Ključna beseda Texas
X 2022
Leta 1979 se skupina mladih filmskih ustvarjalcev odloči, da bo v podeželskem Teksasu posnela film za odrasle. Toda ko jih osameli in starejši gostitelji ujamejo pri aktivnostih, se filmska ekipa znajde v boju za življenje.
Sicario: Onkraj zakona 2015
Spremljamo idealistično agentko FBI-ja, Kate Mercer, ki se vključi v skupino za boj proti drogam, katere vodja je Matt Graver skupaj s svojim skrivnostnim pomočnikom Alejandrom Gillickom. Na meji med ZDA in Mehiko kaj kmalu spozna vse tegobe boja proti mamilaškim organizacijam…
Pearl 2022
Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1918 in spremljamo Pearl kot mlado in ambiciozno dekle, ki hrepeni po glamuroznem življenju filmske plesalke, vendar je njena realnost e življenje na osamljeni družinski kmetiji (njen mož je v vojni v Evropi), kjer je prisiljena skrbeti za njegovega bolnega očeta in je v stalnem konfliktu z njegovo pobožno in strogo materjo. Zaplet nastane, ko izve, da bodo v tamkajšnji cerkvi razpisali tekmovanje za plesalko, ki bo potovala po državi kot del plesne skupine in Pearl se odloči, da se bo prijavila za vsako ceno.
Django brez okovov 2012
Django brez okovov se dogaja dve leti pred ameriško državljansko vojno. Django je suženj, ki ga brutalna preteklost z nekdanjimi lastniki pripelje do srečanja z v Nemčiji rojenim lovcem na glave dr. Kingom Schultzem . Schultz sledi morilskim bratom Brittle in samo Django ga lahko pripelje do njegovega plena. Nenavadni Schultz najame Djanga z obljubo, da ga bo osvobodil, ko ujameta Brittlove. Po uspehu Schultz osvobodi Djanga, a moška skleneta, da ne bosta šla vsak svojo pot, saj se Schultz odloči slediti najbolj iskanim kriminalcem juga. Django izpili ključne lovske veščine, a pred seboj ima samo en cilj: najti in rešiti Broomhildo, svojo ženo, ki jo je pred mnogimi leti izgubil zaradi trgovanja s sužnji. Iskanja ju nazadnje pripeljejo do Calvina Candieja , lastnika razvpite plantaže Candyland. Zemljišče raziščeta pod pretvezo, a vzbudita sum pri Stephenu, hišnemu sužnju, ki mu Candie zelo zaupa. Njune poteze so opažene in izdajalska organizacija okoli njiju sklepa obroč.
Ni prostora za starce 2007
V zgodbi o človeškem pohlepu in nasilju spoznamo običajnega možaka Mossa, ki med lovom po pustinjah ameriškega juga odkrije kopico trupel, ob njih pa poln kovček denarja, ki si ga prisvoji. Toda v kovčku je skrita sledilna naprava in kmalu mu prične za ovratnik dihati hladnokrvni morilec Chigurh, ki ljubi ubijanje in psihološko mučenje svojih žrtev. V dogajanje skuša poseči lokalni šerif Ed, toda obilica denarja privabi tudi druge izmečke človeštva, zato smrt grozi na vsakem koraku. Film je od štirih nominacij prejel zlata globusa za najboljši scenarij in najboljšega stranskega igralca.
The Forever Purge 2021
Hope Floats 1998
Pariz, Teksas 1984
Uničen moški brezciljno blodi po teksaški puščavi, ne vedoč, kdo je, od kod prihaja in kam gre. Izkaže se, da gre za Travisa Hendersona, ki ga k sebi domov odpelje njegov brat Walt. Izvemo, da se je Travis po ločitvi od žene umaknil v popolno samoto, izginil za nekaj let, tudi svojega sina Hunterja je pustil pri bratu. Travis in Hunter, na začetku popolna tujca, se počasi zbližata in se skupaj odpravita iskat mater oziroma bivšo ženo. Toda kaj se je zgodilo z njo, med njima? Kakšna nesreča je doletela nekdaj zaljubljen par? Zakaj je Travis izgubil spomin? Zgodba o propadlih upih nas ne more pustiti hladne.
Zaporniško dvorišče 2005
Rio Bravo 1959
Veliki George Foreman 2023
Izjemno življenje in boksarska kariera Georgea Foremana, od dobitnika zlate olimpijske medalje do svetovnega prvaka v težki kategoriji, od boja z Mohamedom Alijem v Zairu do iskanja njegove vere, upokojitve in preobrazbe v pridigarja. Ko finančna stiska prizadene njegovo družino in cerkev, se vrne v ring in pri 45 letih ponovno osvoji naslov prvaka ter tako postane najstarejši prvak v težki kategoriji v zgodovini boksa.
Železni krempelj 2023
Družinska športna drama po resničnih dogodkih, pripoveduje o štirih ameriških bratih, ki so si v 80. letih preteklega stoletja ustvarili kariero kot profesionalni rokoborci. Film predstavi zgodbo enega od bratov, Kevina Von Ericha, ki je skupaj z drugimi člani družine obeležil ero wrestlinga iz osemdesetih.
Tihotapec 2018
Kriminalna drama o obubožanem veteranu korejske vojne, ki postane tihotapec drog za mehiški kartel, je prvi režijski in hkrati igralski projekt Clinta Eastwooda po Gran Torinu iz leta 2008, igralsko zasedbo filma pa dopolnjujejo številni zvezdniki z Bradleyjem Cooperjem na čelu.
Killer Joe 2012
Rdeča raketa 2021
Nekdanji porno zvezdnik Mikey Saber se odloči, da se vrne nazaj v svoje rojstno mesto Texas City v Teksasune da bi ga kdo res želel nazaj. Tam živita njegova odtujena žena in tašča. Toda ravno ko se zazdi, da ta disfunkcionalna družina vseeno nekako shaja, Mikey v lokalni trgovini s krofi sreča mlado žensko, blagajničarko po imenu Strawberry.
Landman 2024
Set in the proverbial boomtowns of West-Texas and a modern-day tale of fortune-seeking in the world of oil rigs, the series is an upstairs/downstairs story of roughnecks and wildcat billionaires that are fueling a boom so big it’s reshaping our climate, our economy and our geopolitics.
Dallas 1978
The world's first mega-soap, and one of the most popular ever produced, Dallas had it all. Beautiful women, expensive cars, and men playing Monopoly with real buildings. Famous for one of the best cliffhangers in TV history, as the world asked "Who shot J.R.?" A slow-burner to begin with, Dallas hit its stride in the 2nd season, with long storylines and expert character development. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 1980's.
Jessie 2011
An idealistic teen from rural Texas embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when she decides to leave behind starry nights for big city lights. Thrilled to be on her own and determined not to be intimidated by New York City, she accepts a job as nanny for a high-profile couple with four kids. Helping to keep her moral compass in check are Bertram, the family's butler, and Tony, the building's 20-year-old doorman.
Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage 2024
Georgie and Mandy raise their young family in Texas while navigating the challenges of adulthood, parenting, and marriage.
Walker, Texas Ranger 1993
Modern-day Texas Ranger, Cordell Walker's independent crime-solving methods have their roots in the rugged traditions of the Old West. Walker's closest friend is former Ranger, C.D. Parker, who retired after a knee injury, and now owns "C.D.'s," a Country/Western saloon/restaurant. Rookie Ranger, James "Jimmy" Trivette is an ex-football player who bases his crime-solving methods on reason and uses computers and cellular phones. Alex Cahill is the Assistant DA who shares a mutual attraction with Walker, but often disagrees with his unorthodox approach to law enforcement.
Reba 2001
After her dentist husband of 20 years leaves her for his dental hygienist, Reba Hart's seemingly perfect world is turned upside down.
Preacher 2016
A preacher sets out on a mission to make the almighty himself confess his sin of abandoning the world. With his best friend Cassidy, an alcoholic Irish vampire, his love Tulip, a red blooded gun towing Texan, and the power of genesis, an unholy child born from an angel and a devil, Jesse gives up everything to set the world straight with its creator.
Friday Night Lights 2006
The trials and triumphs of life in the small town of Dillon, Texas, where high school football is everything.
Halt and Catch Fire 2014
During the rise of the PC era in the early 1980s, an unlikely trio - a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy - take personal and professional risks in the race to build a computer that will change the world as they know it.
Laredo 1965
Laredo is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from September 16, 1965, to April 7, 1967. Laredo stars Neville Brand, William Smith, Peter Brown, and Philip Carey as Texas Rangers. It is set on the Mexican border about Laredo, Texas. The program was produced by Universal Television. The pilot episode of Laredo aired on NBC's The Virginian under the title, "We've Lost a Train". It was released theatrically in 1969 under the title Backtrack. Three episodes from the first season of the series were edited into the 1968 feature film Three Guns for Texas.
Dallas 2012
J.R., Bobby and Sue Ellen Ewing are all back at Southfork, with plenty of secrets, schemes and betrayals in mind. This time, they're joined by the next generation of Ewings, who take ambition and deception to a new level.
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series 2014
The horror and crime thriller genres collide in this new original series from Robert Rodriguez, based on his cult grindhouse classic about bank-robbing brothers on the run, a lawman bent on bringing them to justice, the devout family caught in the cross-fire, and an ancient evil eager to feast on them all.
Texas Parks and Wildlife 1970
A weekly outdoors/nature series focusing on the incredible diversity of wildlife, scenic locations and fascinating characters that make Texas unique.
The Son 2017
The multigenerational epic follows two concurrent time periods: One, the story of young Eli McCullough after he is kidnapped and indoctrinated into a tribe of Comanches in 1849. The other, 60 years later, when we see a grown Eli struggle to maintain his family’s cattle empire during the turbulent Bandit Wars of South Texas. Based on Philipp Meyer’s acclaimed novel.
Texas 1980
Texas is an American daytime soap opera which aired on NBC from August 4, 1980 until December 31, 1982. It was sponsored and produced by Procter & Gamble Productions at NBC Studios in Brooklyn, New York City. Texas is a spinoff of Another World. It was co-created by head writers John William Corrington, Joyce Hooper Corrington, and executive producer Paul Rauch of Another World. Rauch would hold the title of executive producer for the parent series and its spin-off until 1981.
A Teacher 2020
Claire Wilson, a young teacher at a suburban Texas high school, begins an affair with her student, Eric Walker. But their relationship accelerates faster than anticipated and the permanent damage becomes impossible to ignore.
Love & Death 2023
Candy and Pat Montgomery and Betty and Allan Gore — two churchgoing couples — enjoy their small town Texas life… until an extramarital affair leads somebody to pick up an axe.
Candy 2022
Candy Montgomery is a 1980s housewife and mother who did everything right — but when the pressure of conformity builds within her, her actions scream for just a bit of freedom. Until someone tells her to shush. With deadly results.
Bella and the Bulldogs 2015
A head cheerleader's life takes an unexpected twist when her rifle-like throwing arm takes her from the sidelines to becoming her middle school’s starting quarterback. Bella Dawson is a confident, caring and talented teenager, who suddenly finds herself fulfilling a lifelong dream but also having to navigate the world of her teammates Troy, Sawyer and Newt, without losing her two best friends, Pepper and Sophie from the cheer squad.
Texas Rising 2015
A chronicle of the Texas Revolution, the uprising against the tyranny of Mexican dictator Santa Anna, from the battle of the Alamo to the battle of San Jacinto, and the rise of the Texas Rangers.