Dobri Will Hunting

Dobri Will Hunting 1997


Drama spremlja uporniškega mladeniča Willa Huntinga, ki kot hišnik dela na slovitem inštitutu MIT, čeprav ima fotografski spomin in je matematični genij. Kot gradbenik dela in živi v južnem Bostonu skupaj s prijatelji iz otroštva, posebej s prostodušnim Chuckiejem. V študentskem naselju spozna čedno, inteligentno britansko študentko Skylar in med njima se začne razvijati ljubezen. Univerzitetni profesor in nekdanji državni matematični prvak Lambeau nekoč pripravi poseben izziv za svoje študente: na hodnik pred učilnico razobesi zahtevno matematično nalogo in kdor bi jo pravilno rešil, naj bi imel zagotovljeno oceno pri njegovem predmetu. Will skrivaj opravi preizkušnjo in Lambeau se postopoma dokoplje do briljantnega avtorja pravilne rešitve.


Bridžit Džons: Na ivici razuma

Bridžit Džons: Na ivici razuma 2004


Bridget Jones je že srečna: živi s čednim Markom Darcyjem in je zapustila svojega bivšega šefa Daniela. Slaba novica je, da Rebeka pokvari odnos z Markom. Tudi v službi stvari ne grejo dobro, najslabše pa je, kaj se zgodi z njo med potovanjem na Tajsko. Vendar kot vedno ima podporo svojih prijateljev, ki jo spodbujajo k spoznavanju novih ljudi. Ampak kdo ve, če Bridget ne razmišlja, da bi se vrnila skupaj z Danielom?



Sveže 2022


Prvih 30 minut dogajanja spremljamo Noo na prvem zmenku s fantom, ki se pa ni končal dobro. Njena najboljša prijateljica je Mollie in tudi edina oseba, ki jo razume in na katero se lahko zanese. Nekega večera naključno spozna Stevea s katerim se zaplete. Vse je super, krasno, ljubezen in vse ostale neumnosti dokler se ne zmenita, da gresta na odmor za konec vikenda. A že prvi dan se zaplete, ko spotoma najprej zavijeta do njegove hiše. Tu Noa ugotovi, da je Steve narkoman in kmalu se znajde v zkleti zvezana z verigami...


Hitch: Zdravilo za sodobnega moškega

Hitch: Zdravilo za sodobnega moškega 2005


Alex ‘Hitch’ Hitchens je samski moški, ki razume ženske in pozna umetnost zapeljevanja. Je mojster na področju ljubezni in ‘zdravnik za zmenke’. Je samozavestni frajer, ki za primeren honorar plašnim moškim pomaga spoznati in osvojiti ženske njihovih sanj. Trenutno trenira plahega, nerodnega in malce debelušnega računovodjo Alberta, ki je zatreskan v prelepo slavno bogatašinjo Allegro Cole. Ga bo Allegra, v katero je nesmrtno zaljubljen, sploh kdaj opazila? Hitch medtem spozna novinarko Saro, ki že ob prvem srečanju pritegne njegovo pozornost. In kar naenkrat ga preplavijo čustva, ki se jim je do sedaj zaradi srčne rane izpred let izogibal.


Ljubezen je luštna stvar

Ljubezen je luštna stvar 2003


Harry Sanborn (Nicholson) je večni samec, ki hodi na zmenke le z ženskami pod 30. letom. Ko želi preživeti romantični vikend s svojim najnovejšim dekletom Marin (Peet) v hiši njene mame, ga začne boleti v prsih. Marinina mama Erica Berry (Keaton), uspešna in ločena pisateljica, z odporom privoli, da ga bo negovala, dokler ne ozdravi. Harry na svoje presenečenje ugotovi, da ga Erica privlači. Navkljub njeni začetni sovražnosti do Harryja, se nepričakovano zaljubi vanj. Za Erico se začne zanimati tudi Harryjev očarljivi 30-letni zdravnik, Julian Mercer (Reeves), kar stvari dodatno zaplete. Ko se Harry postavi na noge, se vrne domov in vse je spet po starem. Kmalu ugotovi, da čustva do Erice le niso izginila, in da bo moral pošteno spremeniti svoje življenje, če jo bo hotel dobiti nazaj.


The Bachelor

The Bachelor 2002


A single bachelor dates multiple women over several weeks, narrowing them down to hopefully find his true love.


First Dates

First Dates 2013


Interactive dating experiment in which real dates are filmed, and then viewers get the chance to apply to date the unsuccessful participants the following week.


Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls 2000


Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only dream of.


Love Island

Love Island 2019


American version of the British dating reality competition in which ten singles come to stay in a villa for a few weeks and have to couple up with one another. Over the course of those weeks, they face the public vote and might be eliminated from the show. Other islanders join and try to break up the couples.



Rhoda 1974


Rhoda is an American television sitcom, starring Valerie Harper, which aired 109 episodes over five seasons, from 1974 to 1978. The show was a spin-off of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, in which Harper between the years 1970 and 1974 had played the role of Rhoda Morgenstern, a spunky, weight-conscious, flamboyantly fashioned Jewish neighbor and native New Yorker in the role of Mary Richards' best friend. After four seasons, Rhoda left Minneapolis and returned to her original hometown of New York City. The series is noted for breaking two television records, and was the winner of two Golden Globes and two Emmy Awards. Rhoda was filmed Friday evenings in front of a live studio audience at CBS Studio Center, Stage 14 in Studio City, Los Angeles, California.


Sex and the City

Sex and the City 1998


Based on the bestselling book by Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City tells the story of four best friends, all single and in their late thirties, as they pursue their careers and talk about their sex lives, all while trying to survive the New York social scene. 



Undateable 2014


Danny Burton is a 30-ish carefree single guy who has watched most of his friends move on to serious relationships. When his last remaining friend Shannon moves out to get married, Danny searches for a new roommate. A promising candidate is Justin, the owner of Black Eyes Bar in Detroit (frequently mispronounced "Black Guys Bar"). Justin and his friends - the nerdy Burski, oddball Shelly, and recently out-of-the-closet gay guy Brett - all have certain qualities that make them appear "undateable".



Shtisel 2013


Akiva and Shulem Shtisel, father and son, sit on a little balcony overlooking streets of the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem. A year has passed since the mother died. All the other children have left the nest, and only Shulam and Akiva remain - quarreling, making up, and laughing about themselves and the rest of the world. All will change when Akiva meets Elisheva.


Will & Grace

Will & Grace 1998


Will Truman and Grace Adler are best friends living in New York, and when Grace's engagement falls apart, she moves in with Will. Together, along with their friends, they go through the trials of dating, sex, relationships and their careers, butting heads at times but ultimately supporting one another while exchanging plenty of witty banter along the way.


Dating Naked

Dating Naked 2014


A reality series in which a man and a woman date two different naked suitors on a remote exotic location.


Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement 2007


Rules of Engagement is a comedy about the different phases of male/female relationships, as seen through the eyes of a newly engaged couple, Adam and Jennifer, a long-time married pair, Jeff and Audrey, and a single guy on the prowl, Russell. As they find out, the often confusing stages of a relationship can seem like being on a roller coaster. People can describe the ride to you, but to really know what it's like you have to experience it for yourself.


Love & War

Love & War 1992


A woman running a bar in New York City while trying to maintain a romance with an egotistical opinion columnist.


Too Hot to Handle

Too Hot to Handle 2020


On the shores of paradise, gorgeous singles meet and mingle. But there’s a twist. To win a $100,000 grand prize, they’ll have to give up sex.


The Mary Tyler Moore Show

The Mary Tyler Moore Show 1970


30-year-old single Mary Richards moves to Minneapolis to start a new life after a romantic break-up. There she reacquaints with Phyllis who rents her a room, and meets her upstairs neighbor and new best friend Rhoda. Mary unexpectedly lands a job as associate producer at the TV station WJM, where she works alongside her bristly boss, Lou; the comical newswriter, Murray; and the newscast's often-incompetent anchor, Ted.


December Bride

December Bride 1954


December Bride is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network from 1954 to 1959, adapted from the original CBS radio network series that aired from June 1952 through September 1953.


Don’t be Jealous

Don’t be Jealous 2020


It’s no secret that it’s extremely difficult for celebrities to openly be in a relationship in Korea. “Don’t Be Jealous” looks to normalize this current taboo by talking about what life is like while dating under the limelight. These are the real love stories of Ji Sook (Rainbow), Chef Lee Won II, actress Choi Song Hyun and Woo Hye Rim (Wonder Girls) - their private dating lives ready to be laid out. You can laugh and empathize with their honest love, their daily lives, and even their deepest thoughts! Hosted by Jang Sung Kyu, Jang Do Yeon, Heo Jae, Ravi (VIXX), and Jeon So Mi, you’ll surely be laughing as they narrate each relationship.


Gavin & Stacey

Gavin & Stacey 2007


Gavin is an ordinary boy from Billericay, Essex. Stacey is an ordinary girl from Barry Island, South Wales. They’ve spoken on the phone every day at work for months but they’ve never actually met… until now.


Mike & Molly

Mike & Molly 2010


A comedy about a working class Chicago couple who find love at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.


Hello Ladies

Hello Ladies 2013


Stuart Pritchard is an awkward, overly-confident Englishman trying to date in Los Angeles – where he repeatedly attempts to infiltrate the world of beautiful people.