Angel je padel 2019
Po zahrbtnem napadu je agent tajne službe Mike Banning obtožen poskusa atentata na predsednika Trumbulla. Banning, ki ga preganjajo lastni sodelavci in FBI, začne tekmo s časom, da bi opral svoje ime.
Po zahrbtnem napadu je agent tajne službe Mike Banning obtožen poskusa atentata na predsednika Trumbulla. Banning, ki ga preganjajo lastni sodelavci in FBI, začne tekmo s časom, da bi opral svoje ime.
Lucy je egoistična, megalomanska izvršna direktorica podjetja Incredible Edibles, največjega ameriškega proizvajalca užitnega jedilnega pribora. V svoji neskončni modrosti sklene odpeljati svoje podrejene na povezovalni službeni oddih na jamarjenje v Novi Mehiki, vključno s svojima nezadovoljnima asistentoma Freddijem in Jess. Potem, ko jih podzemni plaz odreže od zunanjega sveta, jih niti njihov že tako nekoristni vodič Brandon ne more rešiti. Ujeti pod zemljo morajo razočarani individualisti premišljeno združiti moči, da bi preživeli. Med seksualno napetostjo, presenetljivimi poslovnimi razkritji in občasnim ljudožerstvom se Freddie in Jess končno izkopljeta iz sence svoje šefinje Lucy.
Port Protection is home to the few who have left behind normal society and chosen a different life in a remote Alaskan community, where survival of the individuals and community cannot sustain without the other. The stakes are high. The land is rugged and unforgiving and the seas which surround Port Protection are cold and merciless. With risk comes a reward more profound than mere survival: a world of beauty and freedom with the security of community and without the constraints of bureaucracy. In Port Protection there are no clear roads to survival, inhabitants must carve one themselves.
Doomsday Preppers is an American reality television series that airs on the National Geographic Channel. Dräger Equipment, Wise Food Storage Company and the United States Gold Bureau are sponsors of the show.
In each episode, two different world class chefs are dropped into the wilderness where they’ll embark on a grueling and unprecedented mission – survive and forage enough wild ingredients to create a restaurant worthy, five-star meal.