Elektronski denar: Skrivnost bitcoina

Elektronski denar: Skrivnost bitcoina 2024


Dokumentarec programa HBO se loteva kriptovalut, zlasti izvora bitcoina in identitete njegovega anonimnega ustvarjalca Satoshija Nakamote. Neustrašni filmski ustvarjalec Cullen Hoback se loti ene najtrajnejših in največjih skrivnosti tehnologije in financ: izvor bitcoina in identiteto njegovega anonimnega ustvarjalca Satoshija Nakamote. Več kot desetletje po Satoshijevem izginotju bitcoin ogroža svetovni finančni red, zaradi česar morajo države na novo razmisliti o naravi denarja, saj bi Satoshi lahko postal najbogatejša oseba na svetu. Hoback, ki slovi po razkrivanju skrivnih subkultur in gibanj s pomočjo digitalne forenzike, razišče ključne igralce, odkrije še nikoli videne informacije ter na duhovit način prikaže kaotičen izvor in meteorski vzpon bitcoina.


Tarča številka ena

Tarča številka ena 2020


Nekdanji odvisnik Daniel Léger se z napačnimi ljudmi iz napačnih razlogov zaplete v sumljive posle. Ko grejo njihovi načrti po zlu, Daniela vržejo v tajski zapor in ga obsodijo na 100-letno zaporno kazen. Medtem ko poskuša preživeti za rešetkami v Bangkoku, novica o njegovi obsodbi pritegne pozornost novinarja Victorja Malareka, ki se odloči, da bo razkrinkal pokvarjene policiste pod krinko, odgovorne za Danielovo tragedijo. Film je posnet po resnični zgodbi iz leta 1989.



GAL 2006




Unmasked 2025


In modern-day Seoul, a crack team of investigative journalists fight for their careers after broadcasting a controversial story. With time running out, the team are given an impossible task if they want to save their jobs – solve a twenty-year-old cold case involving a famous actor who disappeared without a trace.



Bodkin 2024


A ragtag crew of podcasters sets out to investigate mysterious disappearances from decades earlier in a charming Irish town with dark, dreadful secrets.


Jonathan Creek

Jonathan Creek 1997


Working from his home in a converted windmill, Jonathan Creek is a magician with a natural ability for solving puzzles. He soon puts this ability to the use of solving impossible crimes and mysterious murders.


People of Earth

People of Earth 2016


Skeptical journalist Ozzie Graham investigates a support group for alien abductees to write about the members' supposed encounters. The more he digs into their oddball claims, the more he realizes there is truth in their stories and possibly even signs that point to his own alien abduction.


Alaska Daily

Alaska Daily 2022


A star journalist moves to Alaska for a fresh start after a career-killing misstep, and finds redemption personally and professionally joining a daily metro newspaper in Anchorage.



Archangel 2005


Fluke Kelso, a dissipated, middle-aged former Oxford historian, who is in Moscow to attend a conference on the newly opened Soviet archives, receives in his hotel a very unexpected visitor.


Dark Minds

Dark Minds 2012


Dark Minds brings together the sharp criminal minds of author and investigative journalist M. William Phelps and pre-eminent criminal profiler John Kelly to reopen unsolved homicides thought to be the work of serial killers. They are assisted in their efforts by a source known only to viewers as "13," a convict serving multiple life terms for a series of murders, who presents his theories about potential motivations behind these chilling cold cases based on his own experiences. They bring fresh eyes to unsolved serial killer investigations using the combined instincts of three unique perspectives, with hopes that it will encourage viewers to bring forward new leads.


Òlòtūré: The Journey

Òlòtūré: The Journey 2024


Working undercover as a sex worker in Nigeria, a young journalist out to expose corruption fights for her life as she forges a path to Europe.



Sasquatch 2021


Investigative journalist David Holthouse attempts to solve a bizarre twenty-five year old triple homicide that was said to be the work of a mythical creature.


The Lobby - USA

The Lobby - USA 2018


A four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States. To get unprecedented access to the Israel lobby’s inner workings, undercover reporter “Tony” posed as a pro-Israel volunteer in Washington. The resulting film exposes the efforts of Israel and its lobbyists to spy on, smear and intimidate US citizens who support Palestinian human rights, especially BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. It shows that Israel’s semi-covert black-ops government agency, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, is operating this effort in collusion with an extensive network of US-based organizations.


The Lobby

The Lobby 2017


Al Jazeera Investigations exposes how the Israel lobby influences British politics. A six-month undercover investigation reveals how Israel penetrates different levels of British democracy.