Ključna beseda Tunnel
Ledolomilec 2013
Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje 2012
Režiser fantazijske sage Gospodar prstanov nas znova popelje v Srednji svet, v čas pred vojnami za prstan Mogote. Mladi hobit Bilbo uživa življenje v mirnem in zakotnem Šajerskem, ko nekega dne na njegova vrata potrka čarovnik Gandalf. S seboj pripelje druščino trinajstih škratov pod vodstvom neustrašnega Thorina, njihov načrt pa je pohod proti Samotni gori, kjer se želijo spopasti z zlobnim zmajem Smaugom. Bilba premaga radovednost in v nasprotju s hobitsko zapečkarsko tradicijo se odpravi na nepozabno dogodivščino s škrati.
I soliti ignoti 1958
Al final del túnel 2016
Mimic 1997
夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口 2022
Session 9 2001
Daylight 1996
Le Trou 1960
Ujeti v avtobusu 2020
Spremljamo pet najstnikov in voznika avtobusa, ki se odpravijo na izlet, ko na cesti naletijo na nepričakovano oviro. Ker je pot blokiralo podrto drevo, se odpeljejo naprej po bližnjici, kjer naletijo na novo prepreko. Voznik se odloči, da bo mrtvega jelena odvlekel s ceste, ko ga napade pobegli kaznjenec s pištolo, ki ga prisili, da nadaljuje z vožnjo. Toda grozna situacija se obrne še na slabše, ko se avtobus nenadoma pokvari sredi tunela …
Wounds 2019
Ghost Stories 2018
Ugrabitev 2017
Razglašen za mrtvega 2011
Tricijinega moža Daniela že sedem let pogrešajo. K njej se zato preseli mlajša sestra Callie, pritisk, da bi moža vendarle razglasila za mrtvega, pa narašča. Tricia poskuša preboleti izgubo in nadaljevati življenje. Tedaj pa začne Callie nenavadno privlačiti skrivnostni predor v bližini hiše. Začne ga povezovati z drugimi skrivnostnimi izginotji in postane jasno, da je Danielova domnevna smrt vse prej kot "naravna".
Creep 2004
Der Tunnel 2001
Лепа села, лепо горе 1996
The Tunnel 2013
The plot follows detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wasserman working together to find a serial killer who left the upper-half body of a French politician and the lower-half of a British prostitute in the Channel Tunnel, at the midpoint between France and the UK. They later learn that the killer—who comes to be nicknamed the "Truth Terrorist"—is on a moral crusade to highlight many social problems, terrorising both countries in the process
Money Heist 2017
To carry out the biggest heist in history, a mysterious man called The Professor recruits a band of eight robbers who have a single characteristic: none of them has anything to lose. Five months of seclusion - memorizing every step, every detail, every probability - culminate in eleven days locked up in the National Coinage and Stamp Factory of Spain, surrounded by police forces and with dozens of hostages in their power, to find out whether their suicide wager will lead to everything or nothing.
Gotthard 2016
In the spring of 1873, people from all over the world come to the tiny village of Göschenen in the canton of Uri, to work on the biggest and most spectacular construction site of modern times: the tunnel through the Gotthard.
Tunnel 2020
The storyline of the series is inspired by the events of 1994 in Jelgava, when 89 prisoners escaped from Pārlielupe Prison, tens of thousands of people were involved in their search, and mass arrests continued for ten years. dramas of mutual relations, a massive and enigmatic escape is organized, in parallel with the flourishing of the love of the main character and the daughter of the head of the prison and the hopes for a new, beautiful life.