Nasmeh 2

Nasmeh 2 2024


Slavni pevki Skye Riley, ki se pravkar odpravlja na svetovno turnejo, se začnejo dogajati grozljive reči. Pod težo strašnih dogodkov in pritiska, ki ga prinaša slava, se mora Skye spopasti s svojo temačno preteklostjo, da bi življenje zopet vzela v svoje roke, preden se ji povsem podre.


Better Man

Better Man 2024


Izjemno iskrena in intimna zgodba, v kateri spremljamo vzpon Robbie Williamsa od otroštva v mestu Stoke-on-Trent, skozi svetovno slavo v skupini Take That, pa vse do njegove solistične kariere, ki je preobrazila glasbeno industrijo. Zgodba ne prikazuje le njegovega profesionalnega uspeha, temveč se poglobi tudi v temnejše plati njegovega življenja – osebne boje, depresijo, odvisnosti in iskanje notranjega miru.


Črni labod

Črni labod 2010


Mojster psiholoških dram Rekvijem za sanje in Rokoborec se potopi v um ambiciozne baletke Nine, ki si želi v naslednji predstavi zagotoviti glavno vlogo. Toda kmalu spozna, da dvolični direktor baletne hiše od nje pričakuje intimne usluge, težave ji povzroča radoživa konkurentka Lily, doma pa jo dodatno obremenjuje zahtevna mama. Fizični napori in psihološki stres Nino pahne v vrtinec samouničujočega iskanja popolnega baletnega nastopa.



Nasmeh 2022


Potem ko je bila priča bizarnemu in travmatičnemu dogodku, v katerega je bila vpletena njena pacientka, dr. Rose Cotter pričenja doživljati zastrašujoče dogodke, ki jih ne zna pojasniti. Ko pa grozovit strah začne prevladovati njeno življenje, se mora Rose soočiti s svojo zaskrbljujočo preteklostjo, da lahko preživi in pobegne svoji grozljivi novi resničnosti.


Govori z mano

Govori z mano 2022


Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.


Dejanja usmiljenja

Dejanja usmiljenja 2024


Triptih treh zgodb. Prva govori o moškemu brez možnosti izbire, ki poskuša prevzeti nadzor nad svojim življenjem; druga o policistu, ki je prepričan, da je njegova žena, ki je bila pogrešana v nesreči na morju in se je vrnila, pravzaprav druga in nepoznana oseba; tretja pa o ženski, ki je odločena najti točno določeno osebo s posebnimi, nadnaravnimi sposobnostmi, kateri je usojeno, da postane izjemni duhovni vodja.



Saltburn 2023


Ko si prizadeva najti svoje mesto na univerzi v Oxfordu, se študent Oliver Quick znajde povlečen v svet očarljivega in aristokratskega Felixa Cattona, ki ga povabi v Saltburn, obsežno posestvo svoje ekscentrične družine, na poletje, ki ga ne bo nikoli pozabil.


Pyramid Game

Pyramid Game 2024


Every last Thursday of the month at an all-girls high school, the students of Class 2–5 cast their votes in a popularity poll. The results classify them into Grades A, B, C, D, and F. If they fall into Grade F, they become legitimate victims of school violence.


Ginny & Georgia

Ginny & Georgia 2021


Angsty and awkward fifteen year old Ginny Miller often feels more mature than her thirty year old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. After years on the run, Georgia desperately wants to put down roots in picturesque New England and give her family something they've never had... a normal life. But it's not all carpool and Kombucha as Georgia's past threatens her and her family's new way of life... and Georgia will do anything to protect her family.


Wonder Egg Priority

Wonder Egg Priority 2021


Ai, a young girl with shut-in tendencies, who tries not to interact with others. She keeps one of her eyes hidden behind her hair. One day, she happens to stop by a deserted arcade, where she meets "Aka." Spinning the gacha at their urging, she acquires a "Wonder Egg," and from that moment, her fate begins to change...


The Effect

The Effect 2019


Shin, a shy and reserved 1st-year university student, admires from afar his senior Keng. Keng is tall, handsome, smart and owns the heart of many girls on campus. But what others don't see is the pressure to be perfect from his family that weighs on Keng's shoulders. Due to Shin's clumsiness, he becomes acquainted with the handsome senior. As Keng takes a liking to his junior, jealousy from peers makes the cyber world a breeding ground for hate and nasty rumors. The sourness of mental instability crowds Keng's mind, while Shin wants nothing more than to not be noticed. Shin falls a victim not only to strangers online but to Keng as well. For nobody but Shin can overcome the trauma that will be placed upon him. All he needs is for the strangers to listen. Because only then can they understand "the effect" that they have on others.


Lo que callamos las mujeres

Lo que callamos las mujeres 2013


Anthology series that deal with different stories of women, who must endure the abuses and injustices of life.


Project S

Project S 2017


A story about sports and the lives of athletes full of friendship, love, relationships and transcendence in a rich and diverse perspective.