Ključna beseda Former Lovers
Seks v mestu 2 2010
V drugi filmski pripovedi priljubljene televizijske serije Seks v mestu so Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda in Samantha končno našle svoje boljše polovice in vsaka zase živijo srečno življenje. Ko Samantha dobi priložnost odpotovati na luksuzne počitnice, s seboj povabi tudi svoje prijateljice, ki z veseljem sprejmejo povabilo. Turistično letovišče, namenjeno le ženskam, je namreč odlična priložnost, da si malce odpočijejo in se spomnijo na čase, ko so bile še samske in brezskrbne. V vročem Abu Dabiju jih čaka nepozabna puščavska avantura. Sredi orientalskega vzdušja Carrie naleti na svojega bivšega ljubimca.
Vsi stari noži 2022
Ko CIA odkrije, da je eden od njenih agentov sovražnikom razkril podatke, ki so stali življenja več kot 100 ljudi, dobi veteranski operativec Henry Pelham nalogo, da skupaj s svojo nekdanjo ljubico in kolegico Celio Harrison izsledi in eliminira izdajalca.
Horizon Line 2020
Klub zadovoljnih žensk 2018
Zgodba filma se dogaja v Kaliforniji, spremlja pa življenje štirih prijateljic; Diane, ki je po štiridesetih letih zakona nedavno ovdovela, Vivian, ki je poznana po tem, da izbira moške, ki ne zahtevajo obvez in zaobljub, Sharon, ki še vedno ni prebolela ločitve izpred več desetletij in Carol, katere zakon se po petindvajsetih letih maje. Njihova življenja se korenito spremenijo, ko v svojem knjižnem klubu odkrijejo in preberejo razvpito knjižno uspešnico, 50 odtenkov sive. Trilogija 50 odtenkov sicer ni primerna literatura, ki jo imajo navado brati te uspešne in inteligentne dame, vendar pa se njihovo življenje spremeni po tem, ko preberejo slavni razvpiti erotični roman ...
Blue Jay 2016
Lez Bomb 2018
Shockproof 1949
Kiss the Bride 2007
কাপুরুষ 1965
Schwarzer Kies 1961
Ma Belle, My Beauty 2021
My Secret Hotel 2014
This is a romantic mystery drama that will depict a murder and a romance story taking place in a luxury hotel. Nam Sang Hyo is the manager for the wedding department of a hotel. She is a perfectionist with a bright personality. She meets her ex-husband Koo Hae Young as a client at the hotel. Sang Hyo and Hae Young were in love and married 7 years ago, but they divorced less than 100 days later. A murder case in the hotel gets in the way of the wedding and throws the characters into unexpected situations. Meanwhile, Jo Sung Gyum is the management director of the hotel and Sang Hyo’s boss. The murder case that brings about a crisis at the hotel is related with his personal history. He is in a love triangle with Sang Hyo and Eun Joo. Eun Joo works as public relations manager for the hotel. She is ambitious with her work career .
When My Love Blooms 2020
In 1993, Jisu and Jaehyeon, who met for the first time at the protest scene and being a first love to each other. After 26 years, Jisu and Jaehyeon accidently reunite.
Tempting Heart 2024
When Nini gets her hands on what she thinks is a pebble, she decides to keep it and forgets about it. Little did she know it was actually a priceless rough diamond that belongs to a big mafia boss. When she starts being chased by those who are after the diamond, the only person who can protect her is Nakan, the man who broke her heart three years ago. Nakan's case requires a believable decoy, so he and Nini must team up. Their relationship is supposed to end when the case is closed, but Nini has a few tricks to pull.