IP: Izmišljeni prijatelji

IP: Izmišljeni prijatelji 2024


Kaj, če bi bilo vse, kar ste verjeli kot otrok, resnično? Mlado dekle Bea, ki gre skozi težavno obdobje v svojem življenju, pričenja videti izmišljene prijatelje vseh tistih otrok, ki so jih pustili za seboj in so v resničnem življenju že odrasli. Le kaj dekle lahko naredi s to supermočjo?


Fantasy Girlfriend

Fantasy Girlfriend 2015


28-year-old Keisuke has never had a girlfriend but posts about life with his fantasy girlfriend, Haru, on social networks. Then one day, his “ideal girl” Haru appears and she somehow behaves in the way that he fantasises. Keisuke gradually experiences a taste of romance. But is this situation imaginary? Or a reality?