Operacija Finale 2018
Leta 1960 je ekipa izraelskih tajnih agentov napotena, da najde Adolfa Eichmanna, zloglasnega nacističnega arhitekta holokavsta, ki naj bi bil skrit v Argentini in ga pripeljejo v Izrael, da mu sodijo.
Leta 1960 je ekipa izraelskih tajnih agentov napotena, da najde Adolfa Eichmanna, zloglasnega nacističnega arhitekta holokavsta, ki naj bi bil skrit v Argentini in ga pripeljejo v Izrael, da mu sodijo.
Eva Bruhns is about to get engaged when she is asked to interpret at a trial of SS officers. Her parents and fiancé-to-be try to dissuade her, but she follows her instincts and accepts the job. She soon realizes that she has a more personal connection to the trial than she could have ever imagined.
This ground-breaking series examines the lives of the leading Nazis, in an effort to answer the question, why did it happen? It explores and tries to understand the incredible transformation of educated men into Nazi criminals, by charting the lives of six people who over the course of 20 years descend into moral oblivion.