Harry Potter in jetnik iz Azkabana

Harry Potter in jetnik iz Azkabana 2004


Harry se veseli, da bo konec poletja začel nov tečaj v Hogwartsu in čim prej zapustil hišo svoje zaničljive tete in strica Dursleya. Kar Harry ne ve, je, da bo moral predčasno in nenadoma zapustiti Privet Drive, potem ko bo svojo teto Marge spremenil v velikanski balon. Nočni avtobus in očaran seveda ga bo odpeljal do gostilne Leaky Cauldron, kjer ga ne čaka nihče drug kot čarovniški minister Cornelius Fudge.


Pirati s Karibov: Na robu sveta

Pirati s Karibov: Na robu sveta 2007


Will in Elizabeth bi rada rešila Jacka, a brez pomoči nekdanjega sovražnika, kapitana Barbosse, ne bo šlo. Toda zviti in izkušeni gusar jima namerava pomagati šele po tem, ko se bosta Will in Elizabeth skupaj z njim spopadla z nevarnim kitajskim piratom Saom Fengom. Lord Beckett se medtem polasti ladje duhov, Letečega Holandca, in njegovega strah zbujajočega kapitana Davyja Jonesa. Ladji zdaj poveljuje admiral Norrington, odločen, da se bo enkrat za vselej znebil piratske zalege.


Shrek Tretji

Shrek Tretji 2007


Mladoporočenca Shreka in princeso Fiono preseneti kraljeva smrt, zaradi katere bi moral Shrek prevzeti vodenje dežele, poleg tega pa mu Fiona sporoči, da bosta dobila otroka.



Dune 1984


Zgodba postavljena v leto 10191 na puščavskem planetu Arrakis. Planet je vir začimb melange, najbolj dragocenega blaga v vesolju. Dve veliki hiši se borita za nadzor. Ko izdajstvo uniči eno od njih, mora sin vojvode izpolniti svojo usodo, da bi se spet prevzel nadzor nad planetom.


Misija: Nemogoče 3

Misija: Nemogoče 3 2006


Tajni agent in operativec vohunske agencije Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se je upokojil, da bi lahko uril mlade agente IMF. Vendar ga nadrejeni prisilijo v akcijo, kjer se bo moral soočiti s svojim najbolj smrtonosnim nasprotnikom dotlej. Sadistični prekupčevalec z orožjem in prodajalec informacij Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) je človek brez vesti in zmožnosti obžalovanja. Hunt zbere svojo ekipo: starega prijatelja Luthra Strickella (Ving Rhames), strokovnjaka za transport Declana (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), agentko za podporo Zhen (Maggie Q) ter novinko pri vohunski službi Lindsey (Keri Russell). Po vsem svetu bodo morali preganjati Daviana in rešiti Huntovo ljubezen Julio (Michelle Monaghan).


Anakonda 2: Lov na krvavo orhidejo

Anakonda 2: Lov na krvavo orhidejo 2004


Zgodba se dogaja globoko v osrčju pragozda, kjer raste zelo redka rdeča orhideja, iz katere bi lahko naredili serum, ki pomlajuje in podaljšuje življenje. Skupina znanstvenikov se šele kasneje zave, da naloga dobiti to rdečo orhidejo, ki marsikomu lahko prinese tudi znaten kupček denarja, ne bo tako lahka. Orhidejo namreč čuva predator - anakonda, ki nikomur ne pusti na svoje ozemlje...


Angleški pacient

Angleški pacient 1996


Angleški pacient, dobitnik devetih Oskarjev, je briljantni unikat ter zadnji delikatni potomec vrste, ki je že zdavnaj izumrla. Zgodba se odvija med drugo svetovno vojno. Medicinska sestra Hana (Binoche) verjame, da je prekleta in da so vsi njeni ljubimci obsojeni na smrt. Zateče se v samostan, kjer pomaga madžarskemu grofu (Fiennes). Skrivnostnega pacienta brez obraza in spomina so rešili beduini iz gorečega letala, zaradi nesreče pa je opečen do nerazpoznavnosti. Njegova edina vez s preteklostjo je knjiga grškega zgodovinarja Herodota. Hana začne pacientu brati iz knjige, ob poslušanju pa se ta začne spominjati dogodkov iz svoje preteklosti in razkrivati svojo identiteto.


Transformerji 3: Temna stran meseca

Transformerji 3: Temna stran meseca 2011


Zlobni Deseptikoni se kljub zadnjemu porazu z novimi okrepitvami vračajo na Zemljo, znova pa je obujen tudi okrutni Megatron, ki si želi neizprosnega maščevanja. Plemeniti Avtoboti in med vojskujoče robotske sile znova ujeti mladenič Sam skušajo pravočasno poiskati pomoč, a edina možnost za dostojen odpor se skriva na temni strani meseca, kjer tiči dolgo varovana in le redkim poznana resnica o nastanku Transformerjev.



War 2019



Zadnja Kristusova skušnjava

Zadnja Kristusova skušnjava 1988


Po romanu Nikosa Kazantzakisa se v svoji drami mojster režije Martin Scorsese poglablja v um in dušo Jezusa Kristusa ter njegovih notranjih bojev, ki jih doživlja, ko odkrije, da je Božji sin. Ob nominirancih Willemu Dafoeju (Kristus) in Harveyju Keitelu (Juda) je za svojo kontroverzno mojstrovino tudi Scorsese prejel nominacijo za oskarja za režijo. Preroški ali bogokleten? To presodite sami, a vendar studio Vanguard Cinema prinaša najbolj kontroverzen film desetletja. Globoko izpovedni in osebni film je režiserju Martinu Scorseseju prinesel nominacijo za najboljšo režijo leta 1988. Willem Dafoe ("Platoon") je Jezus iz Nazareta, ki se bojuje zoper neizbežno usodo. Igrajo tudi Barbara Hershey, Harvey Keitel in David Bowie.



24 2001


Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time. With each week's episode unfolding in real-time, "24" covers a single day in the life of Bauer each season.


The Traitors Canada

The Traitors Canada 2023


Follow a group of contestants – including some familiar faces – who live together as they complete a series of challenges with the goal of earning a cash prize. The catch? Some of the contestants are traitors who will attempt to deceive and manipulate their way to the prize instead of sharing it amongst the group. In this psychological adventure will the traitors be unmasked in time?


The Traitors

The Traitors 2023


America’s most cunning contestants, a mix of famous faces and everyday Americans, play the ultimate murder mystery game. Hosted by Alan Cumming at an ancient castle in Scotland, they will work together on exhilarating missions to build a prize fund worth up to $250,000. But hidden amongst the Faithful contestants are the Traitors, whose goal is to eliminate the Faithful and claim the prize for themselves.


The Traitors

The Traitors 2022


Get them before they get you. 22 strangers, one castle, £120k - Claudia Winkleman hosts the ultimate reality game of trust and treachery. Let the mind games begin.


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 1979


George Smiley, the aging master spy of the Cold War and once heir apparent to Control, is brought back out of retirement to flush out a top level mole within the Circus. Smiley must travel back through his life and murky workings of the Circus to unravel the net spun by his nemesis Karla 'The Sandman' of the KGB and reveal the identity of the mole before he disappears.


The Bastard Executioner

The Bastard Executioner 2015


A blood-soaked, medieval epic that tells the story of Wilkin Brattle, a 14th century warrior, whose life is forever changed when a divine messenger beseeches him to lay down his sword and lead the life of another man: a journeyman executioner. Set in northern Wales during a time rife with rebellion and political upheaval, Wilkin must walk a tight rope between protecting his true identity while also serving a mysterious destiny. Guided by Annora, a mystical healer whose seeming omniscience keeps Wilkin under her sway; manipulated by Milus Corbett, a devious Chamberlain with grand political aspirations; and driven by a deepening connection with the Baroness Lady Love, Wilkin struggles to navigate political, emotional and supernal pitfalls in his quest to understand his greater purpose.


Fading Facades: Love Beyond the Deal

Fading Facades: Love Beyond the Deal 2023


Chu Qingci is a young millionaire who has hidden her identity. After a devastating betrayal by Zhao Jincheng, her husband, Qingci embarks on a new marriage with a stranger, Ji Xingyuan. What begins as a strategy for revenge soon turns into a whirlwind of emotions and true love.


De Verraders Videoland Edition

De Verraders Videoland Edition 2021


From Sunday 5 December, the gate to the country house Havixhorst will crack open for the very first Videoland season of De Verraders. While the sun has long gone down, the traitors move into the mansion. Ready to mutiny, betray and create unparalleled chaos through their conclave. Will it be a quiet night or will the traitors strike mercilessly?


The Traitors: Uncloaked

The Traitors: Uncloaked 2024


Catch up from the castle. The latest banished and murdered have their say with Ed Gamble. How will they react to the betrayals, revelations, mind games and manipulations?