Svetovna vojna Z

Svetovna vojna Z 2013


Režiser oskarjevske drame Bal smrti in Bondijade Kvantum sočutja predstavlja zgodbo običajnega uslužbenca Združenih narodov Gerryja, ki uživa v družinskem življenju, dokler svet ne pretrese globalna pandemija. Skrivnostna okužba ljudi začne spreminjati v krvoločne zombije, zato se Gerry z družino znajde na obupnem begu pred hordami živih mrtvecev. Ker se zdi, da nobena vojska ne more ustaviti konca človeške civilizacije, se mora Gerry pridružiti skupini vojakov, ki skuša odkriti začetek pandemije, da bi tako morda našli zdravilo. Toda med tem, ko Gerry v kaosu svetovnega kolapsa išče odgovore, se v neposredni nevarnosti znajde tudi njegova družina.


28 Dni Pozneje

28 Dni Pozneje 2002


Nad Veliko Britanijo se razdivja nevaren virus, ki uide iz laboratorija za raziskavo primatov, v katerega so vdrli borci za pravice živali. Prenaša se s kapljo krvi, poguben pa je v nekaj sekundah, saj okužene za vedno pahne v stanje morilskega besa. V 28 dneh je država na kolenih in peščica preživeli začne reševati prihodnost, a se ne zaveda, da virus ni edina stvar, ki jih ogroža.


12 opic

12 opic 1995


Piše se leto 2035 in le del človeštva je preživel v podzemnih bivališčih, potem ko je kar 99 % vsega svetovnega prebivalstva pobil neznani virus, površje planeta pa spremenil v strupeno snežno puščavo. Skupina znanstvenikov proti njegovi volji določi obsojenca Cola za prostovoljca, ki naj bi odpotoval nazaj v čas v leto 1996 – kjer naj bi preprečil smrtonosno globalno epidemijo, še preden bi do nje prišlo. Ko se Cole pojavi v letu 1996, zmedenega in očitno norega moža zaprejo v psihiatrično bolnišnico in tam spozna Jeffreyja Goinsa, neuravnovešenega sina priznanega znanstvenika, ter dr. Kathryn Railly, psihiatrinjo in avtorico, katere opozorila kolegom o apokaliptičnih prerokbah neznanega moža se sčasoma spremenijo v njeno trdno prepričanje, da Cole vendarle ni nor.


Boj za kri

Boj za kri 2010


V bližnji prihodnosti skrivnostna bolezen večino prebivalstva spremeni v vampirje. Preostale ljudi vampirji izkoriščajo za pridelavo krvi, toda zaradi velikega povpraševanja človeštvu grozi izumrtje. Vampirski znanstvenik Edward skuša najti način, kako bi ohranil obe vrsti, zato se poveže s človeškimi uporniki pod vodstvom odločnega Elvisa. Toda pogoltna vampirska korporacija se ne ozira na žrtve in namerava zlepa ali zgrda izžeti ljudi do zadnje kapljice krvi.



Izbruh 1995


Pred 30 leti pride v afriško vas, zdesetkano zaradi bolezni, ki jo povzroča smrtonosni virus, ameriški zdravnik. Čeprav pričakujejo pomoč, je vas kmalu zbrisana z obličja Zemlje z atomsko bombo. V sedanjosti pa se zgodba začne v carinski coni, kjer hoče mladi delavec ukrasti opico, ki je prišla okužena iz Afrike. Ker je ne uspe prodati, spusti opico na prostost, vendar je zanj že prepozno. Okužba se začne širiti in hitro začnejo prihajati poročila o primerih tudi iz Bostona in Kalifornije. Primer prevzame vojaški strokovnjak za viruse, dr. Sam Daniels (D. Hoffman), ki s svojo ekipo odkrije, da ta virus, imenovan mutaba, ubije v roku 24 ur, tako da utekočini notranje organe. Kmalu izvemo da je v zgodbo o virusu vmešana tudi vojska in celo, da je obstajal serum. Ker pa je virus mutiral, je edini način za izdelavo protitelesc ta, da najdejo izvor okužbe, torej opico, ki se potika nekje v divjini ...


The Last of Us

The Last of Us 2023


Twenty years after modern civilization has been destroyed, Joel, a hardened survivor, is hired to smuggle Ellie, a 14-year-old girl, out of an oppressive quarantine zone. What starts as a small job soon becomes a brutal, heartbreaking journey, as they both must traverse the United States and depend on each other for survival.


Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown 2011


The story revolves around Shu Ouma, a high school boy who inadvertently obtains an ability called "The Power of the Kings" that enables him to draw out items called "Voids" from other people. He is then thrown into the conflict between a resistance group called Funeral Parlor which aims to restore Japan's independence from a quasi-governmental organization known as the GHQ. In the process, Shu has to deal with the burden his ability puts on his shoulders and the horrific mystery of his past.


High School of the Dead

High School of the Dead 2010


One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged person who tries to enter the school grounds. Subsequently, several teachers come to the school gate to shoo the person away. All of a sudden, a teacher is bitten by the person and within seconds the school campus becomes a place of violence, blood, death and undead zombies. Takashi, shocked by the scenery, runs for his life to save his schoolmates and childhood love, Rei Miyamoto. The struggle for survival has just begun…



Blood+ 2005


Unable to remember the past, high school senior Saya Otonashi must rediscover her destiny in order to defeat the chiropteran vampires that threaten her loved ones' existence.



Survivors 2008


When a deadly virus wipes out most of the world's population, a handful of survivors struggle to stay alive.


The Virus

The Virus 2013


Lee Myung-hyun and his disease control task force investigate a mutant virus that has a 100% fatality rate and kills the infected within three days. Not only must they find an antidote, they must also stop the epidemic from spreading and killing all of mankind.


7 Days in Life

7 Days in Life 2011


Calvin and Christy, a pair of professional thieves, are quarantined in Wonderful Harbour Hotel for seven days after the Hong Kong government discovers a guest at the hotel is diagnosed with H1N1. The couple encounters a cop, a bellboy, a prostitute, a news reporter, a legendary thief, and several hotel guests and employees, who all reluctantly bond together during their stay in the hotel.


Medical Investigation

Medical Investigation 2004


An elite team of medical experts of the National Institutes of Health investigates unusual public-health crises, such as sudden outbreaks of serious and mysterious diseases.


Ebola Fighters

Ebola Fighters 2021


In 2014, Zheng Shupeng, a virologist joins the Chinese medical team to fight against the Ebola virus. They use their humanitarian spirit to fight and contain the spread of the virus.


With You

With You 2020


Based on real people and stories during the fight against the new coronavirus epidemic in mainland China.


In the Flesh

In the Flesh 2013


Thousands of dead people have risen from their graves and nearly destroyed Britain. A cure has been found - but can the treated zombies be rehabilitated back into living society?



Containment 2016


An epidemic breaks out in Atlanta leaving the large city quarantined and those stuck on the inside fighting for their lives. This is the story of loved ones torn apart, and how the society that grows inside the quarantine reveals both the devolution of humanity and the birth of unlikely heroes.



Outbreak 2020


A dangerous virus appears in a group of homeless people, causing a risk of outbreak. How long will it take Anne-Marie Leclerc, director of the Emergency Public Health Laboratory, to realize that an actual epidemic is starting to take shape?



Survivors 1975


Survivors is a British post-apocalyptic fiction television series devised by Terry Nation and produced by Terence Dudley at the BBC from 1975 to 1977. It concerns the plight of a group of people who have survived an accidentally released plague – referred to as "The Death" – that kills nearly the entire human population of the planet.


Hot Skull

Hot Skull 2022


In a world shaken by an epidemic of madness that spreads through speech, Murat is the only immune person. As he searches for the secret of his mysterious immunity, his “hot skull", he has to leave the safe zone and embark on an adventure within the ruins of Istanbul.



Hoping 2023


The invisible enemy is not just the virus but also humanity. When every character has his struggles behind it, which one was his truest face before the crisis?


Heroes in Harm's Way

Heroes in Harm's Way 2020


The story of ordinary folks and their battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.



Invasion 1997


Small rocks fall from the sky which, when touched, trigger a latent virus that has always existed in humans and begins mutating them into an alien species. Taking advantage of its hive mentality, the aliens are absolutely dedicated to transforming every human on Earth and do so with alarming swiftness. Only a small group of humans remain who have the medical knowledge to devise antibodies to reverse the effects of the virus.