
Napoleon 2023


Spektakularen akcijski ep, ki opisuje razburkani vzpon in padec slavnega francoskega cesarja. Ob osupljivem, veličastnem zgodovinskem ozadju se film poglobi v Napoleonov neutrudljivi boj za oblast skozi prizmo nepotešljivega, viharnega razmerja, ki ga je imel s svojo največjo ljubeznijo, Josephine, ter ob tem izpostavlja njegove prekanjene vojaške in politične taktike v nekaterih izmed najbolj silovitih bojnih prizorov, kar smo jih kdaj videli na velikem platnu. V režiji legendarnega Ridleyja Scotta je film dodelan do potankosti in dogodek onkraj pričakovanega.



Patriot 2000


Leto 1776, vojna za neodvisnost med kolonisti Nove Anglije in četami Georga III (1760-1820). V Južni Karolini se vdovec Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), junaški vojak v Franciji in Indiji, odreče boju, da bi lahko skrbel za svoje sedem otrok. Toda mirno življenje družine Martin je porušeno, ko se v vojsko pridruži najstarejši sin Gabriel (Heath Ledger); medtem se njegov oče bori za vzgojo otrok. Vendar bodo Britanci pod poveljstvom okrutnega polkovnika Tavingtona (Jason Isaacs) prišli do vrat svojega doma in tako ogrozili vso družino ...


Poslednji samuraj

Poslednji samuraj 2003


Z zahtevnimi in atraktivnimi akcijskimi scenami, ki bodo v veselje vsem ljubiteljem akcije in mečevanja, z obetavnim scenarijem, z izdelanimi liki in dramatičnostjo, ter nenazadnje s Tomom Cruisem v glavni vlogi, je Poslednji samuraj prav gotovo prava poslastica za ljubitelje filmskih spektaklov!



Hulk 2003


Znanstvenik Bruce Banner se ukvarja z revolucionarno genetsko tehnologijo in ima težave z obvladovanjem besa. Njegovo bivše dekle Betty, prav tako znanstvenica, še naprej sodeluje z njim, v njegovo zasebno življenje pa se ne spušča več. Nekega dne med znanstvenim poskusom pride do napake, zaradi katere se Bruce in njegov sodelavec znajdeta v nevarnosti. Bruce zaščiti sodelavca, pri čemer je njegovo telo izpostavljeno smrtonosnemu sevanju. Kljub temu Bruce nesrečo preživi in se nenadoma počuti bolj zdravega kot kdajkoli prej. In predvsem precej močnejšega. Ko se v njem prebudi bes, se Bruce spremeni v najmočnejše bitje na svetu, velikanskega superjunaka Hulka.



Antz 1998



xXx 2: V pripravljenosti

xXx 2: V pripravljenosti 2005


Ko se izve, da se pripravlja vojaška zarota, katere lovke segajo v sam vrh ameriške vlade in ki grozi, da bo zrušila ameriški demokratični sistem, se dela ponovno loti agent Gibbons. Tako kot v prvem delu napete vohunske akcije mora poiskati nekoga, ki bo kos nevarni nalogi. Najde ga med odpadlimi agenti in ga rekrutira v skrivni vladni program XXX.



Izbruh 1995


Pred 30 leti pride v afriško vas, zdesetkano zaradi bolezni, ki jo povzroča smrtonosni virus, ameriški zdravnik. Čeprav pričakujejo pomoč, je vas kmalu zbrisana z obličja Zemlje z atomsko bombo. V sedanjosti pa se zgodba začne v carinski coni, kjer hoče mladi delavec ukrasti opico, ki je prišla okužena iz Afrike. Ker je ne uspe prodati, spusti opico na prostost, vendar je zanj že prepozno. Okužba se začne širiti in hitro začnejo prihajati poročila o primerih tudi iz Bostona in Kalifornije. Primer prevzame vojaški strokovnjak za viruse, dr. Sam Daniels (D. Hoffman), ki s svojo ekipo odkrije, da ta virus, imenovan mutaba, ubije v roku 24 ur, tako da utekočini notranje organe. Kmalu izvemo da je v zgodbo o virusu vmešana tudi vojska in celo, da je obstajal serum. Ker pa je virus mutiral, je edini način za izdelavo protitelesc ta, da najdejo izvor okužbe, torej opico, ki se potika nekje v divjini ...


Zadnji Škotski kralj

Zadnji Škotski kralj 2006


Mladi škotski zdravnik Nicholas se upre želji staršev, da bi nadaljeval staro družinsko prakso in odide v Ugando. Tam se zbliža s privlačno ženo svojega nadrejenega, a še usodnejše je njegovo srečanje s karizmatičnim predsednikom Idi Aminom, ki je prišel na oblast z vojaškim udarom in Ugandčanom obljublja boljše čase. Nicholasa zaposli kot osebnega zdravnika in svetovalca, toda mladeničeve idilične sanje se kmalu porušijo, saj se Amin počasi spremeni v okrutnega diktatorja.



Patton 1970


Film pripoveduje zgodbo o kontroverznem, čudaškem, ošabnem in fanatičnem ameriškem generalu Georgeu S. Pattonu. Prvič ga srečamo leta 1943 v Severni Afriki, kjer Američani v boju s sovražnikom utrpijo hude izgube. Patton postane vodja ameriške vojske in po nekaj odmevnih zmagah kmalu postane znan širši javnosti. Zaradi uspehov, ki jih doseže, dobi celo nasprotnike na svoji strani, saj mu drugi poveljniki zavezniških sil zavidajo.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Fighting for Love

Fighting for Love 2024


A Mai, the daughter of a Nanxia official, is out for blood after her family was killed by her childhood sweetheart Chen Qi. Having grown into a young woman, she disguises herself as a man and wanders the lands to seek revenge. During a chance encounter, A Mai rescues Shang Yizhi, the son of the Crown Princess, and helps him out of many predicaments. Their fates have been intertwined ever since. When war broke out, A Mai joined the military. She moved up from a foot soldier to a commander due to her marvelous achievements. At the same time, Shang Yizhi has been struggling to survive as he is being hunted down. A Mai assists him in turning the tide. Meanwhile, she also has repeated encounters with the enemy general Chang Yu Qing in the battlefield. Through unexpected events, their paths cross again and they experience life and death together. In the face of the cruelties of the times, A Mai must make a decision for the sake of her country.


Evil Con Carne

Evil Con Carne 2003


After a failed attempt at world domination, a rich playboy/evil genius is resurrected and resumes his quest for power -- along with a search for his other body parts.



Attila 2001


Attila was an American TV miniseries set during the waning days of the Western Roman Empire, in particular during the invasions of the Huns in Europe.


The Rebel Princess

The Rebel Princess 2021


Wang Xuan and Xiao Qi strike a deal for the sake of power. They marry first before falling in love and join hands to protect their homeland. She is a woman who is no less than any man while he rose from humble beginnings. The imperial family has become rotten to the core. The nobles are lavish with no regard for the people. Princess Wang Xuan and her childhood sweetheart, the third prince, become pawns of a prophecy that states, "to acquire thee is to obtain the world." Being pulled into the matters of the court, Wang Xuan is married off by her father to Xiao Qi who comes from a poor family. On the night of their wedding, Xiao Qi is forced to leave the capital. Wang Xuan is shamed and discouraged. The Helan Prince kidnaps Wang Xuan in order to seek revenge on Xiao Qi. The crisis they face becomes a blessing in disguise for the couple. Wang Xuan is moved and inspired by Xiao Qi's wish to bring peace and prosperity to the nation and they fall in love.


Strange Angel

Strange Angel 2018


The story of the mysterious and brilliant Jack Parsons in 1940s Los Angeles as by day he helps birth the discipline of American rocketry and by night is a performer of sex magick rituals and a disciple to occultist Aleister Crowley.


Sheep in the Big City

Sheep in the Big City 2000


Sheep in the Big City is an American animated television series which ran on Cartoon Network for two seasons, from November 17, 2000, to April 7, 2002. The series' pilot first premiered as part of Cartoon Network's "Cartoon Cartoon Summer" on August 18, 2000. Created by Mo Willems, the bulk of the show follows a runaway sheep, Sheep, in its new life in "the Big City". It also features several unrelated sketches and shorts, similar to The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show. With an emphasis on more "sophisticated" humor, using multiple forms of rhetoric from the characters to the plots, it was more popular with older audiences. It was also unusual in featuring many comic references to film-making and television broadcasting. At the time, the premiere of Sheep in the Big City was the highest-rated premiere for a Cartoon Network original series.


The Princess in Love

The Princess in Love 2020


Xiao Haofeng, a young general, had been lonely since childhood and accidentally developed his skills. However, just as Xiao Haofeng was proud of the spring breeze, he was suddenly assassinated by the princess of the Bei Yue kingdom. As a result, Xiao Haofeng fell into lingering love disputes and got involved in the political whirlpool of intrigue and deceit.


Winner Is King

Winner Is King 1970


In the age of the Great Liang Dynasty, the lives of the people were made convenient with steam-powered machines that run on a fuel named Violetstream Gold. Chang Geng, who lived in a small countryside village, shared a distant relationship with his mother while his stepfather was away most of the year round, and the only people he was close to were two little kids, the village teacher, and his yi fu – adoptive father. But his life was flipped upside down one day following the barbaric Man tribes’ invasion, and it turned out that his entire identity had been an illusion. Live adaptation of "Sha Po Lang" by author Priest.