Umri pokončno 4

Umri pokončno 4 2007


Za konec tedna za praznik 4. julija pride do napada na ranljivo strukturo Združenih držav, zaradi katerega začne ugašati celotna država. Skrivnostna oseba za načrtom je dodelala vse mogoče sodobne vidike... vendar pa v enačbo ni vključila McClana - staromodno analogno muho v digitalnem mazilu.


22 jump street: Mladeniča na faksu

22 jump street: Mladeniča na faksu 2014


Po tem, ko se prebijeta skozi srednjo šolo (dvakrat), policista pod krinko čaka še več izzivov: zaupajo jima posebno nalogo med študenti, da bi v univerzitetnem naselju našla spretnega prekupčevalca z mamili.


Ljubezen na prvo bolezen

Ljubezen na prvo bolezen 2017


Komična ljubezenska drama. Film o pakistanskem komiku Kumailu, ki nekega večera na stendapovskem nastopu spozna podiplomsko študentko Emily. Šlo naj bi za bežno razmerje za eno noč, vendar to preraste v resnejšo zvezo. Zaradi tega se Kumailovo življenje zaplete, saj njegovi starši muslimani pričakujejo, da si bo izbral pakistansko dekle. Ko Emily obleži zaradi skrivnostne bolezni, Kumail spozna njene starše, Beth in Terryja, obenem pa mora zdržati pritisk doma.


Družabni večer

Družabni večer 2018


Skupina prijateljev, ki se redno srečujejo na družabnih večerih, se kar naenkrat znajdejo sredi skrivnostnega umora, ki ga morajo razrešiti.


The Daily Show

The Daily Show 1996


The World's Fakest News Team tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and pop culture.


Will Trent

Will Trent 2023


Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he now has the highest clearance rate.



Daria 1997


After moving to a new town with her stressed-out parents and relentlessly popular little sister, Daria uses her acerbic wit and keen powers of observation to contend with the mind-numbingly ridiculous world of Lawndale High.



Shelley 1979


Shelley is a British sitcom made by Thames Television and originally broadcast on ITV from 12 July 1979 to 12 January 1984 and from 11 October 1988 to 1 September 1992. Starred Hywel Bennett as James Shelley, originally 28 years old and a sardonic, perpetually unemployed anti-establishment 'freelance layabout' with a doctoral degree. In the original run, Belinda Sinclair played Shelley's girlfriend Fran, and Josephine Tewson appeared regularly as his Landlady, Edna Hawkins. The series was created by Peter Tilbury who also wrote the first three series. The scripts for subsequent episodes were by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, Colin Bostock-Smith, David Frith, Bernard McKenna and Barry Pilton. All 71 episodes were produced and directed by Anthony Parker. Series seven was titled on screen The return of Shelley, and was broadcast in 1988. This time round, Shelley is separated from Fran, and lives on his own, doing his best to avoid obtaining gainful employment. The series begins with Shelley returning to the UK from Saudi Arabia, where he had taught English for a few years, only to find that his calls to his old friends are now screened by answer phones and that yuppieness has taken root in his old neighbourhood. The final three series returned to the on-screen title of Shelley.


Herman Enciclopédia

Herman Enciclopédia 1997


Herman encyclopedia is a sketch comedic show with every episode centered on a theme, The host (Herman) and other actors play many characters spoofing Portuguese TV shows, famous Portuguese people and other Portuguese related stuff.