Nasmeh 2

Nasmeh 2 2024


Slavni pevki Skye Riley, ki se pravkar odpravlja na svetovno turnejo, se začnejo dogajati grozljive reči. Pod težo strašnih dogodkov in pritiska, ki ga prinaša slava, se mora Skye spopasti s svojo temačno preteklostjo, da bi življenje zopet vzela v svoje roke, preden se ji povsem podre.


Njen vonj

Njen vonj 2019


Becky Something je punk rock zvezdnica, ki je bila na vrhuncu slave v 90-ih letih in je polnila koncertne arene s svojo dekliško skupino Something She. Danes nastopa le na manjših odrih, medtem ko se mora spopadati tudi z izzivi materinstva, izčrpanimi članicami skupine, zahtevnimi lastniki glasbenih agencij ter novo generacijo glasbenikov. Ko zaradi izgredov njena glasbena turneja pade v vodo, se znajde sama in povsem na dnu. Se bo uspela iztrgati iz krempljev odvisnosti, spopasti s svojimi demoni ter ponovno najti glasbeno inspiracijo?



Loudermilk 2017


Sam Loudermilk is a recovering alcoholic and substance abuse counselor with an extremely bad attitude about, well, everything. He is unapologetically uncensored, and manages to piss off everyone in his life. Although he has his drinking under control, Loudermilk discovers that when your life is a complete mess, getting clean is the easy part.


Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil

Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil 2021


Demi Lovato holds nothing back in this powerful four part documentary series exploring every aspect that led to their nearly fatal overdose in 2018, and their awakenings in the aftermath. Director Michael D. Ratner is granted unprecedented access to the superstar’s personal and musical journey during the most trying time of their life as they unearth their prior traumas and discovers the importance of their physical, emotional, and mental health. Far deeper than an inside look beyond the celebrity surface, this is an intimate portrait of addiction, and the process of healing and empowerment.


Iggy & Ace

Iggy & Ace 2021


Iggy and Ace are two gay alcoholic best mates who live, work and play together but after Ace decides to get sober - a rift develops between the them as Iggy balks at the idea of recovery.