Boter 2

Boter 2 1974


V nadaljevanju sage o kriminalni družini Corleone mladi Vito Corleone odrašča na Siciliji in v 1910-ih v New Yorku. V petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja poskuša Michael Corleone družinsko podjetje razširiti v Las Vegas, Hollywood in Kubo.



Boter 1972


Zgodba po romanu avtorja Maria Puza prinaša portret vzpona in skorajšnjega padca zločinskega klana s Sicilije, ki v New Yorku gradi imperij in pridobiva vpliv v kriminalnem podzemlju.


Edward Škarjeroki

Edward Škarjeroki 1990


Peg Beggs se iz primestja vseli v stari grad visoko v gorah. Tam spozna samotarskega Edwarda, umetno ustvarjenega človeka, ki ima namesto rok škarje.


Angeli in demoni

Angeli in demoni 2009


Režiser nepozabnih dram Čudoviti um in Frost Nixon se vrača k junaku Da Vincijeve šifre - poznavalcu simbolov profesorju Langdonu, ki je tokrat na sledi novi srhljivi zaroti svetovnih razsežnosti. Po skrivnostnem umoru znanstvenika se Langdon zaplete v labirint zapečatenih kript, nevarnih katakomb, zapuščenih katedral in nasilnih umorov kardinalov, med tem ko nekje v osrčju Vatikana tiktaka grozljivo orožje maščevalne bratovščine Illuminatov, ki želijo za vedno spremeniti tok človeške zgodovine.



Ugrabljeni 2013


Po skrivnostnem izginotju šestletne hčerke in njene prijateljice obupani tesar Keller zaupa detektivu Lokiju, da bo našel pogrešano hčerko. Loki ugrabitve osumi samotarskega voznika avtodoma, toda ker ne najde dokazov, ga mora izpustiti. Keller je kljub temu prepričan, da je čudak kriv, zato ga v valu obupa ugrabi in se odloči od njega zlepa ali zgrda izvedeti resnico o usodi svoje hčerke. Ker mu jeza in žalost počasi zamegljujeta razum, postaja njegovo ravnanje z zapornikom vedno bolj nehumano in nemoralno.



Znamenja 2002


Graham Hess je protestantski pastor, ki živi z dvema otrokoma in bratom Merrill, nekdanjim zvezdnikom bejzbola, ki dela na bencinski črpalki. Po smrti žene v prometni nesreči Graham izgubi vero in posledično opusti svoje župljane. Nekega jutra, ko se zbudi in ugotovi, da so njegovi otroci ohlajajoče odkritje na poljih, ki obdajajo njegovo kmetijo.



2046 2004




IZO 2004



Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls 2012


Twin brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer helping their great uncle Stan run a tourist trap in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.


Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1995


At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocalyptic fury. Devastated, mankind's last remnants moved underground to wait for the day when the Angels would come back to finish the job. Fifteen years later, that day has come... but this time, humanity is ready to fight back with terrifying bio-mechanical weapons known as the Evangelions. Watch as Shinji, Rei, Asuka and the rest of the mysterious shadow agency Nerv battle to save earth from total annihilation.



Penguindrum 2011


A terminally ill girl named Himari Takakura is miraculously saved from death by a strange spirit who resides in a penguin-shaped hat. However, in exchange for extending her life, the spirit tasks Himari's brothers, Kanba and Shōma, to seek out an elusive item known as the Penguin Drum with assistance from a trio of strange penguins.


Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena 1997


Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.



Sarazanmai 2019


After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...


Yurikuma Arashi

Yurikuma Arashi 2015


Humans have created a Wall of Severance to separate themselves from the bears, who grew violent and attacked humans after a far-off planet known as Kumalia exploded many years ago, turning into a meteor shower that fell upon earth. Two bears, Ginko Yurishiro and Lulu Yurigasaki, sneak through the Wall of Severance and disguise themselves as humans, enrolling in Arashigaoka Academy and taking an interest in Kureha Tsubaki, a human girl who despises bears.


The Occult History of the Third Reich

The Occult History of the Third Reich 1990


Documents both the influences of alternative belief systems on the Nazi ideology and Hitler's personal philosophy, and the history and development of the ideas and symbols that would be used along with eugenicist racial politics to perpetrate the murder and oppression of millions during World War II.