Ključna beseda Wish Fulfillment
ドラゴンボールZ この世で一番強いヤツ 1990
Wish Upon 2017
Balerina 2023
Žalujoča zaradi izgube najboljše prijateljice, ki je ni mogla zaščititi, se nekdanja telesna stražarka odpravi izpolniti njeno zadnjo željo: sladko maščevanje.
Tri tisoč let hrepenenja 2022
Osamljena učenjakinja Dr Alithea Binnie med potovanjem v Istanbul odkrije zelo staro steklenico in v njej starodavnega duha po imenu Djinn. Ta ji v zameno za izpustitev iz steklenice ponudi tri želje, kar zanjo pomeni dve težavi. Prvič dvomi, da je resničen in drugič, ker je poznavalka zgodb in mitologije, pozna vse svarilne zgodbe o izpolnjenih željah. Djinn se zagovarja tako, da ji pripoveduje fantastične zgodbe o svoji preteklosti. Na koncu jo prepriča in ona si zaželi tako željo, ki oba preseneti.
Velik 1988
The Room 2019
Supercool 2021
Five Children and It 2004
അനന്തഭദ്രം 2005
Turnabout 1940
The Apocalypse Box 2024
Holiday Switch 2007
Le jour de la comète 2014
The Knight in the Area 2012
Kakeru and Suguru are brothers who both have a flaming passion for soccer. However, while Suguru becomes a rising star in the Japanese youth soccer system, Kakeru decides to take on a managerial role after struggling on the field. But due to a cruel twist of fate, Kakeru ends up reevaluating the role he has chosen. In hopes of one day being able to enter the World Cup by becoming a member of the national team, Kakeru trains harder than anyone else. He isn’t alone in this quest for glory, though. Kakeru's childhood friend, Nana, is a soccer prodigy of her own, with the wicked nickname “Little Witch”. She is a top-ranked player and is already playing for Nadeshiko Japan, the Japanese women’s national team. Nana's success gives Kakeru the extra push he needs to reach for his goals.
Genie, Make a Wish 1970
"Genie, Make a Wish" explores the enchanting story of Jinn, a genie who awakens after a thousand years, and Ka-young, his new impassive master.
Three Wishes 1970
Three Wishes is a reality television show that premiered on NBC on September 23, 2005. It featured contemporary Christian musician Amy Grant as she traveled around the country fulfilling the big wishes and dreams of some needy small-town residents. The show comes into a town, takes over the town square to take wishes at their, "Wish Tent", and then films the episode in the following days. During this time, a free concert and carnival are held at which Amy Grant performs. Though Grant's music was heard in most episodes, it was only through brief excerpts of her live performances and the show's theme song, "Believe", as Grant did not want to use the series to promote her own music. Casting is held well in advance of taking wishes in order to determine suitability for filming at the location. The series ended after ten episode due to disappointing ratings. It also aired on CityTV in Canada.
Name Your Adventure 1992
Name Your Adventure is an American reality series that aired on Saturday mornings during NBC's TNBC line-up. Hosted by Mario Lopez, Jordan Brady, and Tatyana Ali, the series ran from September 1992 to September 1995.