The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare 2024


Resnična zgodba o tajni britanski organizaciji iz druge svetovne vojne: Special Operations Executive. Ustanovil jo je Winston Churchill, njihovi napadi na nemške sile za bojnimi linijami pa so pomagala spremeniti potek vojne in so botrovali nastanku sodobnih "črnih operacij".


Sicario: Onkraj zakona

Sicario: Onkraj zakona 2015


Beseda Sicario v Mehiki označuje plačanega morilca. Idealistično FBI agentko Kate pošljejo na mejo med Mehiko ter ZDA, da razišče kriminalna dejanja, povezana z vojno prekupčevalcev mamil. Pod vodstvom skrivnostnega svetovalca s vprašljivo preteklosti, se mora Kate odpovedati vsem svojim načelom, da bi preživela.


Rambo 1

Rambo 1 1982


John Rambo je vietnamski veteran, eden izmed najboljših med Zelenimi baretkami. Brezciljno tava po svetu in v nekem kraju pristane v nemilosti pokvarjenega lokalnega šerifa. Ta ga zapre v ječo in tam Rambo postane tarča sadističnih napadov. Policiji napove vojno in uspe mu pobegniti. Postane prava vojska v eni osebi.


Lovec ubijalec

Lovec ubijalec 2018


Globoko v Arktičnem oceanu kapitan ameriške nuklearne podmornice Joe Glass dobi informacijo, da je prišlo do ruskega državnega udara, ki ogroža svetovni mir. Ruskega predsednika je namreč ugrabila skupina odpadnikov, ki skuša zanetiti tretjo svetovno vojno. Kapitan Glass mora s svojo posadko in s pomočjo vojaškega poveljništva sestaviti elitno skupino tjulnjev, da bi rešili ugrabljenega predsednika in ustavili novo svetovno vojno.


00:30 - Tajna operacija

00:30 - Tajna operacija 2012


Režiserka z oskarji nagrajenega vojnega trilerja Bombna misija se vrača na območje spopadov, tokrat z osupljivim prikazom ozadja resničnega lova na vodjo teroristov Osamo bin Ladna. Kljub večletnemu neuspešnemu iskanju vodje Al Kaide odločna agentka CIE Maya ne želi vreči puške v koruzo, toda ob iskanju informacij z nečloveškim mučenjem zapornikov se večkrat znajde na robu moralnih dilem. Naposled dobi svežo sled za najbolj iskanim človekom na svetu, vendar mora v pravilnost svojih podatkov najprej prepričati odgovorne, ki lahko odobrijo nepredvidljivo in nevarno vojaško operacijo.


Skriti udarec

Skriti udarec 2023


Dva elitna vojaka želita rešiti civiliste pred uporniškim napadom - čeprav ju to postavi v samo središče streljanja in eksplozij. Ne glede na to ali je ta dva moža ​​združila usoda ali zlobni trgovec z nafto, bosta naredila vse kar je potrebno, da uničita hudobneže.



Doom 2005



Nevidno zlo

Nevidno zlo 2002


V tajnem centru za genetsko raziskovanje - za vojaške namene - močne multinacionalke se pojavi virusni izbruh, ki okuži celotno zgradbo. Računalnik, ki nadzoruje središče, zajema puščanje, zapre celotno namestitev in sprva verjamejo, da vsi zaposleni umrejo, v resnici pa so postali divji zombiji ...



Transfuzija 2023


Ryan Logan, nekdanji operativec posebnih enot, se po izgubi žene bori z življenjem. Pahnjen je v kriminalno podzemlje, da bi tako preprečil, da bi mu vzeli njegovega edinca.



SEAL Team 2017


Military drama following the professional and personal lives of the most elite unit of Navy SEALs as they train, plan and execute the most dangerous, high stakes missions our country can ask of them.


The A-Team

The A-Team 1983


A fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel work as soldiers of fortune while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn't commit."



Obliterated 2023


A special forces team thwarts a deadly plot in Sin City and parties accordingly. But when the real threat emerges, they must sober up to save Las Vegas.


Strike Back

Strike Back 2010


The series follows John Porter, a former British Special Forces soldier, who is drafted back into service by Section 20, a fictional branch of the Secret Intelligence Service.


My Military Valentine

My Military Valentine 2024


After decades of tension, peace has come to the Korean Peninsula. To mark the start of the new North-South Korean peacetime, top South Korean star Lloyd heads to the DMZ to perform a concert, but a misunderstanding forces North Korean special forces soldier Baek Young Ok to step in. Fans capture their interaction and the public mistakes it for a romantic moment. A scandal breaks out, and Lloyd’s fans are outraged. In desperation, he joins the military… only to find himself in a unit led by Young Ok! Could romance bloom between this unlikely pair?



Legends 2014


Working for the FBI's Deep Cover Operations division, Martin Odum can transform himself into a different person -- whether it's an assignment as a Serbian extremist, a corrupt Chicago police officer, a British special forces colonel, or a legendary computer hacker. But when he learns that his life, itself, may be a lie, he faces the demands of his job and a desire to solve the mystery of his identity. And given the choice between the two, Odum doesn't always make the right decision.



SIX 2017


Action drama series inspired by the real missions of Navy SEAL Team Six.



E-Ring 2005


E-Ring is an American television military drama, created by Ken Robinson and David McKenna and executive produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, that premiered on NBC on September 21, 2005. The title of the show refers to the structure of The Pentagon, which is configured in five concentric rings, from "A" to "E", with E being the outermost ring. Before any military action can be taken anywhere in the world the mission must be planned and approved by the most important ring of the Pentagon, the E-ring. This is where the more high-profile work is done, all operations must be legally approved and the green light given by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The show starred Benjamin Bratt as Major James Tisnewski, a former Delta Force operator and Dennis Hopper as Colonel Eli McNulty, as officers working in the E-ring of the Pentagon in the Special Operations Division – planning and co-ordinating covert US special operations actions around the globe. The show struggled from the onset because it was up against ABC's Top 20 hit Lost, CBS's Top 30 hit Criminal Minds, FOX's Top 10 hit American Idol and the network's Top 30 hit Unan1mous. Although NBC gave it an earlier time slot which led to better ratings, the show was pulled from the lineup during the February sweeps and officially canceled at the NBC Upfront on May 15.


Ultimate Force

Ultimate Force 2002


This covert combat series focuses on the Red Troop, an elite group of soldiers from the British military's Special Air Service group.


My Dear Guardian

My Dear Guardian 2021


A story that follows a warm and gentle military medic and the 'ice mountain' military officer as they fulfill their duties and also find love.


SAS: Who Dares Wins

SAS: Who Dares Wins 2015


Selection for the SAS is one of the world's toughest job interviews and physical fitness is only the starting point. What's really being tested is psychological resilience and character as candidates undergo sleep deprivation, interrogation and a series of increasingly complex mind games. In this programme, five ex-special forces soldiers re-create tasks from the SAS's secret selection process, putting 30 civilian men through the ultimate test of their physical and - more importantly - their psychological resilience.


No Man Left Behind

No Man Left Behind 2016


To be trapped behind enemy lines is every soldier’s worst nightmare: a situation they all train for, few experience, and even fewer survive. No Man Left Behind dramatizes the stories of real-life war-heroes whose contribution to the war effort becomes a pure battle for survival against all odds.


Special Forces: Most Daring Missions

Special Forces: Most Daring Missions 2024


Follow UK's SAS operations during incidents such as 'Operation Nimrod', the Iranian Embassy siege in London in 1980. Each episode of Most Daring Missions will celebrate a real life assignment undertaken by an elite military force.


The Black Sea

The Black Sea 2020


Year 1944. Shortly before the start of the Crimean Offensive, the ships of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Azov Naval Flotilla are in serious danger: German underwater commandos are preparing a large-scale operation to destroy the main combat units of the Soviet fleet in ports and roads. Aware of the seriousness of the threat, the Soviet command is developing an operation to detect and destroy the main base of the German underwater saboteurs.



Erikoisjoukot 2022


Fourteen celebrity contestants are put to test by trying to survive Finnish Special Forces training.


Under the Radar

Under the Radar 2023


An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Police. Through testimonies and reconstructions, 'Under the Radar' also takes a closer look at a number of striking operations from the past.


Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week

Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week 2015


Civilian recruits compete to win a grueling selection process designed by veterans from six international special forces units.


Black Ops

Black Ops 2012


BLACK OPS travels the world to take viewers along on top secret special ops missions. The series reveals how elite special operations units in different countries carry out their high-risk/zero-recognition assignments and shares the inside story of some of the most dramatic military actions in recent history. When 40 Chechen terrorists armed with guns and bombs hold 800 theater-goers hostage, it's up to Russia's elite anti-terrorist force, Spetsnaz group "Alpha," to get the hostages out alive. Negotiation is not an option, and a siege would set off the explosives. The only way to save the hostages' lives is to use an untested top-secret knock-out gas.