Vrvež v moji glavi

Vrvež v moji glavi 2015


Mlada Riley si po selitvi družine skuša na novo organizirati življenje, pri zahtevni nalogi pa ji v njenem možganskem nadzornem centru ves čas svetujejo Veselje, Strah, Jeza, Gnus in Žalost. Naporno usklajevanje njihovih različnih karakterjev se povsem poruši, ko se Žalost in Veselje izgubita v deželi domišljije in sanj, kar povzroči zabavne spremembe v Rileynem obnašanju.


Thelma the Unicorn

Thelma the Unicorn 2024


Poni Thelma sanja o tem, da bi postala samorog. V redkem rožnatem in bleščečem trenutku usode se ji ta želja uresniči. Takoj se povzpne med mednarodne zvezde, vendar za nepričakovano ceno. Čez nekaj časa spozna, da je bila bolj srečna kot običajni poni brez bleščic. Zato odvrže rog, si pobriše bleščice in se vrne domov, kjer jo z objemom pričakuje njena najboljša prijateljica.


Srce iz črnila

Srce iz črnila 2008


Najstnico Meggie in njenega očeta med iskanjem redke knjige zmotita nenavadni klatež in neusmiljeni zločinec. Prestrašena Meggie izve, da njen oče premore redek dar, saj lahko z branjem oživi knjižne like. A to je tudi prekletstvo, saj se je na tak način v svet črk izgubila Meggijina mama. Na begu pred čudaškimi literarnimi negativci jima na pomoč priskočita odtujena sorodnica in zmedeni pisatelj, toda da bi se ravnotežje med resničnim in domišljijskim svetom znova vzpostavilo, mora Meggie odkriti, da se nekaj posebnega skriva tudi v njej. Knjigovezec in restavrator Mo ima posebno sposobnost, da njegov glas oživi knjižne junake. Nekega večera je iz srednjeveške zgodbe, polne čarobnih bitij, oživil tri like. Zlobnega Kozoroga in Basto ter požiralca ognja Prahoprsta. Zdaj, deset let pozneje, njegova hči Maggie odkrije resnico, ko mora bežati pred Kozorogovimi zlobnimi kremplji.



U 2006



My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 2010


Journey to the enchanted land of Equestria, where unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her pals have adventures and learn valuable lessons about friendship.


My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Better Together

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Better Together 2017


The magic of Equestria cannot be contained! It’s found its way into the world of the all new My Little Pony Equestria Girls Digital Series and it’s turning everything on its head. From after-school clubs to beach days, music festivals to theme parks, and a rockin’ Spring Break on a yacht, magic is sure making things interesting. Join Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity as they learn what it means to be superheroes while they take on their biggest challenge yet: high school.


Noddy: Toyland Detective

Noddy: Toyland Detective 2016


Toyland’s boy detective, Noddy, solves mysteries and finds missing objects with help from his friends: a panda, a superhero, a dinosaur and a robot.


Go Jetters

Go Jetters 2015


Go Jetters follows the adventures of four plucky international heroes, Xuli, Kyan, Lars and Foz, as they travel the globe with their friend and mentor Ubercorn, a disco-dancing unicorn. Together they save the world's most famous landmarks from the mischievous meddlings of their nemesis, Grandmaster Glitch.


Dorg van Dango

Dorg van Dango 2020


Follow the adventures of Dorg, a normal teen, living in the very normal town of Normill. That is, until he befriends several paranormal characters (a cool unicorn, an ancient witch and an eerie ghost). They are all escapees from Area 52 and in desperate need of help and refuge. To have them blend in with the citizens of Normill, Dorg disguises them as teenagers and hides them in the basement in the local shopping mall. With his new best friends attempting to help navigate life's challenges, Dorg's world just got a whole lot less normal and a lot more fun.


Unicorn Academy

Unicorn Academy 2023


When a dark force threatens to destroy Unicorn Island, a brave teen and her five schoolmates must rise up to protect their beloved magical academy.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons 1983


Six friends are transported into the Dungeons & Dragons realm and must try to find a way home with the help of their guide 'Dungeon Master'.


Mia and Me

Mia and Me 2012


Plunged into a fantastic fairy tale turned real, Mia must find the strength within herself to save a race of unicorns - and an entire world.


My Little Pony: Pony Life

My Little Pony: Pony Life 2020


A look at the funny side of friendship. The new center of the world is Sugarcube Corner – just like going to a friend’s house after school, this is our ponies’ home away from home. Here, Pinkie Pie serves up frosted cupcakes to the best customers in the world— her friends!


Not Quite Narwhal

Not Quite Narwhal 2023


Curious little Kelp's been living his whole life as a narwhal... until he finds out he's actually a unicorn. Now he's got two worlds to explore!


My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls 2017


Full-time students and part-time magical pony-girls, the Equestria Girls are always ready to save the day with the Magic of Friendship!


Mermicorno: Starfall

Mermicorno: Starfall 2025


In a fantastical and magical undersea world, where a team of Mermicorno (enchanting half-Unicorno/half-fish creatures) join together to save the ocean from the threat of the evil Ika Inkblot.


My Little Pony Tales

My Little Pony Tales 1992


Ponyland is full of excitement, if you know where to find it! Join the 7 Pony Friends—Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Clover and Bon Bon — for games, picnics, ice cream shops, roller derbies and even UFOs… nothing is off-limits when it comes to grand Pony adventures!


Rainbow Brite

Rainbow Brite 1984


Rainbow Brite is an American children's animated TV series that aired in Syndication from 1984 to 1985.