Ledeno kraljestvo

Ledeno kraljestvo 2013


Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.


Ledeno kraljestvo II

Ledeno kraljestvo II 2019


lza in Ana živita idilicno vsakdanje življenje, ko Elza zasliši notranji glas, ki jo klice. Ko kraljestvo zatrese čudna sila in morajo vsi prebivalci pobegniti na varno, je jasno, da bo morala Elza na klic odgovoriti. Zdi se, da razlog za strašljive dogodke tiči v preteklosti, Elza namreč ves čas sliši pesem, ki jima jo je prepevala mama, ko sta bili še majhni deklici. Elza, Ana, Krištof, Olaf in Sven se zato odpravijo na nevarno potovanje globoko v gozd, na katerem bodo poskusili odkriti izvor Elzinih čarobnih moči. Če se je Elza v prvem delu bala svojih nadnaravnih sposobnosti, bo v drugem zgolj upala, da jih bo dovolj.



Začarana 2007


Zlobna čarovnica se odloči pravljično princeso Giselle, ki je obljubljena postavnemu princu Edwardu, izgnati v resnični svet. Naivna Giselle je ob prihodu v svet poln laži, neprijaznih ljudi in drugih grdobij povsem izgubljena, a ji na pomoč priskoči prijazni odvetnik Robert. Princesi na pomoč prihiti tudi idealistični Edward, kar povzroči le še večjo (ljubezensko) zmedo.


Casino Royale

Casino Royale 1967


Zgodba temelji na prvem romanu Iana Fleminga, kjer je predstavil legendarnega agenta 007 in njegove neverjetne vohunske podvige, ki so kasneje v številnih nadaljevanjih fascinirali milijone gledalcev po vsem svetu. Zgodba se začne z Jamesom Bondom, ki po neverjetni karieri največjega vohuna v zgodovini živi zaslužen počitek na samotnem posestvu, ki ga varuje trop levov. Kratek vpogled v tajno službo mu vzbudi pozornost zaradi agenta, ki uporablja njegovo ime in številko 007. Poleg tega začne skrivnostna organizacija SMERSH pobijati britanske tajne agente in vse bolj čudaške okoliščine ter pester nabor slikovitih likov vodijo v vse bolj zabavno smer. Komična klasika iz leta 1976 je parodija filmov o Jamesu Bondu.



Najljubša 2018


Začetek 18. stoletja. Anglija je v vojni s Francijo, kljub temu pa sta lov na race in uživanje ananasa v polnem razcvetu. Slabotna kraljica Ana zaseda angleški prestol, vendar mora njena tesna prijateljica lady Sarah vse pogosteje prevzemati vladavino. Kmalu na dvor prispe Abigail, nova služkinja, ki se hitro prikupi Sarah, zato jo ta sprejme za svojo. Abigail v tem uvidi priložnost, da si ponovno povrne sloves svojih aristokratskih korenin. Ko Sarah vedno več časa posveča vojni s Francijo, Abigail zasede njen prostor ob vse šibkejši kraljici. Obeta si, da bo to prijateljstvo izpolnilo vse njene ambicije. Zdaj ji nobena ženska, noben moški, nobena politika in noben zajec ne bo več stal na poti.


Fontana življenja

Fontana življenja 2006


Skozi tisočletje Tom (Hugh Jackman) išče to drevo oz. njegov dar. Nelinearna zgodba sledi Tomovi duši v treh ločenih reinkarnacijah. Vsaka hoče rešiti njegovo sorodno dušo Izzi (Rachel Weisz) z močjo Drevesa življenja.Film nam najprej predstavi Tomasa, poveljnika v službi kraljice Izabele. Da bi Španijo rešil pred inkvizicijo, dobi nalogo poiskati bajeslovno drevo in z neustrašnimi vojaki odide v skrivnostno majansko džunglo. V sedanjosti se dr. Tom Creo ukvarja z raziskavami učinkom zelišč na možganske tumorje. Ta tema ga zelo zanima, saj pri njegovi ženi Izzy odkrijejo tumor na možganih. Še posebej je zanimiva skorja neznanega drevesa s čudežnimi učinkovinami, ki deluje vsaj pri opicah. Ker ima časa zelo malo, mora Tom kljub klubovanju njegovih sočutnih, a pragmatičnih nadrejenih sodelavcev, pohiteti z raziskavami, da bi razkril skrivnost Drevesa in rešil svojo ženo.Svetlobna leta daleč Tommy prevaža Drevo v skrivnostni krogli. Prevevajo ga spomini na Izzi in na pretekla življenja.


The Great Queen Seondeok

The Great Queen Seondeok 2009


The life story of Queen Seondeok, the first queen of the Korean people during the Silla Dynasty.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.



Królowie 2024


Follow-up series to "The Crown of the Kings" and "The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians" about the reign of King Władysław III of Poland and his younger brother King Casimir IV of Poland.


The Crown of the Kings

The Crown of the Kings 2018


Piasts' reign is coming to end on Casimir the Great, who have no sons. Polish throne comes to Anjous. Thanks to the marriage of Saint Jadwiga of Poland with Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, an alliance is made and a new dynasty - Jagiellons, who rule Poland for next two hundred years


The Great

The Great 2020


A genre-bending, anti-historical ride through 18th century Russia following the rise of Catherine the Nothing to Catherine the Great and her explosive relationship with husband Peter, the emperor of Russia.


Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story 2023


The story of how the young Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George sparked both a great love story and a societal shift, creating the world of the Ton inherited by the characters in Bridgerton.



Reign 2013


Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.


The Last Empress

The Last Empress 2018


In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny, a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness.


The Queen Who Crowns

The Queen Who Crowns 2025


A woman from a prestigious family helps her husband become king, but their relationship deteriorates as he takes many concubines. Tensions rise as the king seeks to control her and her family.


The Spanish Princess

The Spanish Princess 2019


The beautiful Spanish princess, Catherine of Aragon, navigates the royal lineage of England with an eye on the throne.


How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom 2021


Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king. Unlike the royalty before him, he won’t be using swords and magic to rule; will administrative reform really get this kingdom back on track?


The King of Tears, Lee Bang Won

The King of Tears, Lee Bang Won 2021


A work that sheds new light on the figure of Lee Bang-won, a leader who took the lead in the founding of the nation.


The White Queen

The White Queen 2013


Set against the backdrop of the Wars of the Roses, the series is the story of the women caught up in the protracted conflict for the throne of England.


Queen: Love and War

Queen: Love and War 2019


It tells the story of the cutthroat competition around the selection of the new queen, who is the only person in the kingdom who can have power without being related to the royal family.



Etheria 2005


Etheria is a Filipino fantasy television series that was produced by GMA Network. The full title of the series is Etheria: Ang Ikalimang Kaharian ng Encantadia, referring to Encantadia, its predecessor series. Etheria ran for 50 episodes from December 12, 2005 to February 17, 2006, and then gave way to the telefantasya franchise's next incarnation Encantadia: Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas, which began to air the following February 20. The setting takes place before the events in Encantadia thus it may be considered as a prequel to Encantadia. It is also a sequel, a continuation of the story of the Encantadia series, because the story plot of Etheria starts with the four elemental Sang'gres and Ybarro going back in time when Etheria was in its full glory.



Isabel 2012


Charting the life of Isabella I of Castile, one of the most important women in Spain’s history, Isabel follows her passionate story from childhood to being crowned Queen. From her political struggles within King Henry IV's court to her wedding to Ferdinand of Aragon, the drama encapsulates the passions, emotions and sacrifices of a woman who refused to just be a figurehead and whose outlook was ahead of her time.


Long Live the Royals

Long Live the Royals 2015


Long Live the Royals follows a fictional British Royal Family—King Rufus and Queen Eleanor and their children Peter, Rosalind, Eddy, and Alex—as they honor the annual Yule Hare Festival. The family must battle having to rule their kingdom while maintaining a normal family at the same time. Meanwhile, the festival continues with the parties and feasts that comprise it.


The Queen

The Queen 2009


The Queen was a 2009 British drama-documentary showing Queen Elizabeth II at different points during her life. Broadcast on Channel 4 over five consecutive nights from 29 November 2009, the Queen was portrayed by a different actress in each episode. The Queen was portrayed by Emilia Fox, Samantha Bond, Susan Jameson, Barbara Flynn and Diana Quick. Katie McGrath played Princess Margaret in the first episode and Lesley Manville played Margaret Thatcher in the third episode. The series was co-funded by the American Broadcasting Company, the network which aired the series in the US. This reunited Emilia Fox and Katie McGrath who had played sisters in BBC One's Merlin.