Zelena milja

Zelena milja 1999


Pripoved z nadnaravnimi elementi je postavljena v državno kaznilnico Cold Mountain, kjer na smrtno obsodbo čaka prijazni velikan John Coffey, ki je obdarjen s skrivnostno močjo. Ko glavni jetniški stražar, Paul Edgecomb, pobližje spozna Coffeyja, se začne na vse kriplje boriti proti njegovi usmrtitvi.


King Kong

King Kong 2005


Zgodnja trideseta leta prejšnjega stoletja. Carl Denham je drzni filmski ustvarjalec, ki se odloči, da bo svoj novi projekt posnel v nevarni džungli na samotnem otoku. Ko glavna igralka zapusti projekt, se Denham odloči, da bo s seboj vzel lepo plavolasko Ann Darrow. Ta se na ladji zaljubi v zadržanega pisca Jacka Driscolla, ki naj bi za Denhama napisal najnovejšo pustolovščino. Ko pisana druščina končno prispe na otok, jih tam pričakajo sovražno nastrojeni domačini, toda Denham in ostali ne vedo, da jih v neznanem in nevarnem okolju čaka še večja nevarnost. Gorila velikanka po imenu Kong.


Bilo je nekoč v Ameriki

Bilo je nekoč v Ameriki 1984


Bivši gangster Noodles se konec 60. let prejšnjega stoletja po 35 letih vrne v New York, v svoje nekdanje revirje jugovzhodnega Manhattna. Osiveli starec, ki ga je povozil čas, se z grenko nostalgijo spominja časov odraščanja na umazanih ulicah, bliskovitega vzpona v judovski mafiji, ki je cvetela v času prohibicije, in prijateljevanja s temperamentnim Maximilianom.


Lov za izgubljenim zakladom

Lov za izgubljenim zakladom 1981


Zgodba se dogaja okoli leta 1935. Ameriška vlada Jonesa obvesti, da so nacisti odkrili nahajališče skrinje zaveze, v kateri naj bi bilo zapečatenih deset božjih zapovedi. Indyjeva naloga je, da zgodovinski artefakt, ki naj bi imel čudežno moč, najde pred Nemci. Misija ga popelje na nevarno pot, polno razburljivih dogodivščin, na kateri ga spremlja nekdanja ljubezen Marion.


Grand Budapest Hotel

Grand Budapest Hotel 2014


V spreminjajočem se svetu med obema vojnama pripoved spremlja prigode g. Gustava, znamenitega oskrbnika slavnega evropskega hotela Grand Budapest, in postreščka Zera, ki postane njegov zaupni prijatelj. V spreminjajočem se svetu med obema vojnama pripoved spremlja prigode g. Gustava, znamenitega oskrbnika slavnega evropskega hotela Grand Budapest, in postreščka Zera Mustafe, ki postane njegov zaupni prijatelj. Zgodba se suka okrog tatvine in iskanja neprecenljive renesančne slike, neusmiljenega boja za družinsko zapuščino, brezupnega pregona z motocikli, vlakov, sani in smuči ter najbolj prisrčne med vsemi ljubezenskimi zgodbami iz nekega pozabljenega časa.


Mumija se vrača

Mumija se vrača 2001


Ko se že drugič zbudi starodavna mumija, novi val groze sproži še močnejša sila, Kralj škorpijon. Rick in Evelyn rešujeta njunega sina in ves svet pred vnovičnim pustošenjem vsemogočnega zla.


Indiana Jones in zadnji križarski pohod

Indiana Jones in zadnji križarski pohod 1989


Neustrašni arheolog Indiana Jones se odpravi na reševanje svojega očeta, strokovnjaka za srednji vek, ki ga nacisti ugrabijo, da bi jim pomagal najti sloviti sveti gral.


Indiana Jones in tempelj smrti

Indiana Jones in tempelj smrti 1984


Indiana Jones v nočnem klubu spozna pevko Willie Scott. Willie z Indyjevo pomočjo komaj ubeži smrti, nato pa ju pot zanese v Indijo, kjer ju čaka velika avantura. Najti morata magični kamen, ki so ga ukradli prebivalcem neke vasice. Obeta se jima vrsta nepozabnih in napetih pustolovščin, borb za življenje in tudi romantičnih trenutkov, čeprav je sprva videti, da se Willie in Indy ne prenašata najbolje.


Smrt na Nilu

Smrt na Nilu 2022


Mlada, bogata in čudovita Linnet Ridgeway ima pravzaprav vse. Tisto, česar nima, vzame! Na primer zaročenca svoje najboljše prijateljice Jackie. Ko se Linnet in njen novi izbranec odpravita na medene tedne s popotovanjem po reki Nil, nič ne more zaščititi Jackie pred njenimi demoni. In nihče, niti slavni detektiv Hercule Poirot, ne more preprečiti zločina iz strasti.


Umor na Orient ekspresu

Umor na Orient ekspresu 2017


Hercule Poirot je na Orient ekspresu, kjer prepozna dobrega prijatelja. Zaradi snega so po dveh nočeh po Istanbulu obtičali na Balkanu. Naslednje jutro najdejo Samuela Edwarda Ratchetta zabodenega (z 12 vbodi z nožem) v njegovem kupeju. Na vlaku je bilo s Poirotom 13 oseb, ki nimajo na videz ničesar skupnega, kar pa se spremeni, ko odkrijejo pravi identiteto umorjenega in večine drugih na vlaku.


Državni sovražniki

Državni sovražniki 2009


Režiser filmov Poslednji Mohikanec in Miami Vice sledi legendarnemu in najbolj razvpitemu ameriškemu bančnemu roparju Johnu Dillingerju, ki je sejal strah in trepet v 30. letih prejšnjega stoletja. Dillinger po številnih odmevnih ropih in begu iz zapora pristane na vrhu seznama državnih sovražnikov, zato se na lov za njim poda ambiciozni agent FBI-ja Melvin Purvis. Pregon pretkanega kriminalca se spremeni v napet in nenadzorovan obračun, a Dillinger je vedno korak pred zasledovalci.



Mank 2020



Magične živali: Dumbledorjeve skrivnosti

Magične živali: Dumbledorjeve skrivnosti 2022


Profesor Albus Dumbledore naloži magizoologu Salamandru Scamandru nalogo, da sestavi in povede neustrašno ekipo čarovnikov, čarovnic in enega pogumnega bunkeljskega peka na nevarno misijo proti številni vojski Grindelwaldovih privržencev.


The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar 2023


Intrigantna pripoved o bogatem hazarderju Henryju, ki pri kartanju priigrani denar porabi v dobrodelne namene. Ko odkrije guruja, ki trdi, da lahko vidi brez uporabe oči, se odloči obvladati to neverjetno veščino, da bi lahko varal pri igrah na srečo.


Eno življenje

Eno življenje 2023


Po resničnih dogodkih. Britanski borzni posrednik Nicholas 'Nicky' Winton v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja obišče Češkoslovaško in izdela načrt za pomoč pri reševanju judovskih otrok pred začetkom 2. svetovne vojne v operaciji, ki je postala znana kot Kindertransport. Tako je rešil več kot 600 otrok.


Towards Zero

Towards Zero 2025


After a scandalous divorce, a tennis star, his ex-wife and a volatile mix of guests converge at a coastal estate. When murder strikes, a troubled detective must unravel the truth.


Agatha Christie's Poirot

Agatha Christie's Poirot 1989


From England to Egypt, accompanied by his elegant and trustworthy sidekicks, the intelligent yet eccentrically-refined Belgian detective Hercule Poirot pits his wits against a collection of first class deceptions.


Perry Mason

Perry Mason 2020


Set in 1932 Los Angeles, the series focuses on the origin story of famed defense lawyer Perry Mason. Living check-to-check as a low-rent private investigator, Mason is haunted by his wartime experiences in France and suffering the effects of a broken marriage. L.A. is booming while the rest of the country recovers from the Great Depression — but a kidnapping gone very wrong leads to Mason exposing a fractured city as he uncovers the truth of the crime.


Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin 2017


Beneath the decadence of 1929 Berlin, lies an underworld city of sin. Police investigator Gereon Rath has been transferred from Cologne to the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties.


Black Narcissus

Black Narcissus 2020


Himalayas, 1934. A remote clifftop palace once known as the ‘House of Women’ holds many dark secrets. When the young nuns of St. Faith attempt to establish a mission there, its haunting mysteries awaken forbidden desires that seem destined to repeat a terrible tragedy. Adaptation of the 1939 novel by Rumer Godden.


And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None 2015


Ten strangers, drawn away from their normal lives to an isolated rock off the Devon coast. But as the mismatched group waits for the arrival of the hosts -- the improbably named Mr. and Mrs. U.N. Owen -- the weather sours and they find themselves cut off from civilization. Very soon, the guests, each struggling with their conscience, will start to die -- one by one, according to the rules of the nursery rhyme 'Ten Little Soldier Boys' -- a rhyme that hangs in every room of the house and ends with the most terrifying words of all: '... and then there were none.


The Untouchables

The Untouchables 1959


Special Agent Eliot Ness and his elite team of incorruptible agents battle organized crime in 1930s Chicago.


The ABC Murders

The ABC Murders 2018


1933. Hercule Poirot, older and greyer, receives letters threatening murder. The sender signs themselves only as “A.B.C.” When he takes the letters to the police looking for help, Hercule finds all his old friends have moved on. But soon there is a murder and the once-great detective must take matters into his own hands.


The Durrells

The Durrells 2016


In 1935, financially strapped widow Louisa Durrell, whose life has fallen apart, decides to move from England, with her four children (three sons, one daughter), to the island of Corfu, Greece. Once there, the family moves into a dilapidated old house that has no electricity and that is crumbling apart. But life on Corfu is cheap, it's an earthly paradise, and the Durrells proceed to forge their new existence, with all its challenges, adventures, and forming relationships.


Sirius the Jaeger

Sirius the Jaeger 2018


Imperial Capital, 1930. A strange group of people carrying musical instrument cases landed on Tokyo station. They are called the "Jaegers", who came to hunt vampires. Amongst them, there stood a young man with striking serenity and unusual aura. His name is Yuliy, a werewolf whose home village was destroyed by vampires. Yuliy and the Jaegers engage in deadly battle over a mysterious holy arc only known as "The Arc of Sirius". What truth awaits them at the end...?


A Young Doctor's Notebook

A Young Doctor's Notebook 2012


A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.



Carnivàle 2003


Carnivàle is an American television series set in the United States during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In tracing the lives of two disparate groups of people, its overarching story depicts the battle between good and evil and the struggle between free will and destiny; the storyline mixes Christian theology with gnosticism and Masonic lore, particularly that of the Knights Templar.


Jeeves and Wooster

Jeeves and Wooster 1990


Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy-drama series adapted by Clive Exton from P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. It aired on the ITV network from 1990 to 1993, starring Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, a young gentleman with a "distinctive blend of airy nonchalance and refined gormlessness", and Stephen Fry as Jeeves, his improbably well-informed and talented valet. Wooster is a bachelor, a minor aristocrat and member of the idle rich. He and his friends, who are mainly members of The Drones Club, are extricated from all manner of societal misadventures by the indispensable valet, Jeeves. The stories are set in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1930s.


The Waltons

The Waltons 1972


The Waltons live their life in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II.



Damnation 2017


Seth Davenport is masquerading as a small town Iowa preacher in the hopes of starting a full-blown insurrection against the status quo, unaware that an industrialist tycoon has hired a professional strikebreaker to stop the uprising by any means necessary. An epic saga of the secret history of the 1930’s American heartland, chronicling the mythic conflict and bloody struggle between big money and the downtrodden, God and greed, charlatans, and prophets.


Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938

Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 2023


A K-fantasy action unfolds as the Nine-tailed fox makes a crash landing in the year 1938, an era of chaos, and he struggles to return to the present.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.



Holocaust 1978


Berlin, Germany, 1935. The day Karl Weiss, a Jewish painter, and Inga Helms, a Christian woman, marry, is the one in which both of them and the entire Weiss family are caught up in the maelstrom of the Nazi regime, the storms of World War II and the horrors of the criminal Final Solution, the Holocaust, the Shoah; while Erik Dorf, an ambitious lawyer, undertakes his fall into hell at the hands of the sinister Reinhard Heydrich.


A Beauty in Troubled Times

A Beauty in Troubled Times 2012


Set in 1930s Shanghai, Zhang Lianxin, a former maid, seeks love and freedom amidst China's war with Japan. She becomes entangled in a dangerous political conspiracy and forms a bond with Chong Yang, as they face numerous challenges together. Lianxin must navigate a complex love triangle while confronting the powerful forces around her, ultimately deciding her fate in a turbulent time.