
Prometej 2012


Mitološki dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Režiser Osmega potnika in Iztrebljevalca Ridley Scott se vrača k žanru, ki ga je proslavil. Loteva se prelomnih odkritij v mitologiji, kjer dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Naletijo na nezemeljsko raso vesoljskih popotnikov, ki naj bi bili stvaritelji človeštva in ustvarjalci življenja na Zemlji. Za posadko vesoljske ladje "Prometej" na svoji milijarde dolarjev vredni misiji so to torej nič manj kot bogovi. Tako kot pri mitološkem Prometeju pa je izzivanje bogov zelo tvegano početje. PRIPOROČAMO


Time Team

Time Team 1994


Time Team is a British television series which has been aired on British Channel 4 from 1994. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson explaining the process in layman's terms. This team of specialists changed throughout the series' run, although has consistently included professional archaeologists such as Mick Aston, Carenza Lewis, Francis Pryor and Phil Harding. The sites excavated over the show's run have ranged in date from the Palaeolithic right through to the Second World War.


The Rise and Fall of the Maya

The Rise and Fall of the Maya 2023


Despite decades of research, many mysteries remain about the ancient Maya. Now, archaeologists are unearthing new clues that transform long held ideas about how these people came to dominate vast areas of Mexico and Central America. Through immense lost monuments, ancient inscriptions and new forensic evidence, this series tracks the Maya from their earliest origins all the way to the present day, unlocking the dark secrets of the rise and fall of the Maya.


The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery

The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery 2019


The construction of the Egyptian pyramids remains an enigma, an unsolved mystery. But today, Egyptologists and archaeologists have developed a new tool which uses aerial and satellite images to provide valuable fresh clues about the position, construction, and evolution of these edifices. This series sets out to decode the mysteries of the pyramids' construction, and to recreate Egypt as it was more than 5000 years ago.


Secrets of the Lost Ark

Secrets of the Lost Ark 2021


For centuries, explorers have searched for the Bible’s most sacred religious artefacts. One of the most mysterious of these objects is the famed Ark of the Covenant. The gold-plated wooden chest – one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God's presence – was believed to house the two tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. The Ark’s exact whereabouts has long puzzled scholars. Where did it go? And why has it remained such a mystery?