Avtomobili 3

Avtomobili 3 2017


Nova generacija neverjetno hitrih dirkačev je legendarnega Lightning McQueena izrinila iz njemu tako ljubega športa. Da bi se vrnil v igro, potrebuje pomoč zagrete mlade tehničarke Cruz Ramirez z njenim izvirnim načrtom, navdih pokojnega Fabulousa Hudson Horneta ter nekaj nepričakovanih zapletov. Da bi dokazal, da #95 še ni odnehal, bo prvak svoje srce pustil na velikem dirkališču Piston Cupa!


Creed: Rojstvo legende

Creed: Rojstvo legende 2015


Vročekrvni mladenič Adonis poskuša postati profesionalni boksar, vendar ne želi svoje kariere zgraditi na slavi svojega očeta Apolla Creeda. Ker ne najde pravega trenerja, se obrne na očetovega starega nasprotnika in kasnejšega prijatelja, legendarnega Rockyja Balboa. Ta je zapustil svet boksa in želi mirno preživeti starost v svoji restavraciji, toda vztrajni Adonis mu znova vzbudi boksarske strasti. Rocky poskuša med neizprosnimi pripravami na spopad z angleškim prvakom Adonisa naučiti svoje filozofije boksanja, a se dvojec ob tem sooča z nepričakovanimi zdravstvenimi in ljubezenskimi težavami.


Policijska akademija

Policijska akademija 1984


Na policijski akademiji se za policiste urijo ljudje, ki si jih nikoli ne bi mogli zamisliti v tej vlogi. Eden takih je Carey Mahoney, ki težave raje povzroča, kot jih rešuje. Še najraje jo zagode nepriljubljenemu poročniku Harrisu. Pri tem si pomaga s številnimi zvijačami, zaveznike pa najde tudi med odštekanimi sošolci.


Falling Into You

Falling Into You 2022


Duan Yucheng is a high-spirited young man who loves high jump but is limited by his height, met his talent scout, the experienced athletics assistant Luo Na. In order to get more professional guidance and help, Duan Yucheng made every effort to enroll at the university where Luo Na coaches, and became a member of Luo Na's team, started to pursue his dream of high jumping. Pursuing dream is a very cruel thing, you have to experience injuries, failures, and loneliness that none can understand. But pursuing dream is also very sweet, because every bit of joy of improvement can transcend the pain of the body and the doubts of others. Starting from the school-level competition, then to the municipal, provincial, National University Games, and the National Athletics Championships, Duan Yucheng climbed step by step. No matter how far he goes, there is only one thing that will never change - the blazing track is his only belief.


The Charm of Soul Pets

The Charm of Soul Pets 2024


The main character, Chu Mu, was the heir to the Chu Clan, but he was banished to the island and faced an almost certain death as a result of a planned assassination. He danced on the brink of death, fighting for his life with a little Moonlight Fox he had captured. He had to exhale when he was finally free of the demonic foremen on his island. However, he was unaware that this was just the start of his destined trip with his tiny Moonlight Fox.