Ključna beseda Nightclub Singer
摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥 1995
Mildred Pierce 1945
The Awful Truth 1937
Pal Joey 1957
Quién te cantará 2018
Harper 1966
New York, New York 1977
I Walk Alone 1947
Key Largo 1948
Morocco 1930
Lady for a Day 1933
Thunder Road 1958
Blonde Venus 1932
Macao 1952
Lady poje blues 1972
Travmatično otroštvo, neverjeten glas, nevarne zasvojenosti in nesrečne ljubezni, sloves najboljše jazz vokalistke vseh časov – vse to je Billie Holiday. O življenju pevke so se dejstva prepletla z miti in film je odraz prav tega. Delno biografska, delno pa fiktivna zgodba, ki nas popelje po ustvarjalni poti veličastne, a hkrati tragične Lady Day. Zgodba nas pelje skozi vsa pomembnejša obdobja glavne junakinje, od posilstva in začetkov v javni hiši, do nastopanja v lokalni beznici, zvezdništva in fatalnih težav s heroinom in alkoholom, ki sta jo popolnoma sesula. Je pa jasno, da Holidayjeva nikoli ne bi bila taka zvezda in taka legenda, če ne bi nenehno pila in se drogirala. Heroin in njen vokal sta šla z roko v roki.
Monica Z 2013
Miss Sadie Thompson 1953
Aile Arasında 2017
A Song to Remember 2011
A Song to Remember is a MediaCorp Channel 8 historical-cum-musical drama which is set in the 1930s to 1940s in early Singapore before World War II. It debuted on Channel 8 on 22 November 2011 and was telecast every weekday night at 9.00 pm. This drama stars Qi Yuwu and Joanne Peh who had paired up thrice after The Little Nyonya and C.L.I.F., and Eelyn Kok, Julie Tan and Desmond Tan. Chen Hanwei plays a villain in this drama while Eelyn Kok is also another antagonist. Viewers can catch episodes on xinmsn catchup from 23 November 2011. It was reported that the scriptwriter Ang Ee Tee took several years to complete the script of this drama. Despite large amounts of resources and money pumped in for the production and promotion of this serial, the drama was not well received by the audience when it was broadcast. Many perceived the show to be boring and slow-paced, and the acting skills of some of the main cast members were heavily criticised.