Boksar 2024
Obetavni mladi boksar Jędrzej, le z ženo Kasio ob strani, pobegne iz komunistične Poljske v London, da bi sledil svojim sanjam in postal svetovni prvak.
Obetavni mladi boksar Jędrzej, le z ženo Kasio ob strani, pobegne iz komunistične Poljske v London, da bi sledil svojim sanjam in postal svetovni prvak.
Farhadi zgodbo začne na sodišču, kjer Nader in Simin zabijata zadnji žebelj v krsto, v kateri počiva njun propadli zakon. Simin je vso energijo usmerila v urejanje potrebne dokumentacije za imigracijo na zahod. Nader je že od začetka nasprotoval. Simin je uredila vizume za celo družino, Nader ni želel zapustiti domovine in ostarelega očeta, ki boleha s hudo obliko alzheimerjeve bolezni. Ker nista našla skupnega jezika sta se počasi oddaljila in na koncu končala na sodišču, z vlogo za ločitev. Zdaj Simin želi od sodišča doseči razsodbo, ki ji dodeljuje skrbništvo nad njuno najstniško hčerko Termeh. S takšno odločbo v žepu, bi skupaj s hčerko lahko zapustila Iran. Termeh bi lahko odšla z materjo tudi z očetovo privolitvijo, toda zdi se, da Termeh v resnici ne želi oditi in svojo majhno manipulacijo poskuša ohraniti propadajoči zakon.
As Haru emigrates from Japan with her family to the coffee plantations in Brazil, Natsu is left behind in the care of spiteful relatives. Losing all contact, each must make her own way in an unforgiving world. Hardships abound in the struggle to survive in war-torn Japan and in the face of anti-Japanese sentiment in Brazil, financial ruin, familial pressure, abandonment and lost love. However they also experience the precious joy of survival and success. Now, after 70 years, Haru comes back to Japan to find her estranged sister.
In 2023 in Tokyo, Prime Minister Eiichi Higashiyama pushes for COMS at the World Environment Conference. COMS is a method to liquify pollutants and store it in the crack of the sea floor. Prime Minister Eiichi Higashiyama gathers young and talented bureaucrats and launches Japan Future Promotion Conference, which is to benefit the future of Japan. Keishi Amami of the Ministry of the Environment and Kōichi Tokiwa of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry are members of that conference.
The Oregon Trail is a 14-episode NBC western television series starring Rod Taylor as the widower Evan Thorpe, who leaves his Illinois farm in 1842 to take the Oregon Trail to the Pacific Northwest. The show also starred Andrew Stevens, Tony Becker, and Gina Marie Smika as Thorpe's children. Darleen Carr starred as Margaret Devlin, one of the passengers on the wagon train, and Charles Napier portrayed Luther Sprague, a frontier scout recruited by Thorpe. The series was filmed in the Flagstaff, Arizona area.