Pobesneli Max: Cesta besa

Pobesneli Max: Cesta besa 2015


Režiser George Miller, ki se je domislil post-apokaliptičnega žanra in je ustvaril legendarno franšizo Mad Max, nas v Pobesnelem Maxu: Cesta besa vrača v svet cestnega bojevnika Maxa Rockatanskyja.


Pariz, Teksas

Pariz, Teksas 1984


Uničen moški brezciljno blodi po teksaški puščavi, ne vedoč, kdo je, od kod prihaja in kam gre. Izkaže se, da gre za Travisa Hendersona, ki ga k sebi domov odpelje njegov brat Walt. Izvemo, da se je Travis po ločitvi od žene umaknil v popolno samoto, izginil za nekaj let, tudi svojega sina Hunterja je pustil pri bratu. Travis in Hunter, na začetku popolna tujca, se počasi zbližata in se skupaj odpravita iskat mater oziroma bivšo ženo. Toda kaj se je zgodilo z njo, med njima? Kakšna nesreča je doletela nekdaj zaljubljen par? Zakaj je Travis izgubil spomin? Zgodba o propadlih upih nas ne more pustiti hladne.


Korak do slave

Korak do slave 2000


Leto 1973. Petnajstletni William Miller (Patrick Fugit) je navdušen rokenrol fan, ki si prizadeva postati glasbeni novinar. Piše za majhne alternativne časopise, članke pa pošilja tudi legendarnemu glasbenemu novinarju Lesterju Bangsu (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Ko mu slovita revija Rolling Stone poveri intervju z vzhajajočimi zvezdami, hard rockerji Stillwater, mladi novinar na turneji in v zaodrjih, med tripi in ego tripi, doživi ognjeni krst in rokenrol. V marsičem avtobiografska pripoved Camerona Crowa, ki je v 70-ih pri rosnih šestnajstih intervjuval legendarne Led Zeppeline.



Supernatural 2005


When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.


AJ and the Queen

AJ and the Queen 2020


While traveling across the country in a run-down RV, drag queen Ruby Red discovers an unlikely sidekick in AJ: a tough-talking 10-year-old stowaway.


Hit the Road

Hit the Road 2023


One of the most appealing features of Japan's national road network is the various Michinoeki, literally way stations, that provide a place for motorists to rest, dine and shop. They offer information on the locality and restaurants with regional specialties, and often sell local crafts and delicacies for travelers to take home. A stop at one or more of these spots helps to make any road trip in Japan unforgettable.


In the footsteps of Lucky Luke

In the footsteps of Lucky Luke 2024


Relentless sheriffs, trigger-happy gunslingers, steadfast saloon owners and cocky cowboys are all found in the "Lucky Luke" albums, which have influenced entire generations of comic readers. For the three-part series "In the footsteps of Lucky Luke", the French comic author Jul traveled to the USA to trace the role models of the familiar comic characters.


The Hairy Bikers: Chicken & Egg

The Hairy Bikers: Chicken & Egg 2016


The Hairy Bikers are on a mission to find the best chicken and egg recipes in the world. Biking across Europe, the Middle East and America, the boys celebrate the versatility of both chicken and egg.


Vie de tournée

Vie de tournée 2015


Herby Moreau tags along with group and solo artists as they go on tour. As they all struggle to find a balance between their professional, family and personal lives, the artists talk about loneliness, pressure and the sacrifices they have to live through during a tour.