
Prometej 2012


Mitološki dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Režiser Osmega potnika in Iztrebljevalca Ridley Scott se vrača k žanru, ki ga je proslavil. Loteva se prelomnih odkritij v mitologiji, kjer dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Naletijo na nezemeljsko raso vesoljskih popotnikov, ki naj bi bili stvaritelji človeštva in ustvarjalci življenja na Zemlji. Za posadko vesoljske ladje "Prometej" na svoji milijarde dolarjev vredni misiji so to torej nič manj kot bogovi. Tako kot pri mitološkem Prometeju pa je izzivanje bogov zelo tvegano početje. PRIPOROČAMO


Osmi potnik: Zaveza

Osmi potnik: Zaveza 2017


Osmi potnik: Zaveza je nadaljevanje filma Prometej (Prometheus), predzgodbe prvega dela franšize Osmi potnik, znanstvenofantastične grozljivke Ridleyja Scotta iz leta 1979. Šesti film franšize bo pripovedoval zgodbo posadke kolonialne ladje Covenant, ki pristane na sicer čudovitem, toda sovražnem planetu, kjer naletijo na androida Davida (Michael Fassbender), enega od dveh preživelih članov odprave Prometej, ki je doživela svoj konec v prejšnjem filmu.


Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!

Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! 2020


First-year high schooler Midori Asakusa loves anime so much, she insists that "concept is everything" in animation. While she spends her time doodling endless ideas and settings in her sketchbook, she hasn't taken the first step to creating anime, insisting that she can't do it alone. After Asakusa's money-loving best friend Sayaka Kanamori notices her genius and drive – and when it becomes clear that their classmate and charismatic fashion model Tsubame Mizusaki wants to be an animator – the energetic trio start an animation club. Together, the three aim to realize the "ultimate world" that exists in their minds, as they come to see the power that fiction and imagination have on their lives and the world around them.


The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons 2011


The four Johnson brothers have inherited the powers of the Norse gods. Because the gods lived eons ago, however, time has diluted the powers. The unique ability that each brother possesses isn't very strong, and they still have the same desires and faults that mortals do. Their lives include sibling rivalry, trying to get girls, and hanging out; but they also want to be stronger, and so they embark on a quest to fulfill an ancient prophecy in hope of gaining the full strength of their abilities.


The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion

The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion 2010


Michael Mosley takes an informative and ambitious journey exploring how the evolution of scientific understanding is intimately interwoven with society's historical path