
Nashville 1975


Komična drama prinaša portret ljudi v glasbenem poslu countryja in gospela v Nashvillu v Tennesseeju. Barbara Jean je nesporna kraljica country glasbe, vendar je tudi na robu živčnega zloma. Linnea in Delbert Reese imata majav zakon ter invalidnega otroka. Opal je britanska novinarka, ki poroča z glasbenih nastopov. Skupno štiriindvajset osrednjih likov, ena ura glasbenih nastopov in množica zgodb se prepletejo v dramatičnem vrhuncu zgodbe, ki jo je režiral sedemkratni nominiranec za oskarja ter dobitnik zlate palme Robert Altman. Film, v katerem igrajo David Arkin, Keith Carradine, Geraldine Chaplin, Jeff Goldblum in drugi, je za fantastično glasbeno podlago prejel oskarja, bafto in zlati globus.


Izbira 2024: Harris ali Trump

Izbira 2024: Harris ali Trump 2024


Poglobljena predstavitev obeh glavnih kandidatov za položaj predsednika ZDA. O demokratski kandidatki Kamali Harris in republikancu Donaldu Trumpu so spregovorili tisti, ki ju najbolje poznajo: prijatelji iz otroštva, kolegice iz študentskih let, pisci njunih biografij, novinarji in politični komentatorji. Ključni dogodki zgodovine ZDA zadnjih desetletij in stališča obeh kandidatov o najpomembnejših vprašanjih kažejo na to, da je ameriška družba pred tokratnimi volitvami globoko razklana, izid pa še bolj negotov kot pred štirimi leti.


Race for the White House

Race for the White House 2016


From executive producers Kevin Spacey and Dana Brunetti, CNN Original Series "Race for the White House" captures the drama of how a high-stakes presidential election can turn on a single issue and so much more.



Unprecedented 2022


An exclusive look into the lives and actions of Donald Trump and the first family as they navigate his 2020 re-election campaign. Witness the raw, behind-the-scenes footage, including the last interview given by Trump as president.



Spin 2012


The President of the French Republic, visiting Saint-Etienne in the Loire, in a striking plant dies, victim of a bomb attack. The political world is agitated: early presidential elections to be held within the next thirty-five days. There is no doubt that Philip Deleuvre, the prime minister, will run for the Elysee. But what few people know is that the leader of the government knows more things he claimed. This state causes lie back to business Kapita Simon, a former communications adviser (spin doctor) of the late president. Anxious to preserve the honor of his deceased friend and some form of political ethics, the man of the shadows has now set a goal: to find a candidate who will be able to beat Deleuvre.


America 2024: Clan Warfare

America 2024: Clan Warfare 2024


As the presidential election approaches, this four-part documentary journeys deep into the divided nation of America. What do ordinary Americans in 2024 think of the polarised debate in the USA?