strand as well as on Nickelodeon in the UK. The show has not yet been released on VHS or DVD. The series was one of the first efforts by CBS to comply with the then-new E/I ratings.



Caillou 2024


The home and social life of a sensitive and imaginative 4-year-old boy, and the supportive family and friends that help him navigate his big feelings.