
Samaritanec 2022


Skrivnostni in samotarski gospod Smith je sosed 13-letnemu Samu Clearyju. Deček Sam je prepričan, da gospod Smith ni to za kar se izdaja, ampak legendarni junak, ki je izginil pred 25. leti in se sedaj skriva vsem na očeh. Z naraščajočim kriminalom in mestom na robu kaosa si Sam zada nalogo, da svojega soseda prepriča v to, da preneha s skrivanjem in da reši mesto pred propadom.


Dežela nomadov

Dežela nomadov 2021


Dežela nomadov je v najširšem registru, še preden je film o 61-letni učiteljici in vdovi, ki živi življenje na ameriški cesti, zgodba o kapitalizmu. In kapitalizem med drugim rad daje posamezniku občutek, da ima svoje življenje pod nadzorom, da ima izbiro. Ker kot vemo, bi bilo življenje brez izbire dolgočasno in strogo. In ljudje lahko v razvitem kapitalizmu izbirajo tako rekoč o vsem. Kaj bodo delali, kaj bodo jedli, kaj bodo oblekli ter kje in kako bodo živeli. A ko ima posameznik pred sabo neskončno izbiro, ta postane pritisk in prisila. Postane to, čemur Barry Schwartz pravi tiranija izbire. A v Deželi nomadov ne gledamo filma o ljudeh, ki imajo izbiro, pač pa film o ljudeh, ki nimajo izbire. In slišimo o neki drugi tiraniji, o tiraniji dolarja. Osiveli srednji razred, ki si ne more privoščiti upokojitve, a si z delom tudi ne more privoščiti nepremičnine. In prav zaradi manka izbire ta skupnost – ne plemenska, razredna – tava po neskončnih ameriških cestah.


Last of the Summer Wine

Last of the Summer Wine 1973


Unencumbered by wives, jobs or any other responsibilities, three senior citizens who've never really grown up explore their world in the Yorkshire Dales. They spend their days speculating about their fellow townsfolk and thinking up adventures not usually favored by the elderly. Last of the Summer Wine premiered as an episode of Comedy Playhouse in 1973. The show ran for 295 episodes until 2010. It is the longest running comedy Britain has produced and the longest running sitcom in the world.


The Job Lot

The Job Lot 2013


The daily troubles of the people who work in a busy West Midlands Job Centre, and the people who don’t work there, or anywhere else for that matter.


Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 1983


Seven British construction workers escape Britain's ever growing dole queues and travel to Germany to work on a site in Dusseldorf. We follow their trials and tribulations of working away from home and away from the women they left behind.


Boys from the Blackstuff

Boys from the Blackstuff 1982


Alan Bleasdale's five-part series relates the further experiences of unemployed Liverpudlian tarmac layers Dixie, Chrissie, Loggo and Yosser, and their revered older friend, retired longshoreman and union leader, George Malone. As they struggle to make ends meet in a depressed economy, and to hold together their financially battered families, they are harrassed by the petty bureaucrats of the DHSS. But the lumbering investigational juggernaut is, both comically and tragically, guided by drivers with only a provisional license.


Famous, Rich and Jobless

Famous, Rich and Jobless 2010


Four famous volunteers agree to swap their fame and fortune for a world of joblessness, job-hunting and surviving on the poverty line and benefits


Hard Times

Hard Times 1994


Charles Dickens' bleak, passionate novel about the challenges of life in 19th-century London comes to life.


Calucci's Department

Calucci's Department 1973


Calucci's Department is an American television sitcom broadcast by CBS on Friday at 8:00pm Eastern Time. It premiered on September 14, 1973 and, after struggling to compete in the ratings against Sanford and Son on NBC, was cancelled after the December 28 episode. The series focused on Joe Calucci, the supervisor of a New York City unemployment office. His day was spent dealing with a disparate group of claimants, the petty squabbles among the members of his staff, the frustrations of governmental red tape, and his infatuation with his secretary Shirley.