Pobesneli Max: Cesta besa

Pobesneli Max: Cesta besa 2015


Režiser George Miller, ki se je domislil post-apokaliptičnega žanra in je ustvaril legendarno franšizo Mad Max, nas v Pobesnelem Maxu: Cesta besa vrača v svet cestnega bojevnika Maxa Rockatanskyja.



Greyhound 2020


Zgodba opisuje komandirja ameriške mornarice na prvi plovbi prek Atlantika kmalu po vstopu ZDA v drugo svetovno vojno v začetku leta 1942, med katero je zadolžen za varovanje konvoja trgovskih ladij pred napadi nemških podmornic.


Das Boot

Das Boot 1981


Nemška podmornica med drugo svetovno vojno lovi zavezniške ladje, a kmalu postane lovljena. Posadka skuša preživeti pod gladino, pri tem pa do skrajnih meja razteza tako plovilo kot sebe.



1883 2021


Follow the Dutton family as they embark on a journey west through the Great Plains toward the last bastion of untamed America. A stark retelling of Western expansion, and an intense study of one family fleeing poverty to seek a better future in America’s promised land — Montana.


Convoy: War Of The Atlantic

Convoy: War Of The Atlantic 2009


The story of the Convoys is a tale of compelling drama, full of bravery and tragedy. It takes us into the lives of hundreds of thousands of unheralded men whose incredible everyday courage, played out in the cruel seas and cold skies of the North Atlantic changed the course of the war.


Convoy PQ-17

Convoy PQ-17 2004


On June 27, 1942, a caravan of ships, codenamed PQ-17, left Reykjavik for Arkhangelsk. The route of the ships with cargo for Russia lay across the North Atlantic, where they were awaited by chilling winds, stormy seas and deadly attacks by German submarines and bombers.