Ključna beseda Cosmetics
Ljubezen med svetovoma 2012
Na planetu, kjer obstajata dva simetrična svetova, eden bogat in drugi reven, se morajo ljudje držati pravila, da nihče od zgoraj ne sme priti navzdol in obratno. Kljub temu se med osamljenim Adamom (Sturgess) iz spodnjega sveta in zvedavo Evo (Dunst) iz zgornjega stke prijateljska vez, ki jo na silo prekinejo človeški predsodki. Desetletje pozneje se njuni poti znova prepleteta, toda ker jima na vsakem koraku grozita nerazumevanje in odpor, je njuna ljubezen na veliki preizkušnji. Ker se številni bojijo sprememb utečene družbene ureditve, so pripravljeni storiti vse, da preprečijo njuno nesprejemljivo ljubezen.
Kot šef 2020
Najboljši prijateljici Mia (Rose Byrne) in Mel (Tiffany Haddish) živita izpolnjeno življenje kot lastnici kozmetičnega podjetja, ki sta ga skupaj ustvarili. Ko se znajdeta v velikih finančnih težavah, je ponudba slavne kozmetične hiše v lasti Claire Luna (Salma Hayek) za odkup preveč mamljiva, da bi se ji odrekli. Nastala situacija pa ogrozi njuno prijateljstvo, saj prijateljici, ki sta si karakterno popolnoma različni, prihodnost podjetja vidita popolnoma drugače – poleg tega pa jima nova šefica krade ideje. Lepotna industrija bo kmalu postala zelo grda. V komediji igrajo tudi Billy Porter, Jennifer Coolidge, Ari Graynor, Natasha Rothwell, Jessica St. Clair in Karan Soni.
The Wasp Woman 1959
To Each His Own 1946
Cream 2016
銀座化粧 1951
No Marriage Ties 1933
The Blooming Angel 1920
Cosmetic Wars 2017
我一定要成功 2007
Ms. Temper & Nam Jung Gi 2016
Ok Da-Jung is the youngest team leader in the cosmetics industry. She has divorced three times so far. She doesn't care what others think about her and she also has quite a temper. Nam Jung-Gi works as a section chief at the same cosmetics company as Ok Da-Jung. Unlike her, Nam Jung-Gi has a timid and nice personality. He can't say anything that makes others uncomfortable. He is able to make Ok Da-Jung's blood boil.
Tropical-Rouge! Precure 2021
Manatsu Natsuumi is a first-year junior high school student born and raised on a small island. On the day she moves from the island, She meets Laura, a mermaid girl who has come to the earth alone in search of the legendary warrior, PreCure. Laura's hometown, Grand Ocean, is attacked by a witch who lives in the dark depths of the ocean, and all of their motivational power is taken away. It is said that if the motivational power of humans is also taken away, the world will be in deep trouble. Laura is captured by the witch's servant, and Manatsu transforms into Cure Summer to save her.
Provocateur 2017
After the deaths of his first and second wife, cosmetic mogul Cheuk Kwan-Lam, known as "King", tries to turn over a new leaf. As fate would have it, he encounters a resourceful young man known as Ringo Poon, through whom he sees a younger version of himself. The young man also wins the favor of King's secretary Rachel Chan, who believes that Ringo would lead the company, Endless Beauty, to success. Little do they know that Ringo is actually secretly conspiring with a team of talented people on the sly to steal trade secrets from large corporations for money. Ringo has been planning this for years, seeking the best opportunity to take destructive revenge on Endless Beauty.
Not So Pretty 2022
The first-ever comprehensive large-scale investigative expose of the trillion-dollar cosmetics, beauty and personal care industry. Celebrated and groundbreaking filmmakers Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering take this unregulated industry to task via rigorous investigations, incisive wit and emotional storytelling to inform audiences of the hidden hazards of cosmetics and safe, budget-friendly alternatives for their daily products.