
Pošastno 2008


Da bi proslavili pomembno Robovo napredovanje v službi, mu njegova punca Beth in nekaj prijateljev zvečer priredijo velikansko poslovilno zabavo presenečenja, preden bi se za nekaj časa preselil na Japonsko. A tisto noč se v New Yorku dogaja nekaj nedoumljivega in strašnega: mesto je očitno napadla nekakšna velikanska, neustavljiva pošast, velika kot nebotičnik. Vrstijo se izgredi, množične smrti, na ulicah se vojska bojuje z orjakom in legendarni Kip svobode ostane brez glave. Gigantsko skrivnostno bitje uničuje vse na svoji poti, prijatelji pa se odločijo rešiti Beth, medtem ko dogodke ves čas beležijo s prenosno kamero. Nihče ne ve, odkod je prišel pošastni stvor, in ali ga je sploh mogoče pokončati.


Bridžit Džons: Na ivici razuma

Bridžit Džons: Na ivici razuma 2004


Bridget Jones je že srečna: živi s čednim Markom Darcyjem in je zapustila svojega bivšega šefa Daniela. Slaba novica je, da Rebeka pokvari odnos z Markom. Tudi v službi stvari ne grejo dobro, najslabše pa je, kaj se zgodi z njo med potovanjem na Tajsko. Vendar kot vedno ima podporo svojih prijateljev, ki jo spodbujajo k spoznavanju novih ljudi. Ampak kdo ve, če Bridget ne razmišlja, da bi se vrnila skupaj z Danielom?


Prijatelja samo za seks

Prijatelja samo za seks 2011


Režiser prebrisane komedije Lahka punca prikazuje nenavadno srečanje dveh popolnih nasprotij: zapeljivi Ben išče popolno žensko, Sara pa si želi partnerja, s katerim bi si ustvarila družino. Neuspešno iskanje ju združi v postelji, vendar z obljubo, da gre zgolj za prijateljski seks brez obveznosti. Med čakanjem na idealnega partnerja se njune posteljne avanture spreminjajo v strastno razmerje, toda strah priznanja ljubezni ju postavi pred največjo življenjsko preizkušnjo.


Zabava, ki jo komaj čakam

Zabava, ki jo komaj čakam 1998


Na srednji šoli Huntington Hills je matura: čas za slovesnosti in razmislek o prihodnosti. A to noč so za maturante pomembnejši zabava, ljubezen, maščevanje in rokenrol. Zdaj ko so se maturantske slovesnosti na srednji šoli Huntington Hills končale, je čas za resnično zabavo – maturantski ples. Nadebudni pisatelj Preston Meyers (Ethan Embry) je bil več let zaljubljen v razredno lepotico Amando Beckett (Jennifer Love Hewitt). Njegova čustva doživijo vrhunec na zabavi, kjer mora izkoristiti zadnjo priložnost, da ji izpove ljubezen, preden bo naslednjega dne odpotoval v Boston. Čas ni najbolj primeren, saj je Amando pred kratkim zapustil fant, šolski športni as (Peter Facinelli). Maturantska zabava je odločilen preobrat, ki spravi na kolena šolske kralje in kraljice priljubljenosti, nerodne piflarje povzdigne v razredne junake in z manjšo pomočjo usode dokaže, da pošteni fantje niso nujno vselej zadnji.


Seks v mestu

Seks v mestu 2008


Carrie Bradshaw, uspešna kolumnistka in pisateljica ter pri vseh priljubljena modna ikona iz sosednje ulice, se je vrnila. S svojo slavno zajedljivostjo spet pripoveduje svojo zgodbo o seksu, ljubezni in z modo obsedeni samski ženski v New Yorku. Film Seks v mestu sledi prijateljicam Carrie, Samanthi , Charlotte in Mirandi štiri leta po koncu istoimenske televizijske nanizanke. Junakinje še naprej žonglirajo s službami, prijateljstvi in odnosi, hkrati pa že krmarijo v svetu materinstva, porok in nepremičnin na Manhattnu.


Bound at First Sight

Bound at First Sight 2025


High school sweethearts Gao Song and Pei Yanyan fell in love during college but broke up after graduation. Seven years later, Pei Yanyan is still single, while Gao Song is about to get engaged. As they reconnect, old feelings resurface, forcing them to confront their past and decide if their love deserves a second chance.


The Time It Takes

The Time It Takes 2021


Lina and Nico break up after many years together, and Lina struggles to find a new life and to think about him a little less each day.


Lovestruck in the City

Lovestruck in the City 2020


Heart stolen by a free-spirited woman after a beachside romance, a passionate architect sets out to reunite with her on the streets of Seoul.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


To My Star

To My Star 2021


The love story between actor Kang Seo-joon, who deviates from the traditional route, and chef Han Ji-woo, who doesn't want to deviate from the straight path. It's a romance-boosting story that claims to be a type of drama that's never been seen before.


Chef d'orchestre

Chef d'orchestre 2025


A musician serving others for 20 years, Joseph Marchand dreams of a first solo album. Unfortunately, he is paralyzed by a heartache that prevents him from composing. Supported by his young and ambitious agent, Ariane, who has temporarily become his roommate, he will try to go through the five stages of grief in order to achieve his goals.


Ending Again

Ending Again 2020


Romance of a contract marriage. Those, who decided not to marry, get married to take the newlywed loan.


My Fuxxxxx Romance

My Fuxxxxx Romance 2020


The four become friends in a club bar and their relationship develops. They do not consider each other friends but want to love each other. Some are loyal and want to start a real relationship, but some want fun and playfulness. A love drama about friends looking for a free relationship falling into a complicated love relationship with each other. How will their relationship play out? Will they remain as friends or lovers?


Un Amore

Un Amore 2024


Alessandro and Anna, just over the age of 18, meet by chance during an Interrail trip to Spain. It is a hot summer in the late 1990s, and the two immediately fall in love. Their lives, however, are much more complicated than the fate that brought them together, and soon the two are forced to separate. Over the years they remain linked by an intense correspondence, never able to muster the courage to see each other. However, 20 years after their first meeting and now adults, they meet again in Bologna. Their feeling, which has never faded over time, will have to clash with the interferences of a reality more complex than the one they had created only through words.



A-TEEN 2018


It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage school romance web drama.


Wednesday 3:30 PM

Wednesday 3:30 PM 2017


This drama tells the story of a woman who was dumped by her boyfriend and tries win to win back his heart by making him jealous. With her close male friend, she manipulates her social media to create a fake “lovestagram” (love + Instagram). The two characters are childhood friends, and a sweet romance will unfold as they begin to live together.



EXchange 2021


Ex-couples who broke up for various reasons gather to look back on their past love and to find new love.



Amsterdam 2022


Just when long-time couple Nadia and Martín begin to consider separating, an adorable stray dog finds his way into their home, and the two attempt to care for the animal together.


Check Out the Event

Check Out the Event 2021


Follows the emotional journey that will unfold when two former lovers pretend to be together to head on a couple's trip they won at an event.



Rehearsals 2020


Two theater writers are forced to work together just when they're going through a breakup in their relationship. They are joined by two egotistical TV stars.


Indori Ishq

Indori Ishq 2021


First love always remains one of the most cherished experiences in one’s life. The butterflies in your stomach every time your crush passes by, the thoughts of being with them one day, the fear of rejection holding you back and all that comes with it is truly an eccentric feeling. MX Player’s latest original, Indoori Ishq web series explores the excursion of one such love story, which starts with a meet-cute of a high school sweethearts but ends in a rather nasty manner. The Indoori Ishq story revolves around Kunal, who is about to pass out of his school and leave his hometown. Kunal has it all in life- he is leaving his hometown of Indore to pursue his future education in Mumbai where he has a seat secured in one of the country’s best Naval colleges. Not only has he made his parents and everyone proud but is also in a secured relationship with his high school sweetheart, Tara. What could go wrong with him now?


Hello Dracula

Hello Dracula 2020


Three neighbors face problems they want to avoid, but they grow facing their dilemmas. Anna lives with her mother and lives her life following her mother's wishes, but she has a secret she can't tell anyone. Yoo Ra and her family need to leave their neighborhood due to a reurbanization project in the area where they live. Seo Yeon is the vocalist of an indie band. She's very superstitious, and she can't get over her ex-boyfriend, who broke up with her a year ago.


My Crazy Ex

My Crazy Ex 2015


Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.


After Hours

After Hours 2015


An 18 year old music lover who's just had his heart broken for the first time turns for support to an internet radio station on a long boat run by two people with extravagant personalities.


4 Reasons Why I Hate X-Mas

4 Reasons Why I Hate X-Mas 2019


A web-drama about 4 young adults who hate Christmas who meet by chance and spend the month of December together. They unexpectedly become a part of each others lives as Christmas nears.