
Hitrost 1994


Policist Jack mora rešiti sebe in avtobus, poln potnikov. Ponoreli kriminalec Howard Payne v avtobus nastavi bombo, ki bo eksplodirala, če bo hitrost vozila padla pod 80 kilometrov na uro, če bo kateri od potnikov poskušal izstopiti ali če mu oblasti ne bodo izplačale visoke odkupnine. Policija v boj s Howardom pošlje strokovnjaka za eksplozive Jacka, ki mora potnike in nenazadnje tudi sebe rešiti pred gotovo smrtjo. Jacku je v veliko pomoč voznica avtobusa Annie, s katero poskušata prelisičiti Payna.



Neustavljiv 2010


Režiser napetih trilerjev Top Gun, Deja Vu in Državni sovražnik predstavlja srhljivo zgodbo, osnovano po resnični zgodbi o pobeglem vlaku, polnem strupenih in vnetljivih snovi. Ko nevarni tovor brez nadzora drvi proti velemestu, ga skušata z drugim vlakom ujeti in ustaviti izkušeni železniški inženir Frank ter mladi vlakovodja Will. Toda smrtno nevarna naloga skriva številne nepričakovane pasti, čas do katastrofe pa se neusmiljeno izteka.


Nočni let

Nočni let 2005


Skrivnostni človek na nočnem letu ugrabi mlado upraviteljico. Ta mu mora pomagati pri atentatu na politika, sicer bo dal umoriti njenega očeta.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.



Sisyphus 2020


Ex-cop Zhang Haifeng discovers new clues about his daughter's death while investigating a serial murder case. After a fatal encounter, he wakes up in the past, just before his own death. Using this second chance, he races to unravel a decades-old conspiracy and alter his daughter's fate.


Wulin Heroes

Wulin Heroes 2023


Ye Xi, a kindhearted woman with dreams of becoming a martial arts hero, enters a world full of betrayal and challenges. Despite facing exploitation and setbacks, she remains determined to uphold her belief in good prevailing over evil. With the help of Bai Yue, a skilled doctor, Ye Xi grows stronger, learning the true essence of love and martial arts.



Trace 2020


The major case squad within the public security organization tackles a series of perplexing cases, led by forensic expert Liao Yan and criminal psychology specialist Liang Maiqi. Both are young professionals returning from abroad, leveraging their expertise to solve unusual cases. Through close collaboration with their teammates, they navigate dangerous situations, using their intelligence and bravery to resolve crises and complete missions. Meanwhile, other young officers in the squad also develop friendships and grow personally through their involvement in solving these intriguing mysteries.


American Hostage

American Hostage 1970


A psychological thriller anthology series focusing on a different hostage case every season.