Ključna beseda Race Car
Race to Glory: Audi vs Lancia 2024
Dirkaški film na podlagi resničnih dogodkov o kultni dobi komaj obvladljivih dirkalnikov skupine B v reliju. Leta 1983 sta se za naslov svetovnega prvaka v reliju spopadla Lancia 037 z zadnjim pogonom in volumetričnim kompresorjem ter že takrat nepremagljivi Audi Quattro z revolucionarnim štirikolesnim pogonom.
Viva Las Vegas 1964
The Love Bug 1997
Dirkaška kri 2019
John Travolta nastopa v vlogi legendarnega dirkaškega veterana Sama Munroeja, ki se odloči vrniti na dirkaško stezo, ko se njegov uporniški sin Cam, prav tako ambiciozen dirkač, pridruži ekipi njegovega največjega tekmeca Linskyja. Cam je namreč prepričan, da pod očetovim vodstvom nikoli ne bo postal prvak. Med očetom in sinom se tako vname hud boj za dirkaški pokal. Bo tekmovalnost med njiju prinesla razdor ali ju bo zbližala?
迷宮物語 1989
Greased Lightning 1977
Pit Stop 1969
The Wild Racers 1968
F1 How It Was 2016
Escape 360 2021
Havana Motor Club 2015
Clean Air 2021
Jay Leno's Garage 2015
Comedian and former Tonight Show host Jay Leno shares his passion for motor vehicles. Jay and guests drive cars, motorbikes and anything that moves all while meeting new people and exploring the rich motoring history of America and beyond.
Big Tree City 2022
A team of animal heroes with special skills and speedy vehicles work together to keep Big Tree City safe and solve the town's trickiest problems.
Goddamn 1990
Gen Todoroki, a talented but accident-prone rally driver, gets offered a sponsoring deal by a big-shot car company—and the deal comes with a chance at the Safari Rally Kenya championship. But the road there is bumpy and rich with tough competitors...
Speed Racer 1967
Teenager Speed Racer aspires to be the world's best race-car champion with the help of his friends, family and his father's high-tech race-car, the Mach 5.
The Classic Car Show 2015
Legendary classic car journalist, campaigner and aficionado Quentin Willson teams up with international model and racing driver Jodie Kidd. It’s the perfect partnership, combining humour with heated debate, extensive knowledge with experience – and sharing their mutual passion for four-wheeled icons.