Schindlerjev seznam

Schindlerjev seznam 1993


Film pripoveduje resnično zgodbo nacističnega poslovneža, kockarja in ženskarja Oskarja Schindlerja, ki je med drugo svetovno vojno gotove smrti rešil na tisoče Židov, tako da jih je zaposlil v svoji tovarni. Čeprav ga je sprva gnala le misel na denar in življenje v visokih družbenih krogih, ga je vojna spremenila v velikega človekoljuba, ki je bil za to, da bi rešil druge, pripravljen žrtvovati tudi lastno življenje ...



Blitz 2024


V Londonu med II. svetovno vojno Rita svojega 9-letnega sina Georgea preseli na podeželje, da bi bil varen pred bombardiranjem. Toda George se kljubovalno in odločno želi vrniti k svoji družini, zato se poda na epsko in nevarno potovanje domov.



Zver 2024


V bližnji prihodnosti, kjer vlada umetna inteligenca, so človeška čustva postala grožnja. Da bi se jih znebila, mora Gabrielle očistiti svoj DNK s pomočjo naprave, ki jo vrne v njena pretekla življenja. Tam se ponovno združi z Louisom, svojo veliko ljubeznijo. Toda preplavi jo strah, slutnja bližajoče se katastrofe...



Joy 2015



Inside the Factory

Inside the Factory 2015


Paddy McGuinness and Cherry Healey get exclusive access to some of the largest factories in Britain to reveal the secrets behind production on an epic scale.


How It's Made

How It's Made 2001


Have you ever wondered how the products you use every day are made? How It's Made leads you through the process of how everyday products, such as apple juice, skateboards, engines, contact lenses, and many more objects are manufactured.


The Murder of Mary Phagan

The Murder of Mary Phagan 1988


In early-twentieth-century Atlanta, the murder of a young girl prompts strong reactions from the community and ultimately leads to the arrest of a man who could actually be innocent.


The Factory

The Factory 2008


Factory was a comedy television series. It premiered on Sunday, 29 June 2008 at 10:00 p.m. Eastern/9:00 p.m. Central on Spike. The series, produced by 3 Arts Entertainment, is directed by and stars Mitch Rouse and fellow comedians Michael Coleman, Jay Leggett and David Pasquesi. The pilot episode of the show has been made available free on iTunes. The show starred and was produced by Mitch Rouse, formerly of According To Jim.


Clocking Off

Clocking Off 2000


How much do you know about the person working next to you? From the outside, life at Mackintosh Textiles appears to run smoothly, but in a community with so many secrets to hide, things are far from straightforward. In six powerful, self-contained dramas, everyday life is fractured by tumultuous marriages, snatched passions, disappearing husbands and gang harassment.


War Factories

War Factories 2019


The untold secret story of war production that shaped the Second World War.


Secrets of the Superfactories

Secrets of the Superfactories 2019


Secrets of the Superfactories is a fast-paced and fact-filled documentary series that lifts the lid on the production of some of the world’s biggest, greenest and smartest factories around the globe. The series explores how everything from everyday products to iconic design is made and takes viewers into the hidden world of the hyper-efficient and flexible factories of the future.