
Kursk 2018


Film je nastal po knjigi Roberta Moora A tTime to Die, resnični zgodbi o katastrofi, ki je doletela podmornico Kursk. Ruska podmornica K-141 Kursk je bila ponos ruske flote, simbol sposobnosti in moči ruske mornarice. Splavili so jo leta 1994 in to 154 metrov dolgo plovilo na jedrski pogon je svoje delo opravljalo zgolj šest let - dokler ni potonila. V filmu smo priča eni najhujših pomorskih tragedij. V času te tragedije je bilo na krovu 118 mornarjev in častnikov; večina je bila mlajša od 30 let. medtem ko se je posadka borila za življenja, so se njihove družine bojevale s političnimi preprekami in nemogočimi izgledi, da mornarje sploh rešijo.


Lost U-Boats of WWII

Lost U-Boats of WWII 2024


During the second world war, the Nazis looted everything they could get their hands on, including an estimated 600 tons of gold, thousands of pieces of artwork, and millions of priceless artifacts. While some of these items have been found, much of it remains missing. Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos believes some of these stolen riches were loaded into specially modified U-Boats that are currently lying at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. His evidence: two top-secret documents acquired over 40 years of research.