
Gladiator 2000


Vozovi, sandali in meči so se po več desetletjih pogumno in krvavo vrnili na velika platna v tem spektakularnem epskem filmu, ki je leta 2000 osvojil pet oskarjev, med drugim za najboljši film. Dobil ga je tudi Russell Crowe za svojo upodobitev Maksima, nekoč velikega rimskega generala, ki je končal v suženjstvu pod sadističnim in zavistnim vladarjem Komodom (Joaquin Phoenix). Maksim se želi maščevati za smrt svoje družine, ki so jo ubili Komodovi možje, in postane najsrditejši in najbolj priljubljen gladiator v vsem Rimu. To ga pripelje do neizogibnega spopada s svojim smrtnim sovražnikom. Igrajo še Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed (v svoji zadnji filmski vlogi), Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou in Richard Harris. Film je režiral Ridley Scott (Osmi potnik, Hanibal) po scenariju Davida Franzonija, Johna Logana in Williama Nicholsona.



Troja 2004


Moški so se skozi stoletja bojevali. Nekateri za moč, nekateri za slavo ali čast in nekateri za ljubezen. V starodavni Grčiji sta strast dveh najbolj legendarnih ljubimcev v zgodovini, Pariza, trojanskega princa (Orlando Bloom) in Helene (Diane Kruger), kraljica Šparte, sprožila vojno, ki bi opustošila civilizacijo. Ugrabitev Helene s strani Pariza, ki jo loči od moža, kralja Menelausa (Bren-dan Gleeson), je žalitev, da Family Pride ugotovi, da je prizadetost Menelausu grožnja njenemu bratu Agamemnonu (Brian Cox), močnemu kralju Mycenae, ki kmalu ponovno združi vsa velika grška plemena, da bi Heleno opomogla pred Trojanci in branila čast svojega brata. Resnica je, da boj za čast Agamemnona pokvari njegov neobvladljiv pohlep, ko mora osvojiti Trojo, da prevzame nadzor nad Egejskim morjem.



300 2007


Režiser Zore živih mrtvecev Zack Snyder je po stripu Franka Millerja, ki je navdihnil tudi Mesto greha, ustvaril spektakularno vizijo legendarnega boja 300 špartanskih vojakov, ki so se leta 480 pred našim štetjem spopadli s stokrat številnejšo perzijsko vojsko. Čeprav niso imeli možnosti za zmago, so s svojo hrabrostjo, požrtvovalnostjo in odločnostjo dali zgled in upanje drugim grškim državam, da so se skupno uprle in naposled pregnale perzijske zavojevalce



Krudovi 2013


Glavno pravilo glave družine Gruga je, da razen za iskanje hrane nikoli ne zapustijo varnega zavetja domače votline, kar gre močno v nos njegovi vedoželjni odraščajoči hčerki Ip. Toda tektonski premiki jih prisilijo, da si poiščejo nov dom, preko nepoznanih dežel pa jih vodi Ipin novi prijatelj, kar Grugu ni niti malo všeč. Ob spoznavanju številnih novih čudes in neprestanih nevarnostih se počasi vendarle zbližajo, toda premagati morajo še številne zabavne in boleče preizkušnje.



Centurion 2010


Leta 117 se rimsko cesarstvo razteza od Egipta do Španije in do Črnega morja na vzhodu. V severni provinci Britaniji se staroselska plemena, med katerimi so najbolj divji in neustrašni bojevniki Pikti, vse bolj upirajo zavojevalcem. Kvintus Dias, edini preživeli po njihovem napadu na rimsko postojanko, se poda na sever v spremstvu 9. legije slavnega generala Virilusa, da bi porazil Pikte in uničil njihovega vodjo Gorlacona. Vendar legijo napadejo iz zasede in ugrabijo Virilusa, Kvintus pa se obupano bojuje za življenje svojega vodje izza sovražnikove črte in se ogiba piktovskih zasledovalcev. Vojščaki se odločijo rešiti ujetega generala in ga odpeljati na varno rimsko ozemlje.


History Of The World

History Of The World 2020


It's about human history, how humans shaped the world we live in. A history through cultures and civilizations - from early Mesopotamia to the industrial revolution. Documentary series from various european production company’s like BBC, SVT, NRK, DR, ARTE, Covering serveral topics of war, Persons Like Cleopatra, Hitler, George Washington, etc


Troy: Fall of a City

Troy: Fall of a City 2018


A rich story of love, intrigue, betrayal and belonging told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege of Troy.



Tut 2015


The story of the Egyptian Pharaoh, one of the most renowned leaders in human history. This ambitious special-event series tells the story of Tut’s rise to power and his struggle to lead Egypt to glory, while his closest advisers, friends and lovers scheme for their own nefarious interests. “Tut” opens up a fascinating window into a world filled with heart-breaking romance, epic battles, political backstabbing, conspiracy, jealousy, and even murder — proving his world was not far removed from our own — and that his reign as the youngest Egyptian king played out as a real-life drama for the ages.


In the Beginning: The Bible Stories

In the Beginning: The Bible Stories 1997


In the Beginning features episodes devoted to most of the major Bible stories of the Old Testament, including the stories of the Creation, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David, and Solomon, with the final episode featuring the birth of Jesus Christ. As with the second Superbook series, some stories were stretched out over several episodes. Unlike Superbook and The Flying House, however, no contemporary characters from modern times were inserted into the stories, save for the series mascot and viewpoint character, Roco the fox.


Walking with Monsters

Walking with Monsters 2005


A three-part British documentary film series about life in the Paleozoic, bringing to life extinct arthropods, fish, amphibians, synapsids, and reptiles. Narrated by Kenneth Branagh and using state-of-the-art visual effects, this prequel to Walking with Dinosaurs shows nearly 300 million years of Paleozoic history, from the Cambrian Period (530 million years ago) to the Early Triassic Period (248 million years ago).


The History of Sex

The History of Sex 1999


The History of Sex is a 1999 five part documentary series by Jim Milio, Kelly McPherson, and Melissa Jo Peltier; and narrated by Peter Coyote. It was first aired on The History Channel. It features interviews of Hugh Hefner, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Helen Gurley Brown, and more.


The Incredible Human Journey

The Incredible Human Journey 2009


There are seven billion humans on Earth, spread across the whole planet. Scientific evidence suggests that most of us can trace our origins to one tiny group of people who left Africa around 70,000 years ago. In this five-part series, Dr Alice Roberts follows the archaeological and genetic footprints of our ancient ancestors to find out how their journeys transformed our species into the humans we are today, and how Homo Sapiens came to dominate the planet.


Ancient Inventions

Ancient Inventions 1998


Ancient Inventions was a BBC historical documentary series released in 1998. It was presented by ex-Monty Python member Terry Jones and looked at great inventions of the ancient world. The series is split into 3 episodes, namely City Life, Sex and Love, and War and Conflicts, all around 50 min long.


Math and the Rise of Civilization

Math and the Rise of Civilization 2011


A guided tour of the history of numbers and how they’ve shaped the development of humankind is at the heart of this unique series. In five episodes that take us across time and around the world, we see how mathematics played an important role in ancient Egypt and Greece, early India, medieval Europe, and our own modern world. Computer graphics make mathematical formulae accessible and interesting, while dramatic reenactments of history pique the viewer’s interest.