Nasmeh 2

Nasmeh 2 2024


Slavni pevki Skye Riley, ki se pravkar odpravlja na svetovno turnejo, se začnejo dogajati grozljive reči. Pod težo strašnih dogodkov in pritiska, ki ga prinaša slava, se mora Skye spopasti s svojo temačno preteklostjo, da bi življenje zopet vzela v svoje roke, preden se ji povsem podre.


Skrivnostna sled

Skrivnostna sled 2006


Rupert Angier (Jackman) in Alfred Borden (Bale) sta slavna londonska čarovnika, ki poleg izrednih spretnosti, očarljivosti in talenta posedujeta tudi močno tekmovalno žilico. Njuno rivalstvo za zdaj še ni ušlo nadzoru, toda kmalu se vse to spremeni. Nekega dne Alfred izvede osupljivo iluzijo, za katero se zdi, da zanjo ne obstaja nobena logična razlaga. Razjarjeni Rupert je odločen, da bo odkril najgloblje skrivnosti svojega tekmeca. Njun odnos se tako spremeni v goreče sovraštvo, ki ju popolnoma prevzame in slabo vpliva na njuno poklicno ter zasebno življenje.



Nasmeh 2022


Potem ko je bila priča bizarnemu in travmatičnemu dogodku, v katerega je bila vpletena njena pacientka, dr. Rose Cotter pričenja doživljati zastrašujoče dogodke, ki jih ne zna pojasniti. Ko pa grozovit strah začne prevladovati njeno življenje, se mora Rose soočiti s svojo zaskrbljujočo preteklostjo, da lahko preživi in pobegne svoji grozljivi novi resničnosti.


Full Metal Jacket

Full Metal Jacket 1987


V obdobju vietnamske vojne spremljamo izkušnje J.T. Davisa »Jokerja« od rekruta do marinca, novinarja v Vietnamu. Narednik Hartman s svojim krutim pristopom načrtno uničuje samozavest in psiho mladih rekrutov, ter jih tako preoblikuje v marince, kakršne ameriška vojska potrebuje. V drugem delu zgodbe spremljamo Jokerja, ki se vključi v bitko, čeprav je njegova naloga novinarskega značaja.


Govori z mano

Govori z mano 2023


Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.


Sosednja soba

Sosednja soba 2024


Ingrid je uspešna avtorica, ki jo preganja strah pred smrtjo. Ko izve, da je njena prijateljica Martha, nekdanja vojna dopisnica, smrtno bolna, jo obišče, kar znova obudi njuno prijateljstvo. Nekega dne Martha od Ingrid zahteva nekaj, kar ji je najtežje dati in sprejeta odločitev bo vodila do nepozabnih trenutkov in pomembnih življenjskih sklepov.



Megalopolis 2024


V mestu Novi Rim, ki mu grozi propad, se razvname spor med vizionarskim umetnikom Cezarjem Katilino in konservativnim županom Franklynom Cicerom. Prvi sanja o utopični prihodnosti, drugi pa vztraja pri nazadnjaškem statusu quo, ki vzdržuje pohlep, osebne interese in strankarsko vojno. Med njiju je razpeta Julia Cicero, županova hči, katere ljubezen do Cezarja je zamajala njeno lojalnost do očeta.



Igra 1997



Zadnji dobri možje

Zadnji dobri možje 1992


Ni ga seznama najbolj znanih filmskih citatov, ki ne bi vseboval fraze »You can’t handle the truth!«. Film režiserja Roba Reinerja (Stand by Me, Misery, The Bucket List), A Few Good Men, predstavi polkovnika Nathan R. Jessupa (Jack Nicholson), arogantnega poveljnika mornariške baze Guantanamo Bay na Kubi in Daniela Kafeeja (Tom Cruise), mladega samozavestnega odvetnika, ki v finalnem aktu filma polkovnika Jessupa skuša pripraviti do priznanja, da je ta ukazal »rdečo kodo«, ustrahovalni postopek za mlade marince, ki je botroval k smrti enega izmed častnikov. Kljub dramatičnemu zaključku, pa je film A Few Good Men mnogo več kot le verbalni dvoboj med Cruseom in Nicholsonom. Odvetniška drama s pridihom komedije in trilerja, ki je bila prirejena po gledališki igri, predstavi ideje kot so dolžnosti vojakov, naravo konformnosti, preganjanje šibkih in slepo sledenje avtoriteti.


Romeo + Juliet

Romeo + Juliet 1996


V sodobnem pogledu režiserja Baza Luhrmanna na klasično tragedijo Williama Shakespeara sta Montague in Capulettova svoj nenehni spor preselila v soparno predmestje Verona Beach, kjer se Romeo in Julija zaljubita in se na skrivaj poročita. Čeprav je film vizualno sodoben, ostaja bardov dialog.



Blizu 2022


Prijateljstvo med trinajstletnima Léom in Rémijem se znajde na preizkušnji, ko ju zaradi tesnega odnosa začnejo zbadati vrstniki. Medtem ko se Leo lažje uveljavi v novem okolju, je Remi bolj občutljiv in se začne zapirati vase. Do tragedije je lahko samo korak …


Teksaški pokol z motorko

Teksaški pokol z motorko 2003


Med potovanjem iz Teksasa v Mehiko skupina mladih pobere krvavega avtodoma, ki trdi, da je edina preživela pokola, ki se je zgodil noč prej v bližnji hiši. Remake istoimenske klasike Tobea Hooperja (1974).



Saltburn 2023


Ko si prizadeva najti svoje mesto na univerzi v Oxfordu, se študent Oliver Quick znajde povlečen v svet očarljivega in aristokratskega Felixa Cattona, ki ga povabi v Saltburn, obsežno posestvo svoje ekscentrične družine, na poletje, ki ga ne bo nikoli pozabil.


Trije plakati pred mestom

Trije plakati pred mestom 2017


Minilo je že več mesecev, odkar so Mildred Hayes umorili hčerko, a policiji še vedno ni uspelo najti morilca. Jezna mati se zato odloči za drzno potezo: najela bo tri velike reklamne panoje ob cesti, nanje pa bo z velikimi črkami napisala očitajoča sporočila, namenjena šefu lokalne policije Williamu Willoughbyju. Nenavadni primer nepokorščine prevzame nezrel policist Dixon, ki ima za seboj bogato zgodovino rasističnih in nasilnih izpadov. Boj med Mildred in policijskimi silami v Ebbingu se neizogibno stopnjuje do neslutenih razsežnosti.


Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei 2002


A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka’s own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit.


13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why 2017


After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.



Babylon 2019


Zen Seizaki is a prosecutor with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office. While investigating illegal acts by a certain pharmaceutical company, Seizaki stumbles upon a page stained with a mixture of blood, hair and skin, along with the letter "F" scribbled all across the sheet. As he investigates further, the case goes beyond Zen's imagination and becomes vastly complex, challenging his sense of justice and his knowledge of the truth. Digging deeper into the investigation, Zen begins to uncover a concealed plot behind the ongoing mayoral election and ties to many people of interest involved in the election and those closer than he thinks. The case grows more severe and propels Zen into an unforeseen hurricane of corruption and deceit behind the election, the establishment of the Shiniki district, and the mysterious woman associated with it all.


The Bear

The Bear 2022


Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.


Death's Game

Death's Game 2023


At the brink of going to hell, Yee-jae must cycle through twelve separate lives and twelve separate deaths in this reincarnation drama.


Ligaw na Bulaklak

Ligaw na Bulaklak 2008


Ligaw na Bulaklak is an afternoon series of ABS-CBN based on 1957 film Mga Ligaw Na Bulaklak, replacing Prinsesa ng Banyera on May 26, 2008. The Afternoon Soap uses elements from the 1976 film which originally starred Alma Moreno and is also based on the story by Edgardo M Reyes.


Fugitive Boys

Fugitive Boys 2017


Tobio Masubuchi and his friends are ordinary high school students. Due to an incident, their peaceful days are about to change. Tobio’s friends are beaten by students from another high school in their neighborhood. Tobio and his friends scheme to get back the students from the other school. The day they are to carry out their plan, they see the other high school engulfed in flames. Tobio and his friends become suspects.



gen:LOCK 2019


Fifty years in the future, an oppressive authoritarian force threatens to conquer the world. A daring team is recruited to pilot a new form of weaponized neuroscience that powers devastating mecha, but they must be willing to sacrifice everything to save the world.


En thérapie

En thérapie 2021


Paris, autumn 2015. In Philippe Dayan's analysis office, a surgeon in disarray in love, a couple in crisis, a suicidal teenager follow one another day after day. On a November evening, killers enter Paris.


If I Can Love You So

If I Can Love You So 2019


Betrayed by love, world-renowned pianist, Geng Mochi, and popular radio host, Bai Kao’er, meet under the worst of circumstances. Crossing paths at the funerals of their departed spouses, these wounded souls find a rare sort of comfort in each other’s company. Following their hearts to places most unexpected, the once jilted lovers find healing is possible even when it seems impossible. But what fate has brought together, fate can also tear apart. Caught up in a chaotic world of broken hearts, forbidden love, and tragic fates, Geng Mochi and Bai Kaoer must decide if their new-found love is worth fighting for.



Orange 2016


One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Kakeru Naruse. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What's more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


The Mist

The Mist 2017


A small town family is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other.


Mare of Easttown

Mare of Easttown 2021


A detective in a small Pennsylvania town investigates a local murder while trying to keep her life from falling apart.



Another 2012


When Kouichi arrives at his new school, he immediately senses something frightening in the atmosphere of his new class, something that no student wants to talk about and that seems to be related to a mysterious and silent girl.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


After Life

After Life 2019


Tony had a perfect life. But after his wife Lisa suddenly dies, Tony changes. After contemplating taking his own life, he decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes from now on.


Lo que callamos las mujeres

Lo que callamos las mujeres 2013


Anthology series that deal with different stories of women, who must endure the abuses and injustices of life.