Ključna beseda Cynic
Dangerous Liaisons 1988
Destination Wedding 2018
When in Rome 2010
Kraljevi ribič 1991
Nekdanji radijski voditelj Jack Lucas (Jeff Bridges) se po tragični napaki utaplja v samopomilovanju in razmišlja o samomoru. Odrešitev najde v brezdomcu Parryju (Robin Williams), ki je bil po čudnem naključju žrtev Lucasove napake.
Adams æbler 2005
Divorcing Jack 1998
Vienna 2002
Wives Never Know 1936
Monsoon 1952
Komedija solz 2016
Albert je star moški v invalidskem vozičku, cinik, kolerik, rasist. Živi v Trstu v velikem stanovanju ter v samoti drobcev svojega obsesivnega spomina, v katerem prebivajo njegovi nerazrešeni odnosi z družino, od katere se je že pred leti oddaljil. Njegov stik z realnostjo predstavljata na eni strani Ida, izobražena ženska srednjih let, ki se dvakrat na teden pripelje iz Istre, da mu pospravi, skuha in da ga umije ter na drugi občasno gledanje skozi okno. Tega dne se Albertovo in Idino sobivanje prične z Albertovim tečnarjenjem in se nadaljuje z vse večjim cinizmom in grobimi izpadi. Ida prenaša njegovo obnašanje dostojanstveno in mirno, toda Albertova hudobija se še bolj razbohoti.
15 Storeys High 2002
15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong.
Lead Balloon 2006
Lead Balloon is a British television series produced by Open Mike Productions for BBC Four. The series was created and is co-written by comedian Jack Dee and Pete Sinclair. It stars Dee as Rick Spleen, a cynical and misanthropic comedian whose life is plagued by petty annoyances, disappointments and embarrassments. Raquel Cassidy, Sean Power and Tony Gardner also star. The first series of six episodes was broadcast on BBC Four in 2006, with the first episode achieving the highest ratings for a comedy on the channel. Repeats of the series were run on BBC Two and BBC HD, bringing it to a larger audience. A second series of eight episodes aired on BBC Two in November 2007, and a third series began airing in November 2008. A fourth and final series commenced broadcast on 31 May 2011 on BBC Two and ended on 5 July. Comparisons were made by critics to the successful American comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm, and positive comments were made about Lead Balloon's characters, particularly Magda, the Eastern European housekeeper. The first series was released on DVD in November 2007. The show's theme tune is a cover version of "One Way Road", written by Noel Gallagher and performed by Paul Weller.