Ključna beseda Crypto Currencies
Elektronski denar: Skrivnost bitcoina 2024
Dokumentarec programa HBO se loteva kriptovalut, zlasti izvora bitcoina in identitete njegovega anonimnega ustvarjalca Satoshija Nakamote. Neustrašni filmski ustvarjalec Cullen Hoback se loti ene najtrajnejših in največjih skrivnosti tehnologije in financ: izvor bitcoina in identiteto njegovega anonimnega ustvarjalca Satoshija Nakamote. Več kot desetletje po Satoshijevem izginotju bitcoin ogroža svetovni finančni red, zaradi česar morajo države na novo razmisliti o naravi denarja, saj bi Satoshi lahko postal najbogatejša oseba na svetu. Hoback, ki slovi po razkrivanju skrivnih subkultur in gibanj s pomočjo digitalne forenzike, razišče ključne igralce, odkrije še nikoli videne informacije ter na duhovit način prikaže kaotičen izvor in meteorski vzpon bitcoina.
Biggest Heist Ever 2024
Bitconned 2024
Crypto 2019
Mladi agent je zadolžen za preiskovanje zapletene mreže korupcije in goljufij v New Yorku.
폭락 2025
Satoshi, začetnik Bitcoina? 2021
3. januarja 2009 je Satoshi Nakamoto lansiral bitcoin, prvo decentralizirano in zanesljivo kriptovaluto. Leta 2011 pa je nenadoma izginil in za njem so izginile vse sledi. Od takrat Satoshi Nakamoto ostaja skrivnost in njegovo identiteto skušajo razvozlati z nenavadnimi teorijami. Vse preiskave, ki naj bi ga identificirale, so bile neuspešne. Kdo je Satoshi Nakamoto? Kako je njegov izum postal tako priljubljen? Kaj nam Bitcoin pove o svetu, v katerem živimo? Dokumentarni film raziskuje bitcoin revolucijo ter skuša odkriti identiteto njenega izumitelja.
Natura 2023
800억 소년 1970
Cold Wallet 2024
Gospel of Ted 2022
Queen of Crypto 2023
The Anarchists 2022
Unfolding over six years, what begins as an impulsive one-off gathering turns into an ever-growing annual event attracting sponsorship from crypto-currency companies and featuring speakers such as Ron Paul and BitCoin investor Roger Ver. And when rule-avoidant freedom activists come together in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, utopian ideology collides with the unpredictability of human nature.
To The Moon 2019
Max and Stacy take you on an exciting journey TO THE MOON in their new series all about bitcoin. They look at the freaks, the geeks, the trolls, the cypherpunks, and all those who got REKT along the way.
Satoshi - The Story of Bitcoin 2021
At the beginning of 2009, in the midst of the financial crisis, "Satoshi Nakamoto" put Bitcoin into circulation. He created the first decentralised and reliable cryptocurrency. In 2011 he disappeared. The Mystery of Satoshi tells the exciting history of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, from the perspective of its mysterious creator.
About all things crypto. With our colleagues at VICE News, we shot all over the world to find out what cryptocurrency is doing to our culture, politics, economies, society, the planet, and physical infrastructure.
Inside the Cryptokingdom 2018
The current hype about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as millions are made and lost make for great headlines, but misses the far more interesting story about the technology that allows them to exist, namely, blockchain. This series dives into the cryptokingdom to understand the technology and why we should all care about how it develops. Just as it's difficult to do anything without the internet today, in 10 years, we might very well be saying the same thing about blockchain.