James Bond: Samo za tvoje oči

James Bond: Samo za tvoje oči 1981


V Jonskem morju potone britanska vohunska ladja. Britanska tajna služba najame morskega raziskovalca Timothyja Havelocka, da bi jo našel. Kajti na ladji se nahaja dragocen tovor: mogočni sistem A.T.A.C., ki bo najditelju omogočil nadzor nad jedrskimi podmornicami. Havelocka in njegovo ženo napade Kubanec Hector Gonzales ter ju ubije. Napad preživi le njuna čedna hči Melina (Carole Bouquet), ki je odločena, da bo maščevala smrt svojih staršev. Tako združi moči z Jamesom Bondom, ki mora najprej ugotoviti, kdo je Gonzalesa najel. Sledi ga pripeljejo do grškega poslovneža Kristatosa, nekdanjega nacističnega dvojnega agenta, ki zdaj dela za rusko obveščevalno službo.


Fantje v čolnu

Fantje v čolnu 2023


Zgodba o zmagoslavju moške veslaške ekipe Univerze v Washingtonu, ki je osupnila svet in na olimpijskih igrah v Berlinu leta 1936 osvojila zlato.



Race 2016



Jaz, Tonya

Jaz, Tonya 2017


Tonya Harding, umetniška drsalka, ki se visoko vzpenja na ameriških turnirjih drsanja, zabrede v težave, ko se v njeno življenje vrne nekdanji soprog. Tonya se pripravlja na državno tekmovanje v umetnostnem drsanju. Z nekdanjim soprogom najameta nekoga, da bi zlomil nogo njeni nasprotnici Nancy Kerrigan. Ta poteza Tonyo omadežuje in ji uniči kariero. Allison Janney je za stransko vlogo leta 2018 prejela zlati globus in oskarja.


Drkajva skupaj

Drkajva skupaj 2007


Chazz Michaels je rock zvezda v svetu umetnostnih drsalcev. Njegovo popolno nasprotje je Jimmy MacElroy. Čeprav sta se tekmeca že mnogokrat spopadla, njuno rivalstvo doseže višek na svetovnem prvenstvu. Njune strasti postanejo prevroče, zato se znajdeta pred športno komisijo, ki jima za vedno prepove sodelovanje v kategoriji posameznikov. Tri leta kasneje si Michaels služi kruh v predstavi za otroke, MacElroy pa kot prodajalec čevljev. Potem končno odkrijeta luknjo v pravilniku.


Muriel se poroči

Muriel se poroči 1994


Mlada Muriel Heslop je zguba. Iz meglenega življenja v provincialnem mestecu beži v sončne uspešnice skupine Abba in pisane fantazije o popolni poroki, čeprav še ni bila na nobenem zmenku. Njen optimizem se poruši, ko jo socialno spretnejše prijateljice izločijo iz kroga, rekoč, da jih Muriel sramoti. V stanju žalovanja spozna Rhondo, sotrpinko, ki se prav tako počuti kot izobčenka. Prijateljstvo z Rhondo ji da krila. Muriel si z denarjem, ki ga ukrade staršem, v Sydneyju pod drugim imenom ustvari življenje, o kakršnem je vselej sanjala. A cena tega je, da mora lagati drugim in sebi. Še preden se zave, da je zavila v napačno ulico in mora spremeniti smer, jo zapusti tudi Rhonda. Muriel se spravi k sebi in odide v boj, da bi spet pridobila prijateljico, edinega človeka, ki verjame v njene potenciale.


Ognjene kočije

Ognjene kočije 1981


Ognjene kočije je športna drama, posneta po resničnih dogodkih. Govori o židovskem študentu in škotskem misijonarju, ki na olimpijskih igrah tečeta zaradi povsem drugačnih vzgibov. Prvi teče za slavo in denar, drugi za boga. Glasbo za film je napisal velikan glasbe Vangelis. Film nagrajen z oskarjem za najboljši film ne govori samo o teku, temveč o mladih olimpijcih, ki se pripravljajo na prihajajoče Olimpijske Igre leta 1924. Glavni zvezdi sta Eric Liddell in Harold Abrahams, dva najboljša mlada sprinterja Velike Britanije. Bolj kot film je legendaren tekaški prizor na plaži, ki ga Outside Magazine uvršča med najbolj veličastne.


Japan Sinks: 2020

Japan Sinks: 2020 2020


After catastrophic earthquakes devastate Japan, one family's resolve is tested on a journey of survival through the sinking archipelago.



Medalist 2025


Tsukasa Akeuraji, a frustrated skater, meets Inori Yuitsuka, a girl who yearns to be a figure skater. Motivated by Inori's obsession on the rink, Tsukasa begins coaching Inori. Inori's talent blossoms, and Tsukasa becomes a brilliant mentor. Together they aim to make her a glorious medalist!


Twenty Twelve

Twenty Twelve 2011


A mock-documentary following the challenges - both personal and professional - faced by the team responsible for delivering the biggest show on Earth: the 2012 Olympics. From getting a busload of non-English speaking Brazilians from A to B, who to appoint to run the Cultural Olympiad and what to do when the much-vaunted wind turbines won't turn because there's no wind, it's all in a day's work for the men and women whose job it is to stage the greatest sporting event in the world.


Basketball: A Love Story

Basketball: A Love Story 2018


'Basketball: A Love Story' is a series of 62 interconnected short stories that creates a vibrant mosaic of the game, featuring 165 exclusive interviews. The cast encompasses basketball's most prominent figures and explores the complex nature of love as it relates to the game.


The Games

The Games 1998


The Games was an Australian mockumentary television series about the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. The series was originally broadcast on the ABC and had two seasons of 13 episodes each, the first in 1998 and the second in 2000. 'The Games' starred satirists John Clarke and Bryan Dawe along with Australian comedian Gina Riley and actor Nicholas Bell. It was written by John Clarke and Ross Stevenson. The series centred on the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and satirised corruption and cronyism in the Olympic movement, bureaucratic ineptness in the New South Wales public service, and unethical behaviour within politics and the media. An unusual feature of the show was that the characters shared the same name as the actors who played them, to enhance the illusion of a documentary on the Sydney Games.


Court of Gold

Court of Gold 2025


Go behind the scenes with the top medal contenders in men's basketball as they battle for gold and glory at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.



了不起的冬天 2022


Why are the Olympic Games divided into winter and summer? The fastest runner and the fastest skater, who is faster? As the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, the 10-episode documentary "The Great Winter" produced by the Central Radio and Television Film and Television Documentary Center will be broadcast on CCTV-9 from February 1st. An interesting and scientific documentary about the popular science of the Winter Olympics, focusing on the relevant knowledge of the various events of the Winter Olympic Games and the highlights of the construction of the Beijing Winter Olympics venue, using the interesting method of "animation + popular science expert explanation", multi-angle and in-depth Showcasing the unique charm of the Winter Olympics.



GOLD 2010


Yuri Saotome is a charismatic beautician who runs a major sports gym and aesthetic salon. Her older brother died in an accident just before his opportunity to achieve a gold medal at the Olympics, so she chose to marry a wrestling gold medalist. After giving birth to four children, she and her husband broke off their marriage, leaving Yuri to raise the kids by herself. With their excellent genes, three of them have been raised as possible candidates for the next Olympic games.


Simone Biles Rising

Simone Biles Rising 2024


Follow gymnast Simone Biles as she balances her personal life, mental health journey and training ahead of a highly anticipated return to the Olympics Games of Paris 2024.


The First Olympics: Athens 1896

The First Olympics: Athens 1896 1984


This two part mini-series shows the trials and tribulations all the participants endured to be a part of the very first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. It focuses on the individuals from the many countries around the world that joined together to lay the foundation of the modern Summer Olympic Games.



Tornado 1993


Tornado is a Swedish tv-show produced by the comedy group Galenskaparna and After Shave. It was aired on Swedish Television (SVT) between 11th of september and 13th of november 1993.


Olympic Highlights with Kevin Hart & Kenan Thompson

Olympic Highlights with Kevin Hart & Kenan Thompson 2024


Comedians Kevin Hart and Kenan Thompson bring their signature hilarious insights to recap the 2024 Olympics' best and most unexpected moments throughout the Games. Hart and Thompson serve as one-of-a-kind guides through the Paris Olympics, covering a mix of Olympic-themed in-studio competitions, conversations, and interviews.


Kjør meg til OL

Kjør meg til OL 2017


Without a driver's license, Magnus Devold and his car will travel from Norway to South Korea to reach the opening of the Pyeongchang Olympics in this new program; "Drive me to the Olympics". The 20,000 kilometer long drive becomes a travel program out of the ordinary. To complete the journey, Magnus is dependent on driver assistance from casual people on the road. But with arbitrary people behind the wheel it's not easy to plan all the details. Is Magnus able to persuade enough random people to transport him to Pyeongchang on time?


Team Ingebrigtsen

Team Ingebrigtsen 2016


The show follows the Ingebrigtsen family, with three brothers, Henrik, Filip, and Jakob, running in international competitions, and their father is their trainer.


Zoo Olympics

Zoo Olympics 1992


Drawn by French animator Picha, here are 26 episodes of the hilarious animal Olympics antics. These are parodies of Olympic events, based vaguely on behaviours in the animal kingdom, such as egg laying and rolling (chickens), slop slurping (pigs) and kangaroo boxing.


Michael Phelps: Medals, Memories & More

Michael Phelps: Medals, Memories & More 2021


The three-part documentary series features Phelps looking back at each race of his Olympic career with NBC Sports swimming commentators Dan Hicks and Rowdy Gaines.