Ključna beseda Lyrical
Marie Antoinette 2006
Marley in jaz 2008
Po poroki se novinarja John in Jenny preselita na Florido, a zaradi tekmovalne narave dela pri konkurenčnih časopisih se njun zakon znajde v težavah. Da bi se priučila družinskega življenja, si omislita simpatičnega labradorca, a mladiček zraste v razgrajaško mrcino. Kljub temu John s pomočjo pasjih vragolij najde nov navdih za pisanje, štirinožni prijatelj pa mlademu paru na zabaven način pomaga prebroditi rojstvo otrok in številne druge življenjske preizkušnje, ki jih še čakajo.
This Is It 2009
Mission to Mars 2000
Cinderella 1997
Problemista 2024
Alejandro je ambiciozni oblikovalec igrač iz Salvadorja, ki se trudi uresničiti svoje nenavadne zamisli v New Yorku. Ker se mu izteka delovni vizum, postane delo pomočnika neurejenega izobčenca iz sveta umetnosti njegovo edino upanje, da ostane v državi.
Here 2024
Daughter of the Sun 2023
Chavela 2017
Muito Romântico 2016
Ghost of My Father 2020
TEN`I-III 2024
Mozart's Sister 2024
Gems 2018
Son of the Sunshine 2009
Girls5eva 2021
When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?
Blossoms Shanghai 2023
Set against the backdrop of massive economic growth in the 1990s, the story follows A Bao, a self-made millionaire and his journey from being a young opportunist with a troubled past to accumulating dazzling wealth in the city of Shanghai. It also follows his entanglement with four women who represent the pursuits of his life: adventure, honour, love and innocence.
Harold and the Purple Crayon 2001
Armed with a purple crayon and a powerful imagination, curious toddler Harold draws himself a world of adventure from the comfort of his bed and back again. Based on the books by Crockett Johnson.