Eksodus: Bogovi in kralji

Eksodus: Bogovi in kralji 2014


S pomočjo najnovejših vizualnih učinkov oživljena zgodba o kljubovalnem vodji Mojzesu. Ta se postavi po robu egipčanskemu faraonu Ramzesu in pri tem požene 600 tisoč sužnjev na mogočno popotovanje in pobeg iz Egipta, ki ga pestijo smrtonosne nadloge. Zaplet, obsežnost in pustolovski duh zgodbe ter živopisni liki bodo poskrbeli za prvovrsten filmski dogodek. Beg iz Egipta je izvirna in junaška saga, hkrati pa mogočna in osebna zgodba, polna čustvenosti, rivalstva in izdaj, zaokrožena z neusahljivim iskanjem svobode.


Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire

Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire 2022


Around 5000 years ago, one of the largest and most powerful empires in history emerged on the Nile – Ancient Egypt. This mysterious era continues to fascinate us. In eight episodes, this series shows the unique achievements of the ancient Egyptians in government, culture, and society. International scientists and researchers decode the facets of this advanced civilisation. The first territorial state in history was founded more than 3000 years ago – making it older than any nation in existence today. Crises keep dividing the region and causing chaos, and it is these phases that the people on the Nile fear the most. They know that only order and stability can lead to prosperity. Egyptians are given a sense of identity and unity by their diverse cultures.