Gladiator II

Gladiator II 2024


Lucij je leta po tem, ko je bil priča smrti častitljivega junaka Maksima, ki ga je ubil njegov stric, prisiljen vstopiti v Kolosej, potem ko njegov dom zavzamejo tiranski cesarji, ki zdaj Rim vodijo z železno roko. Z besom v srcu in s tveganjem za prihodnost cesarstva mora Lucij pogledati v svojo preteklost, da bi našel moč in čast ter vrnil slavo Rima njegovemu ljudstvu.



Gladiator 2000


Vozovi, sandali in meči so se po več desetletjih pogumno in krvavo vrnili na velika platna v tem spektakularnem epskem filmu, ki je leta 2000 osvojil pet oskarjev, med drugim za najboljši film. Dobil ga je tudi Russell Crowe za svojo upodobitev Maksima, nekoč velikega rimskega generala, ki je končal v suženjstvu pod sadističnim in zavistnim vladarjem Komodom (Joaquin Phoenix). Maksim se želi maščevati za smrt svoje družine, ki so jo ubili Komodovi možje, in postane najsrditejši in najbolj priljubljen gladiator v vsem Rimu. To ga pripelje do neizogibnega spopada s svojim smrtnim sovražnikom. Igrajo še Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed (v svoji zadnji filmski vlogi), Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou in Richard Harris. Film je režiral Ridley Scott (Osmi potnik, Hanibal) po scenariju Davida Franzonija, Johna Logana in Williama Nicholsona.


Konan Barbar

Konan Barbar 1982


Arnold Schwarzenegger je s Konanom svetu odkril svoje igralske sposobnosti. Konanu je v rani mladosti demonski Thulsa Doom pobil starše. Že kot otrok je oblikoval svoje mišice in razvijal moč. Ko je odrastel, se je združil z Mongolom in Valerijo ter z njima načrtoval maščevanje za smrt staršev. Tako se začne potovanje po skrivnostnem vzhodu, kjer se nauči kungfuja, da pride do gorskega pobočja, kjer vlada Doom.



Spartacus 2010


Torn from his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where blood and death are primetime entertainment.





Ohma Tokita enters a hidden world where corporate disputes are settled in brutal gladiator bouts. Forget the money, he just wants to fight — and win.



Spartacus 2004


Spartacus, who was enslaved by the Romans after they murdered his father, leads fellow slaves in an attempt to overthrow the repressive Roman Empire.


The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii 1984


This seven-hour British-Italian adaptation of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's 1834 epic, set against the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and previously filmed in 1935, and in 1960 was a vehicle for muscleman Steve Reeves, was trashed by the critics as the campiest of sword and sandal sagas to emerge in years. This despite its reported $19-million price tag, the nobility of its cast that includes Laurence Olivier, Siobhan McKenna and Anthony Quayle, and its rather unspectacular special effects. The central figures are Nicholas Clay as Glaucus, the noble Athenian; Olivia Hussey as the high-born Ione, his love, who is seduced by the Egyptian, Arbaces (Franco Nero), a religious fanatic; Duncan Regehr as Lydon, the champion gladiator; and Linda Purl as the blind slave Nydia, who is torn between Glaucus and Lydon.


Spartacus: House of Ashur

Spartacus: House of Ashur 1970


This next chapter in the "Spartacus" franchise poses the question: what if Ashur, hadn't died on Mount Vesuvius at the end of "Spartacus: Vengeance?" And what if he had been gifted the gladiator school once owned by Batiatus in return for aiding the Romans in killing Spartacus and putting an end to the slave rebellion?



Avenger 2003


Avenger is an anime series, produced by Bandai Visual, Bee Train and Xebec, and directed by Koichi Mashimo. It is set on post-apocalyptic colonized Mars. The series premiered across Japan between 1 October 2003 and 24 December 2003 on the TV Tokyo network. It was later licensed for North American distribution by Bandai's distributive unit across the region, Bandai Entertainment.