Novi kino Paradiž 1988
Filmar se spominja svojega otroštva, ko se je zaljubil v filme, ki so jih predvajali v njegovem vaškem gledališču, in stkal tesno prijateljstvo s kinooperaterjem.
Filmar se spominja svojega otroštva, ko se je zaljubil v filme, ki so jih predvajali v njegovem vaškem gledališču, in stkal tesno prijateljstvo s kinooperaterjem.
Film, posnet po resničnih dogodkih iz poznih 60. let v Italiji. Pesnik, dramatik in mirmekolog Aldo Braibanti je preganjan in obsojen na zapor zaradi ljubezni, ki si jo deli s svojim komaj polnoletnim učencem in prijateljem Ettorejem. Sredi zbora glasov obtožnikov, podpornikov in večinoma hinavske javnosti se en sam predani novinar loti naloge sestavljanja resnice med tajnostjo in željo, pri tem pa se sooča s sumom in cenzuro.
Enid, filmska cenzorka, se po ogledu nenavadno znanega in neprijetnega videa odpravi reševati skrivnost sestrinega izginotja iz preteklosti ter se poda na iskanje, ki raztaplja mejo med fikcijo in resničnostjo.
Follows the misadventures of four irreverent grade-schoolers in the quiet, dysfunctional town of South Park, Colorado.
Sixteen years after the "Law for Public Order and Morals in Healthy Child-Raising" banned coarse language in the country, Tanukichi Okuma enrolls in the country's leading elite public morals school and is soon invited into the Anti-Societal Organization (SOX) by its founder, Ayame Kajou. As a member blackmailed into joining by Ayame, Tanukichi ends up taking part in obscene acts of terrorism against the talented student council president Anna (for whom Tanukichi has a crush on).
Indie Sex is a 2007 American television documentary film directed by Lesli Klainberg.
A man bored with his reality, works in the São Paulo government censorship department, is married to Isabel, but falls in love with Dora Dumar, an actress of the films he has the obligation to censor.
Iku Kasahara wants more than anything to be an ally of justice--just like her prince. In the current age, the Media Betterment Act has allowed the Japanese government to impose heavy censorship on the expression of ideas, particularly those from books. When her favorite childhood book was marked for censorship, Iku felt that oppression firsthand, but she (and the book) was saved by a man from the Kanto Library Defense Force... her prince! Inspired by his example, Iku joined the Kanto library to safeguard expression of freedom, all while searching for the man she idolizes.
The life of German thinker Karl Marx, focusing on his political and economic theories, his romance with Jenny von Westphalen, and his friendship with Friedrich Engels.
An extraordinary variety of writers, who often suffered terrible adversity throughout their lives, created wonderful places full of happiness in which children lived far from the sorrows of adult life.